IwubCheeze: Hopefully I'm not derailing the topic here but after playing and finishing both Deus Ex and the sequel Invisible War, I'm also interest in playing HR but a little put off, cos I have this feeling that the quality will leans further toward the Invisible War side of things. Deus Ex is a great gamem I was blown away when I first played it last year. Invisible War on the other hand is an okay game but a bad sequel and was severely watered down. Does HR also suffer this problem?
How would the community compare HR to IW?
I would consider HR more of a sequel than IW. I really did not like IW. HR actually has amazing, immersive environments, and it recreates a world very similar to the original. The fact that it is a sandbox helps the atmosphere a lot. Gameplay is still somewhat similar, but it's probably the element of the game that is most changed from Deus Ex. They preserved the mix of stealth and FPS, but there are some modern elements like cover
The augmentations could have been done better. On normal difficulty, you are able to take any approach to any situation without many obstacles. The augmentations just kind of serve to make one path a little easier. However, if you play on the Deus Ex difficulty level (and I recommend you do if you played and enjoyed the original), then the augmentations will help mold your preferred play style. For example, you won't be able to run into a room with a modified gun and blast everyone away, but you will be able to sneak by them with your invis cloak. Or, if you prefer, get dermal armor, buy some weapon mods, and go terminator on a room full of people. A third option would be to hack a nearby security station and switch the turrets and robot targeting to your enemies.
The thing is, every situation in the game has several paths, usually involving either a mix of tech and stealth or a mix of assault and stealth. IMO they do a really good job with this, allowing you to approach every situation dynamically.
They also managed to preserve the dialogue and freedom of choice from the original. Honestly, I think the dialogue in HR was actually significantly better (with Director's Cut). There are many different paths you can take from both dialogue and in-game choices. Remember in Deus Ex when your brother told you to leave while he distracted your pursuers? Remember when you said FUCK THAT SHIT and turned around and killed the pursuers? Then later, your brother was in the game. Remember when you learned the kill word for those two boss battles and blew them up during dialogue? Ok so HR doesn't exactly capture the depth of original as far as choices go, but it certainly has the same feel. There are still consequences to your actions, and you may come to regret certain decisions you made earlier in the game.
On a technical note, the game is also very well optimized, and feels like it was made for PC. With the Director's Cut, there aren't many bugs left. The game has good flow, short loading times, looks nice, and the controls are very well done. Also, a minor thing, the quicksave/quickload is very fast and very useful for some frustrating bits of the game.
So, in conclusion, this game is very worthy of the original, don't let that piece of shit IW throw you off.
HR is great. Well...except the end. Let's not talk about that.