brocksmullet99: Thanks Export. 1st pictures of the GoG Fallot folder, as seen through 7-zip. 2nd pictures of the same folder, through explorer.
That's... weird. I've never seen that kind of behavior but I still suspect it's caused by UAC. I suspect that all those files you see using 7-zip are actually physically located in UAC "Virtual store" folder. To verify: Do you see .rar, .zip or other archives when they are located
outside program files folder? Could you check your virtual store folder using windows exlorer (should be something like c:\users\user name\appdata\local\virtualstore\program files\\Fallout) if the files are there (quick way to get appdata part is to go start menu, select run and type %appdata%.
brocksmullet99: Still need to try a few things...should I reinstall Fallout outside program files at this point?
If you could check the above first for future preference I would appreciate it. And I suggest that, in future, you install all your games outside program files folder (c:\games or something, I have d:\ drive exlusivly for games as I tend to install a lot) to avoid having to deal with UAC. O and the patches I pointed out should simply be extracted directly to Fallout folder (don't make subdirectories) and overwrite the existing files.