hollunder: Glad it's out now :]
I played a little bit and it crashed twice, after about 1 1/2 hours each time. (Arch Linux, AMDGPU).
Is this a known issue? Is there a way to get debug output?
j_mueller_rfg: There is a known issue with AMD GPUs but this usually breaks the game entirely. When running AMD on open source drivers you should use at least MESA 17.2 with LLVM 5. But it is also quite possible that these crashes are not caused by GPU drives, but something else. Can you tell if there heve been any similarities in the in-game situation when the crashes occured (e.g. after jumping to the next sector or the same kind of enemies)?
There is no option available to turn on verbose logging in the release version of the game, because most of it is removed for performance reasons. But for crashes you still might get some useful hints when running the game from terminal.
I'm using mesa 18.0.3 and llvm 6.0.0 at the moment, but this changes all the time (Arch Linux is rolling release). I have not had an issue today with about 4 hours playtime. It could have been that mesa verison, the package received some patches since. I think I was playing at medium graphics settings and have changed to slightly modified low settings since.
I didn't see a similarity in the situations. The first time it happened in a lightning storm, the second time there was nothing going on. There was no terminal output. Crash isn't the right term, it was actually a freeze, but the music kept playing. Since it happened during a twitch stream you can see it on video, right at the end:
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/261618739 If it happens again or I can narrow it down further I'll let you know.