PaterAlf: Negative points first: - GOG, would you please get your alphabetisation right or give us the manual sorting back. It's almost impossible to find certain games when there aren't exact rules about how you handle the game titles (sometimes it's
The game title, the next time it's
game title,
- Please also give us an option to keep the game series together and in order of release. Taking Blackwell games for example the order at the moment is
Blackwell Convergence (part three), Blackwell Deception (part four), Blackwell Epiphany, The (part 5), Blackwell Unbound (part two) and The Blackwell Legacy (part 1) is somewhere else on the shelf (because of
The). How exactly does that make sense???
- About the pagination: I hate it!!! I can understand that it is nice for some people with large collections and slow or unstable internet connection or with old computers. But please give us a choice. When you said that the default setting will be 100 games per page, I didn't think that it will be the only setting available.
- Tags for movies and games shouldn't be the same ones. A tag like "feature film" or "documentary" makes a lot of sense for the movie section, but is useless for the games. Please give us different sets of tags for each section.
- I want the original cover arts and boxes for the games back. The store graphics might look nice, but the boxes gave you the feeling of a real collection (and not of browsing a store). Besides that the original cover art is part of the history of the games and should be there.
- Old PMs are missing. I really hope you wiull import them to the new section (like you aid you would).
Some positive points: - Shared wishlists are great (especially for big sales)!
- Order history is a very helpful feature (especially when you have to deal with support) and the possibility to search for unredeemed gift codes is great!
- The possibility to tag games is nice (but it doesn't compensate for the loss of manual sorting)

deonast: I do like some of your points there. I have 10 pages of games so far. At least you can manually type in the page (for instance I'm going backwards oldest to newest purchase looking for updated games). I have too many new games I've not downloaded yet so started off easy :) But ability to select all one page and just load it would be nice. I guess GOG are trying to reduce load.
you said the magic word:
I guess GOG are trying to reduce load.
if you browse the forum theres a lot of talk and sometimes they complain a lot of GOG beiing slow, seeing the bear 90% of all times and during promos like double insomnia the gogbear was almost performing permanent on the screen because of the load. (i am used to slow(er) sites so i dont really mind if a site is a bit slow, most of the sites i visit daily are even slower the GOG at full load so i am used to slow sites.
But because the lot complained about the slowness of GOG website ,they decided to do something about it, and now they did, theres quite some remarks on it beiing not that good.
So if they get upset they have the right to do so.
The probable cause being the graphics (or script or other things), but usually they always blame it on graphics.
so going the way of a flatter design with minimum externally loaded graphics and using only build in shapes /boxes from html 5 itself or something like that.
Graphics are heavy and maybe our good old beloved GOG shelf was getting to heavvy over time.
Ofcourse without the shelf where it all started with, we will soon be looking like all the other minimal designs that are all over the internet cause less is more and better to have less then an abundance.
The rise of using internet via a mobile has led to the flat by design race,
the race to perform wonderfull on mobile cause mobile can go well mobile,
you be internetting everywhere, on the plane, in the air on a parachute, on the toilet while you leave a message there, you leave mesaages on the forums aswell, all at the same time ,
and maybe if mobiles are waterproof and proof to steam in the bathroom, people will be using internet while lying in the bath or showering.
So the web designers are
not to blame for the flat ugly designs, the ones that decided that mobilphones should be able to use internet (dont forget the ever growing amount of sizes of tablets) making it possible to use the internet at any time any place anywhere.