Posted December 10, 2020
Tedthecomando: Lol this is such bull. Game companies wouldn't have embraced streaming so much if this was the case. They see it as free advertising and it works. Get over it. You play it only a few hours after you entitled babies.
TastyMints: Just like gaming companies wouldn't embrace making regurgitated trash over and over again in order to capitalize as much as possible, right? Get a clue buddy, making lots of money quickly is not always indicative of making good decisions. On the contrary, it's a great way to strip mine the quality and value out of whatever you're producing. Nothing has done more damage to videogames as a whole than streamers and e-sports. Console exclusive built games which started out as PC titles that get dumbed down to QTE based games, Puzzle games that get turned into Survival Sims, Horror Puzzle games that get turned into QTE FPS movie games.
And to top it all off the Technology monopoly behind the scenes for development limiting people to specific Hardware because cash injections and proprietary tools hindering all other consumers unless they own GPU-X