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I hope the Xenus series gets more attention following the digital re-release of Boiling Point.

Big fan of those games, but yea they're almost impenetrable for most users these days.

I have not tried modding them. The Far Cry series is what I was most comfortable with.

If you find some sort of noclip/fly function that works, please let me know.

I've gone through all the dev commands multiple times and never found something like that. You can teleport to different map points, but it's not the same.
Post edited November 10, 2023 by BigTinz
BigTinz: I hope the Xenus series gets more attention following the digital re-release of Boiling Point.

Big fan of those games, but yea they're almost impenetrable for most users these days.

I have not tried modding them. The Far Cry series is what I was most comfortable with.

If you find some sort of noclip/fly function that works, please let me know.

I've gone through all the dev commands multiple times and never found something like that. You can teleport to different map points, but it's not the same.

Oh my god, this is too great, I feel like I'm dreaming. Just last year I discovered & played for the first time what I consider to be the most criminally underrated PC exclusive of the 2000s (along with Devastation RBR), and now a little more than a year later my wish has been granted: it is coming to GOG and Steam. Man, what a great coincidence. This is incredible!

I couldn't care less for vanilla Xenus 2, but at least now we're getting Boiling Point. Haven't played The Precursors, heard good things about it, though. I'm not a fan of the space sim genre, but I might try it eventually. But who cares about that game, we're getting BOILING POINT! Oh boy, am I hyped to hell (no pun intended).

About Far Cry 2, I found a list of console commands on Game

Scroll down to the "cheat codes" section and you'll find them. Listed among them is the "no clip" command, activated by pressing F4.

Apparently these console commands will only work if Devmode has been enabled, just like how console commands work in Crytek's Far Cry and Crysis. I haven't tried them myself, since I haven't tried running FC 2 in devmode yet, but given my experience with using devmode in Far Cry, I should give it a try sometime and see if this is legit or if this is just a farcical article about the game. I've been fooled by other articles of cheat codes on the internet, so you never know. Not sure when I'll get around to it, though.
Those keyboard shortcuts are actually for Far Cry 1. They are misattributed to FC2 in many places online.
BigTinz: Those keyboard shortcuts are actually for Far Cry 1. They are misattributed to FC2 in many places online.
Darn. I thought they seemed eerily similar to FC 1's console commands (which I have used), and it turns out I was unfortunately right. I was hoping that wasn't the case, but it was. Drat.

I remember being so disappointed when I learned that Far Cry 2 didn't have console commands, until I read some of these cheating articles. This list was small, but I didn't care, "At least it has them!" I thought to myself. But now after the realization that this list is a fluke, I am back to being sad again.

Ubisoft Montreal REALLY should have made Far Cry 2 a PC exclusive so they could have implemented all the bonus details other high-end first person PC exclusives from the mid-to-late 2000s such as Crysis, Oblivion, and Stalker had like console commands and/or a level editor. Oblivion was a multiplatform title and it had the most extensive list of console commands I have literally ever seen in any video game ever. Oblivion and Skyrim deserve an industry award for possessing the most comprehensive in-game console of any PC game ever. Just about everything in those games can be modded through the game via the console. For that reason there's really not much need for most fan mods (unless they're total overhauls/conversions) since you can just mod the game yourself through the game's console; there's a code for changing just about everything you can imagine. This is one of the reasons why I worship Todd Howard's approach to game design: he perfected the implementation of console commands to the point of mastery. Granted, there is some stuff you can only change with the level editors, but still, it just goes to show how impressive a difference a game's console can make on the long-term experience.

Anyway, I guess I'll just have to keep scouring the web for any significant list of FC2 commands. By this point, if what you're saying is true (I have a feeling it is), I doubt I'll ever find any, because Ubisoft probably never included any in the game.
FC2 has a TON of console commands.

type devmodeon into the console and check it out. I haven't found a fly/noclip, but there a lot of other stuff to play with. Hit tab to move through the list.

I agree about it at least being a PC first game. The suits at Ubi should never have forced 11th hour console parity. It really kneecapped the possibilities.
Post edited November 17, 2023 by BigTinz
BigTinz: FC2 has a TON of console commands.

type devmodeon into the console and check it out. I haven't found a fly/noclip, but there a lot of other stuff to play with. Hit tab to move through the list.

I agree about it at least being a PC first game. The suits at Ubi should never have forced 11th hour console parity. It really kneecapped the possibilities.
Oooo, I'm gonna have to check this out. Did not know. Thanks for the heads up.

But if that's true, then how come none of the cheat articles that I hit up like Game had the actual list of Far Cry 2 console commands? I don't understand why someone hasn't posted a full list of FC2's console commands onto the internet yet. I just glanced at a few more cheat articles and didn't find anything.
Maybe they don't know about them. They're hidden behind a console command that appears to do nothing.

There's also no good way that I have found to list them all at once. You need to manually cycle through to browse and it's a bit tedious.
BigTinz: Maybe they don't know about them. They're hidden behind a console command that appears to do nothing.

There's also no good way that I have found to list them all at once. You need to manually cycle through to browse and it's a bit tedious.
TBH there weren't as many commands as I was expecting, only about three dozen, all of which appeared to be dedicated to altering the graphics and decals in-game. Kinda underwhelming, but useful if you want to mix up/manually optimize your graphical settings I suppose.

Do you think it's still possible that there is a no-clip command hidden in the console, along with other commands? It seems that Ubisoft was deliberately vague about the modding potential of Far Cry 2. Unless there's a way to determine with certainty that there are no more commands to be discovered, I'd put my money on the theory that more of them exist. I wish I could get in touch with one of the programmers for FC 2 and ask them myself. It always annoys me when devs don't disclose this kind of information about their games, but I suppose it's within their rights.
Hmm. Did you enable the devmode commands first by typing devmodeon?

There are a ton of commands there that you can browse through with tab.
There are two more shooters that I've played that are similar enough to Far Cry 2 that I thought they'd be worth recommending to fans of the game: Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl and Chrome (2003).

They are both open-ended highly tactical shooters with excessive amounts of resource management, MUCH more excessive that Far Cry 2 in fact, which admittedly is one of the reasons why I don't prefer them over Far Cry 2. For example, they both require you to manually apply medkits, even in the heat of battle; you can't just walk over them like in other shooters. Shadow of Chernobyl is one of the very few shooters I've played aside from Far Cry 2 and Xenus 1&2 that features a weapons jamming/degradation mechanic, where the guns you're using will actively degrade over time, resulting in jams/malfunctions after excessive use. And Chrome features numerous drivable vehicles.

But to far Cry 2's credit, it still has the most detailed weapon jamming system of any FPS I've played, offering unique jamming animations for each of the weapons, unlike Stalker and Xenus 1 or 2. The rate of degradation isn't nearly as realistic as it is in those latter games, but just the fact that it has unique jamming animations for every gun puts it over the top.

Neither Stalker SoC nor Chrome are great games, far from it in fact. I personally rate them both a 6/10 and overall I found them highly inferior to Far Cry 2, for different reasons. In terms of design, Chrome has more in common with Far Cry 1 than with Far Cry 2 but I felt that it was still worth recommending to Far Cry 2 fans because of all the resource management. And Stalker, though more in line with Far Cry 2 in terms of open world design, suffers from a slow interface and a terribly designed inventory, resulting in excessive resource management which really bogs the progression down a lot. I also have to knock SoC for its brevity, having a campaign that's not even half the length of Far Cry 2's. But it makes up for this by having a huge roaster of detailed guns. Like I said, it's a very mixed bag. Stalker is one of those "you either love it or you hate it" kind of games. In fact both of these games are. But then again, Far Cry 2 has been described as being a "love it or hate it" kind of game as well, so all the more reason to recommend Chrome and Stalker to fans of Far Cry 2.