++ Review, Deviate. You called it like you see it. So many here seem unable to take off the rose-colored glasses for a few seconds. TECHNICALLY, the game has aged poorly. THANKFULLY, with a few mods (EDuke and the hi-res mod in particular,) it becomes much more approachable to Duke newbies -- being able to adjust the control scheme to fit the habits of modern PC gamers for instance.
Where the game shines brightest to this day is in its level of interactivity -- a pool table you can play with, a karaoke mic you can embarrass yourself in front of, and many, MANY pixellated b**bies that appeal to everyone's inner-teenage male, just to name a few. Also, the enormity of sci-fi and video game in-jokes hidden in little corners of the game... everywhere. ("That's one DOOMed space marine," "USS Dallas," many more.)
I'd suggest the following to newcomers (and fellow... oldcomers?): Buy the game. Download EDuke to update the available screen resolutions, tweak the controls, and keep Vista from hounding you for an admin password every freaking time you play the game. Play around in each of the four episodes for a few days. (For exploratory purposes, I give you permission to use the god mode code if you get stuck -- type D N K R O Z or D N C O R N H O L I O at any time during a game to turn it on or off. D N C A S H M A N is pretty amusing too, BTW.) Experience what a lot of us did back in '96: sprites, blocky textures, and unforgettably corny one-liners.
Then, in a few weeks download the high-resolution pack, 3-d models, etc., and play through the whole thing in glorious, fan-made polygonal glory. It's still a damn good, tricky, above-average game. Thanks to GOG, and legions of hard-working fans, you CAN have your cake AND eat it. ("You wanna' piece of me? Suck it down!")