bnf: I'm super annoyed too, enemies with bows just decimate me all the time. They do stupidly insane damage and hit from across the map. Why doesn't the game heavily penalize shooting into melee?
This game is very nice and impressed me quite a bit. So I would like to finish it, but combat is just too frustrating (not only because of archers, mind you).
They DO penalise shooting into melee - as in, if someone shoots into melee then the melee character gets the first hit in, which is usually a massive incentive to not shoot from point-blank - unless the character is stunned of course.
There are a few support abilities that massively reduce hit chances for archers - use those, plus cover, plus shields. I believe the witch (IIRC? One of the character types anyway) has a skill that does this, and it's stupidly powerful.
Naturally, the chance of blocking with a shield depends on the character's shield skill, and IIRC also the shield itself possibly. So make sure to upgrade your stuff whenever you can.
IMO they did mess with the probabilities in Vikings - as in, they made the hit chances massively high, and I think cover is less effective (or there's only one type of cover?). In Conquistadors, only certain classes would be even remotely accurate, and they'd still miss a fair bit - most people carried an arquebus (or similar) but their hit chance would be around 30-45% at point blank (dropping every tile). Also the damage done by bows only increased due to upgrading equipment, and not like in Vikings where it upgrades due to skill (which is IMO a bit lame, unless it's related to strength which it isn't).