P1na: Leaving aside all those Belgium matters coming out of nowhere, and having to look up "corbyned" (misrepresent? Misrepresent what?), the point of necroposting is that barring any new information, if nobody had anything to say (and by nobody it includes the necroposter) for months the discussion is over and replying to it is rude. Nothing to do with duplication or censoring people.
Substance over form.
One of the seven IAS good accounting principles; in case you might be bit of a petty accountant. ;-)
And I rather love accountants - because the ones I know are great, really! And besides substance over form - there is the going concern; and materiality principle...
If you dislike me loving all my friends alike - and my bro maybe even better - just state yer substance.
Form hardly matters. Substance, eh?