EastwindOrig: I have FC1 on CD (somewhere). Apart from the hassle of digging up the CD, is there any reason why it's better on Gog? Better graphics, or add ons that don't work on the original? Anything like that?
Yes, a BIG reason:
safedisc DRM does NOT work on Windows 10, and most versions of Far Cry use it! To my knowledge, I think there were only one or two regions that didn't use safedisc as the DRM for the physical release of Far Cry, and Mexico wasn't one of them. I live in the US and I learned this the hard way: many years ago, I bought the physical copy of Far Cry, popped the CDs into my Windows 10 machine, and much to my frustration I discovered that it wouldn't run, so I couldn't play it! So, I had to buy the 64-bit version on good old GOG.com, which I have been enjoying ever since. I really wish GOG would add/include the original 32-bit version of Far Cry, as there are a number of interesting differences between the two versions that make the 32-bit version worth checking out among diehard Far Cry fanboys for curiosities' sake.
So, if you try to put your copy of Far Cry into your Windows 10 machine, you won't be able to play it. There is an easy work-around if you have Vista, 7, 8 or 8.1 as your operating system, but I'm guessing that's not the case? Regardless, chances are good that you'll probably have to buy one of the digital versions of Far Cry if you want to play the game again.
And yes, the 64-bit version does look noticeably better when maxed out, with many additional added effects. The only downgrade that I'm aware of is that the water reflections are broken by default on modern operating systems as opposed to playing the 32-bit version on an XP rig.