Posted July 09, 2014
Basically they should make it like Fallout 3 but with a few improvements. I liked Fallout 3 for it had a dark environment making it feel like you needed the weapon which in the previous games you would've said, "That gun is horrible! Leave it behind, I got plenty of ammo and skill!" The whole vehicle idea would be quite nice but complicated in ways since the whole city would be falling apart. But if they had a huge wasteland area like they did in Fallout 3 then it might work. Also the gunplay should be more exciting, in Fallout: New Vegas they had iron sights or some sort of scope for all weapons making it feel home to those first-person shooters. Also I want the game to be tested so that we don't have the same problem like we did when New Vegas first came out...glitches. They were not in every battle but became quite often in some scenarios. So the game should be tested several times before it is released. I want the story to be interesting and exciting. New Vegas has a story which really didn't interest me, I would rather do the fun side missions that fill the game. Also the story shouldn't be about a war that rages on, there should be a war but it shouldn't be intertwined with the main storyline which Skyrim did an example but yet sometimes the war was intertwined with the Dragonborn's destiny. I want a few more enemies than the average Super Mutants in the city as well, and if the map was a bit smaller than Skyrim...that would be all I need.
- Good Story
- Fun Gunplay
- Interesting Story
- Vehicle?
- More enemies
- World that is around the size of Skyrim
I know that making these games aren't simple or easy in anyways, but nobody is rushing Bethesda Software...well I'm not. For if they take their time to make this game, it can be just like Skyrim but post-apocalyptic!
- Good Story
- Fun Gunplay
- Interesting Story
- Vehicle?
- More enemies
- World that is around the size of Skyrim
I know that making these games aren't simple or easy in anyways, but nobody is rushing Bethesda Software...well I'm not. For if they take their time to make this game, it can be just like Skyrim but post-apocalyptic!