OldFatGuy: . It wasn't until I lowered my refresh rate from 144Hz to 60Hz that it ran great,... BUT, that's when I noticed the load times increased significantly. I have no clue why refresh rate and FPS affects load times, but God as my witness that's what I saw. I mean the increase in load times was very significant.
FPS does affect FO4 load time, it's a known day 1 problem. It's so bad, that I don't understand how they got away without fixing it.
Bethesda Games are barely functional bug fests, held together with the hopes, dreams, and work of community members.
I bought FO4 as soon as GoG got it and have been playing a fair bit.
One of the first Mods I installed was "Load Accelerator", to fix the
Horrendous load times. I'm on a 60Hz monitor so running 60 FPS, and load times were ridiculous.
What the Mod does is turn off Vsync during load screens and crank the FPS to 350 FPS, then Loads zoom by, and it drops back to 60 FPS after the load screen.
Note that in Fallout New Vegas. Intel's new GPUs (Card or Integrated) mess up VATS giving 0% to hit even when it should be 95%. I can't imagine how the GPU drivers could change your VATS scores, but leave it to Bethesda to make such weird bugs...