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Does anyone know how to overcome the game crashing at this point in the game?

The crash seems to be well known on other versions.
FYI this is the Automatron dlc
I had this happen to me several times also. I don't know if will work for you, I ran the game in administrator mode and no more crashes. Also I don't use Gog Galaxy.
Post edited September 07, 2023 by Oldgrizz
Is admin mode a windows mode? Thanks, I will try it without Galaxy.
Mega Man X: Is admin mode a windows mode? Thanks, I will try it without Galaxy.
Just go to the Gog games folder and find Fallout 4. Copy the Fallout 4 launcher and paste it to your desk or lap top.
Post edited September 08, 2023 by Oldgrizz
Tried this but does not prevent the crash. From what i can tell, it happens if you happen to look in the direction of a certain part of inside the mechanist's lair near the entrance where you first use Ada to open up the lair. (At least for me.) It's around where after entering the first zone, you turn left and then left again to see some lockers. The game will crash seconds after looking in this direction. A workaround I've found is to avoid looking in the direction of that locker area. Keep facing the front towards where the decontamination tunnel with the two robot guards are. You can still enter the side side passage to the left just before the tunnel or the security room on the right but do not point yourself in a way that makes the game try to render the locker area behind you. (Eg, I managed to crash the game by sitting down on the chair inside the security room while clicking around for loot around the counter.) Always look away from that locker area and you can get past and the rest of the Mechanist Lair should be fairly stable.

(I still ran into a bug with the mechanist final boss fight where after awhile, the mechanist will stop spawning enemy bots and endlessly spam bombs, mines and tesla lightning. I may have bugged out the game by shooting bots in the manufacturing area as they roll past in the ceiling above me for loot. I had to unlock the side elevator with the three holotapes and avoid the boss battle completely to proceed. :/)

Good luck! Here's hoping the rest of the game works for us.
It ended up working for me by this method:

Start the game without the Galaxy launcher, resume your save at the point you were crashing, get past that point, then after about 10 minutes, I saved, reloaded from that save via my launcher (in order to count metrics) and continued.
Mega Man X: Does anyone know how to overcome the game crashing at this point in the game?
I had the same problem - game crashed every time I was trying to enter "RobCo Sales and Service Center".

Every tip about disabling problematic mod was wrong because I'm playing Fallout 4 without mods (for achievements).

I managed with this problem by lowering graphic settings to "medium" and disabling some other things like anti-aliasing. For this location only. When I finished with mission in Mechanist lair and went back to Commonwealth and then I reverted them to Ultra.

Lowering to "High" didn't helped here. That's why I've set "Medium".
paci2020: Tried this but does not prevent the crash. From what i can tell, it happens if you happen to look in the direction of a certain part of inside the mechanist's lair near the entrance where you first use Ada to open up the lair. (At least for me.) It's around where after entering the first zone, you turn left and then left again to see some lockers. The game will crash seconds after looking in this direction. A workaround I've found is to avoid looking in the direction of that locker area. Keep facing the front towards where the decontamination tunnel with the two robot guards are. You can still enter the side side passage to the left just before the tunnel or the security room on the right but do not point yourself in a way that makes the game try to render the locker area behind you. (Eg, I managed to crash the game by sitting down on the chair inside the security room while clicking around for loot around the counter.) Always look away from that locker area and you can get past and the rest of the Mechanist Lair should be fairly stable.

(I still ran into a bug with the mechanist final boss fight where after awhile, the mechanist will stop spawning enemy bots and endlessly spam bombs, mines and tesla lightning. I may have bugged out the game by shooting bots in the manufacturing area as they roll past in the ceiling above me for loot. I had to unlock the side elevator with the three holotapes and avoid the boss battle completely to proceed. :/)

Good luck! Here's hoping the rest of the game works for us.
Mega Man X: Does anyone know how to overcome the game crashing at this point in the game?
TPR: I had the same problem - game crashed every time I was trying to enter "RobCo Sales and Service Center".

Every tip about disabling problematic mod was wrong because I'm playing Fallout 4 without mods (for achievements).

I managed with this problem by lowering graphic settings to "medium" and disabling some other things like anti-aliasing. For this location only. When I finished with mission in Mechanist lair and went back to Commonwealth and then I reverted them to Ultra.

Lowering to "High" didn't helped here. That's why I've set "Medium".
Thanks. Both of the tips above helped me.

I also noticed that when I took a look at the lockers near the entrance the game would crash. So I tried to get past the zone without looking at them but I was not that lucky enough. So what I did in order to get past this area was to lower all of the game graphical settings to the lowest option possible. After that, what I did was to load the game and get to the lair's entrance without looking at the lockers, getting through the hole in the wall and keep playing through the zone normally.

After getting past the tunnel with the lasers area, I was able to look everywhere without the game crashing although I would recommend quick saving just in case.
Mega Man X: It ended up working for me by this method:

Start the game without the Galaxy launcher, resume your save at the point you were crashing, get past that point, then after about 10 minutes, I saved, reloaded from that save via my launcher (in order to count metrics) and continued.
What you did, was flushing your memory and make more room. Lots of activity going on in that small cell.
Nothing more, then bloated VRAM.

Also disable weapon debris in setup.
Post edited November 15, 2023 by Luficer144
paci2020: Tried this but does not prevent the crash. From what i can tell, it happens if you happen to look in the direction of a certain part of inside the mechanist's lair near the entrance where you first use Ada to open up the lair. (At least for me.) It's around where after entering the first zone, you turn left and then left again to see some lockers. The game will crash seconds after looking in this direction. A workaround I've found is to avoid looking in the direction of that locker area. Keep facing the front towards where the decontamination tunnel with the two robot guards are. You can still enter the side side passage to the left just before the tunnel or the security room on the right but do not point yourself in a way that makes the game try to render the locker area behind you. (Eg, I managed to crash the game by sitting down on the chair inside the security room while clicking around for loot around the counter.) Always look away from that locker area and you can get past and the rest of the Mechanist Lair should be fairly stable.

(I still ran into a bug with the mechanist final boss fight where after awhile, the mechanist will stop spawning enemy bots and endlessly spam bombs, mines and tesla lightning. I may have bugged out the game by shooting bots in the manufacturing area as they roll past in the ceiling above me for loot. I had to unlock the side elevator with the three holotapes and avoid the boss battle completely to proceed. :/)

Good luck! Here's hoping the rest of the game works for us.
TPR: I had the same problem - game crashed every time I was trying to enter "RobCo Sales and Service Center".

Every tip about disabling problematic mod was wrong because I'm playing Fallout 4 without mods (for achievements).

I managed with this problem by lowering graphic settings to "medium" and disabling some other things like anti-aliasing. For this location only. When I finished with mission in Mechanist lair and went back to Commonwealth and then I reverted them to Ultra.

Lowering to "High" didn't helped here. That's why I've set "Medium".
Maschinami: Thanks. Both of the tips above helped me.

I also noticed that when I took a look at the lockers near the entrance the game would crash. So I tried to get past the zone without looking at them but I was not that lucky enough. So what I did in order to get past this area was to lower all of the game graphical settings to the lowest option possible. After that, what I did was to load the game and get to the lair's entrance without looking at the lockers, getting through the hole in the wall and keep playing through the zone normally.

After getting past the tunnel with the lasers area, I was able to look everywhere without the game crashing although I would recommend quick saving just in case.
Oh man... after multiple reinstalling the game with and without mods, you sir, @Maschinami, helped me after what felt like 20 hours searching. Under no circumstances, never ever, not for God's sake, should I look at the lockers on the left, otherwise the game will crash.

please take my virtualy cookie
Post edited April 22, 2024 by dasbaum_ch
Thank you all for having this post!
I've been looking around for so long, and found this.
It is crazy I've been trying to avoid looking into the tunnel when I should've been avoiding the lockers.
The fact that I was able to test out this so consistently is great.
I was able get through the tunnel without lowering the quality, just avoiding the lockers.
As a heads up. In the end of the Mechanist level, you are going to use a terminal. Before doing that, make sure to shoot two cylindrical items above the terminal in order to avoid a bug that makes you get stuck in animation when trying to use the terminal.

Also, as a general stability fix is to turn off "Weapon debris". There is apparently a lot of issue with that option no matter your specs
Wow. This STILL isn't fixed? Was this not beta tested before release? I tried lowering graphics to LOWEST...STILL crashes instantly when looking that direction. I have the lastest drivers and system is less than 4 months old. Amazing a glitch this bad has lasted this long!
Post edited May 23, 2024 by turbohawk
turbohawk: Wow. This STILL isn't fixed? Was this not beta tested before release?
Bethesda seldom fixes anything. I mean day one bug with super slow loading times, is still there.

It's up to the community to fix bugs because Bethesda won't.

I got by this one, by using a mod to overhaul the Mechanist Lair:

The point of this Mod wasn't to fix the bug, but to clean up, but side effect is it fixed the bug.

It worked great, but later in a different game, this mod failed. The Mechanist lair lost all it's walls and was impossible to navigate. Though it's possible changing the load order might fix it.
Post edited May 30, 2024 by PeterScott