DarrkPhoenix: As to resources, how beneficial exploring to find them is depends on how much you use the resource, and it's actually worth it more for the "common" resources, such as wood or iron (if you don't have them). This is because lacking those common resources can make hiring even basic troops extremely expensive as the game progresses (e.g. 300+ gold for a swordsman, vs 60 if you don't have to buy iron). For the most part, though, exploring is a way for your heroes to find sites (and thus collected gold, gear, and experience) once you've cleared all the previously discovered sites you can handle and don't have any more provinces to conquer (and don't yet want to get into an all-out war).
Actually Swordsmen only cost 45 gold if you have iron. Problem is that the game starts at like 10 gold per Iron almost right off I think (forgot to check). Considering that you need to buy the Forge (1), and Swordsmen School (2) and then buy 3 swordies right off that is a total of 5 Iron you are paying for. Then keep in mind that depending on the amount of other players that price is going up each time someone uses iron. On a 3 player game by the time I bought my 3 guys on turn 2 Iron is now upto 22 gold each so that swordies are now 67 gold each.
Early on I say yes take the time to find Wood, Iron, Mandrake and Horses ASAP. This will let you easily build up income buildings, troops, guards and even equipment cheaper in your stores. Remember that Iron, Wood and Mandrake will appear by 40% in their respective provinces if they appear at all so you really only have to spend around 3-6 turns usually and you can do this in between fights so that your guys heal up a bit.
Iron Mine gives 5+2 Gold per turn. Even without minerals it gives Hills +5 gold.
Sawmill Gives Forests +5 Gold and +2 More with Wood.
Also Stables increases Horse Income by +5 as well as letting you travel a lot faster.
All these become quite expensive without the resources though.