brocksmullet99: Update: By ,"Not showing up.", I meant that Zip files don't appear to be showing up in my windows explorer, except when I download new Zip files. 7-zip appears to work very well, thank you, tested it on the fallout bible download, but pdf also doesn't show up in the GoG fallout folder. Pdf and zip file icons visible through 7-zip, but not through windows explorer.
Could you post a screenshot of folder with such files. I believe it's file association issue but you saying you can't actually see the files makes it bit confusing (you should be able to see the files but icons should be default used by you system). On 7-zip file association is set by starting 7-zip, going to 'tools', then settings and choosing 'choose all' (the page should list of file extensions starting from '001' with check boxes next to them).
brocksmullet99: Tried extracting TeamX_patch_ENG_1.2wzip, and opening falloutw.exe, said it could not find the master file, asked for cd, failed to installed. Attempted with 'fallup121rc3.7z', said it could not open output files falloutw.exe and a sound/sfx file. Please stick with me, really appreciate the help so far.
They are not installers, just files packed inside archives. You are supposed to exract them to your fallout folder (default is "c:\program files(x86)\\Fallout" I believe)
brocksmullet99: P.S, What's UAC? I miss being robbed... makes fallout "Fallout".
It's Microsoft's brilliant security feature first implemented on Windows Vista that tends to cause more problems that most mallware and viruses out there. See
here for more details of what it is.
Basically it protects your program files folders from modification and requires adminstrator privlidges from programs in order to allow them to make them. There are plenty of problems with this.
For starters every program pre-vista are programmed to behave like they have those privlidges all the time so they come in conflict with it on regular basis. This is reason all pre Vista programs and all games should
ALWAYS (I really can't stress that enough) be installed outside program files folder (use "C:\games" or something).
Second, even with post-vista programs the behaviour is erratic at best and never seems to tell when there's a problem with something. It might stop one installation/patching/modification and not another for no apparent reason and it never tells you it does so or why (heck, I had problem installing Windows live on an Vista machine from Windows Update for gods sake and UAC never prompted anything. It just silently stopped the installation and only way to get it to install was to disable UAC all together. I never re-enebled it and had had 95% less problems than UAC was enabled).
It causes problems with many mods/fan patches and even such simple things like modifying game settings. Again, the behaviour is completely erratic and I've yet to see usefull popup (pretty much it's "do you really want to install this application?' after I start an installation (useless and annoying as I install alot, patch a lot, mod games a lot and modify game files a lot) then it seem to randomly decide wether or not to let program install fully, partially or just say screw you and prvent it from installing.
So basically to ensure that everything works properly you need to install everything outside program files folder and install and run everything with adminstrator privlidges defeating the whole purpose of UAC.
There's plenty of other problems with it but I'm too tired to list all of them but I can safely say that who ever who ever developed this abomindation should be shot, then shot a gain, cremated, their ashes dropped on pool of acid, the pool scooped up and fired to the sun to make extra sure that all traces of their existance are erased.