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So, a friend and I just tried to play Original Sin together, but the game seems intent on not letting us do it in peace.
In character creation, his UI was all sorts of messy, not letting him pick skills and showing some graphical errors (his shield was floating beside him ).
Once we got past that little hurdle by having me create the characters as we had agreed, once inside the game he was unable to see any interact-able objects (shells on the beach or the corpse near the start of the game). Also his shield was still floating beside him on his screen.
I should point out none of this happens in single player. Could it be a connection issue somehow? We are very far apart.

Pictures below. Alone With friend

We are using some graphical mods, but as I said the bugs didn't happen in single player. My friend is also unable to post on this forum (the button shows "please wait processing" for a while then goes back to "post my message") either through Galaxy or his browser, but that probably doesn't have anything to do with the issues in-game.
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VerGreeneyes: I should point out none of this happens in single player.
So it is fine for your friend if he starts a single player game?

Did he try hosting?

Try verifying local files: in the Galaxy client, select Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition in the left column, then click on the More button, and in the Manage menu select 'Verify / Repair'.

Do you both have the same mods installed? Try disabling or removing the mods, to see if they may be part of the problem.
Sorry about the delay in replying, I've been very busy so we haven't had a lot of chances to try playing together. We both removed all mods and verified our game files, and verification did make some changes for me. However, when my friend tries to host and I try to join, I get a crash while it's on "Loading Character Generation". We're going to try the other way around again now, but I wanted to link you to a crash dump: MediaFire link.

Edit: Same problems as before when I try to host. Is there any logging we could enable that would be of use to you? I'm hoping the crash log tells you something (I consistently get that crash when he hosts).
Post edited October 17, 2016 by VerGreeneyes
Okay so I was the OP/friend before gog decided to not let me post. We've tried the original arrangement with me not hosting and the issues persist; I see graphics where they don't belong (shield floating to the side no interactable objects) and the game won't even let me use skills.
Post edited October 17, 2016 by dnlkiro
dnlkiro: I see graphics where they don't belong (shield floating to the side no interactable objects) and the game won't even let me use skills.
Are you shutting down all non-essential programs (especially anti-virus) before starting the game? Firewalls have caused conflicts (generally on loading screens, though), as have network monitoring and mapping programs.

Are you both using the same version of the game? Check in Galaxy if the game is set to auto-update, or if manual it is the same for both (there were multiple Galaxy updates which kept the same game version number).

Did you try different ways to connect? Lobby / invites or Direct Connection (with ServerID or IP address)? Most likely it is a difference in data, but it can't hurt to check.

VerGreeneyes: Is there any logging we could enable that would be of use to you?
No, not in the released version of the game.
Post edited October 18, 2016 by Raze_Larian
We've been trying Direct Connection, I don't think invites worked for us (possibly related, who knows). I guess we can try the lobby as well. We both have the latest version of the game (" (LANG HOTFIX)"), set to auto-update, and my friend has already tried reinstalling the game once (we've both verified the files as well).
We both tried verifying the game files again, but it didn't change anything. Invites definitely don't work. We receive them, but accepting them does nothing. We tried using the lobby instead and it made no difference with me hosting. With him hosting, joining through the lobby instead of a direct connection got me to the character creation screen, but both characters had 4 skills, and a few seconds later it crashed again (crash dump).

Edit: We tried turning off everything anti-virus or firewall related but it made no difference either.
Post edited October 19, 2016 by VerGreeneyes
VerGreeneyes: both characters had 4 skills, and a few seconds later it crashed again
Have either of you tried playing with anyone else?

Since you were using Direct Connection, anyway, one or both of you could try reverting back to the pre-Galaxy update, and see if that makes a difference.
Raze_Larian: Since you were using Direct Connection, anyway, one or both of you could try reverting back to the pre-Galaxy update, and see if that makes a difference.
How would we go about that? Simply bypass Galaxy and download the game directly from the website?
We rolled back to the pre-Galaxy update through the Galaxy client, but the problems remain (I still crash trying to join him, and he still gets the buggy behavior joining me). We haven't tried playing with other people yet.

Edit: We also tried letting him make the characters. Once he's in-game I *can* join without crashing, but I have the same problems - I can't use skills, and there are no interactable objects.
Post edited October 19, 2016 by VerGreeneyes
VerGreeneyes: We haven't tried playing with other people yet.
I can try it, if we can arrange to be online at the same time.
Raze_Larian: I can try it, if we can arrange to be online at the same time.
I'm online at pretty much all hours and I'm closer timezone-wise.
dnlkiro: I'm online at pretty much all hours
Me too. I'll be AFK for half an hour, or so, and then I'll check again before getting something to eat. Email would probably be the best way to contact me (, since I should get notifications for new mail (auto check every 15 min), but with forums I may be busy and not refresh very often.
Raze_Larian: but with forums I may be busy and not refresh very often.
Same, I've been raiding all evening so I'll drop an email or something :p
Problems turned out to be on my end, and a full reinstall fixed them. Thanks!