MarkoH01: On a sidenote: if you do like achievements but still prefer to play offline, this
list might be useful to you.
Thanks, I had a look at the achievement list for CP77, and with the exception of the various endings, the only one I know I haven't done would be "Gunslinger: Shoot an enemy grenade in midair with a revolver."
It's listed as a Xbox achievement, so I don't know if it's avalable for PC as well (haven't touched a console since the N64 days), but I wouldn't have done this one...because I didn't know that was even possible in this game!
Mobility is king (or queen) in Night City, so by the time I see a grenade warning, I usually have killed whoever threw it before the grenade even lands (slight exaggeration). I've tried shooting at grenades for fun with an Ajax, but nothing seemed to happen.
But goodness, was the list of CP77 PC achievements a dull one - bascially just play the game, and get every single one of them!
If only achivements was a retroactive feature, or stored locally. That way I could link up a game and update my achievements list only when I wanted, close the client and keep on playing offline and keep the spyware like time tracker and whatever else GoG Galaxy does (like ANY game client) blocked.