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high rated
What is the point of advertising this game as having nudity? The only nudity is on the character creation screen and in FPS sex scenes, or in the menu when you unequip clothes. As soon as you leave the menu purple underwear appears. I had a scene where V wakes up in the shower. Wearing underwear. I have the nudity filter off. So I can either assume it’s a bug. Or aggressive unannounced censorship. The “xxx” districts and clubs have fully clothed models dancing on tables etc. Considering the game was lauded as “adult” it’s seems really tame even in comparison to GTA. I mean why even include genital customisation? That function serves no purpose to the realism of the game if it’s confined to a menu screen.
high rated
beggsy81: What is the point of advertising this game as having nudity? The only nudity is on the character creation screen and in FPS sex scenes, or in the menu when you unequip clothes. As soon as you leave the menu purple underwear appears. I had a scene where V wakes up in the shower. Wearing underwear. I have the nudity filter off. So I can either assume it’s a bug. Or aggressive unannounced censorship. The “xxx” districts and clubs have fully clothed models dancing on tables etc. Considering the game was lauded as “adult” it’s seems really tame even in comparison to GTA. I mean why even include genital customisation? That function serves no purpose to the realism of the game if it’s confined to a menu screen.
Considering the state of modern gaming I would say it's unannounced censorship.
Because despite the median age of gamers being in their late 20's to mid 30's gamers are still not treated like adults.
CDPR has yet to respond to the issues with nudity filter being set to allowed nudity but characters still being fully clothed as far as I am aware. I am sure they will have some excuse for it and so will the hardcore cdpr fans making excuses for Cdpr not delivering on their promises.
beggsy81: What is the point of advertising this game as having nudity? The only nudity is on the character creation screen and in FPS sex scenes, or in the menu when you unequip clothes. As soon as you leave the menu purple underwear appears. I had a scene where V wakes up in the shower. Wearing underwear. I have the nudity filter off. So I can either assume it’s a bug. Or aggressive unannounced censorship. The “xxx” districts and clubs have fully clothed models dancing on tables etc. Considering the game was lauded as “adult” it’s seems really tame even in comparison to GTA. I mean why even include genital customisation? That function serves no purpose to the realism of the game if it’s confined to a menu screen.
thepayne78: Considering the state of modern gaming I would say it's unannounced censorship.
Because despite the median age of gamers being in their late 20's to mid 30's gamers are still not treated like adults.
CDPR has yet to respond to the issues with nudity filter being set to allowed nudity but characters still being fully clothed as far as I am aware. I am sure they will have some excuse for it and so will the hardcore cdpr fans making excuses for Cdpr not delivering on their promises.
If this is true it'll hurt their credibility a lot in the future. Nobody wants to be told what they are or aren't allowed to see. Guess the game did go "Woke" behind the scenes. Kinda curious if I could get a refund cause I don't support censorship for the sake of the feeble-minded. I could survive the bugs and all the patching problem but censorship is in my eyes going too far.
I'm thinking it's a bug that'll hopefully get sorted out. At least I hope so. Wouldn't be great if they had the option for genitals and then hardly have them in the game. The dancers being clothed might be a censorship issue due to no option for seeing nudity elsewhere other than your own V, so I don't know about that one.
I'm not even seeing the nudity filter option after 1.04 - not sure if it was there before or not but it's not down at the bottom of gameplay options where it should be.
well if CDPR does not sort this out, rest assured the modding community will. Together with improved models and textures :)
in my usersettings.json file i have these listed under misc:

"name": "CensorNudity",
"type": "bool",
"value": false,
"default_value": false
"name": "CensorRegion",
"type": "name",
"value": "None",
"default_value": "None"

And I got underwear in that cutscene too. I can take off my pants and run around with my penis flopping around without issue.... I've not found a strip club but I did find a girl throwing up with her nipples popping out and public area only hidden behind a red tinted plastic sheet, fully visible... that was interesting.
beggsy81: What is the point of advertising this game as having nudity? The only nudity is on the character creation screen and in FPS sex scenes, or in the menu when you unequip clothes. As soon as you leave the menu purple underwear appears. I had a scene where V wakes up in the shower. Wearing underwear. I have the nudity filter off. So I can either assume it’s a bug. Or aggressive unannounced censorship. The “xxx” districts and clubs have fully clothed models dancing on tables etc. Considering the game was lauded as “adult” it’s seems really tame even in comparison to GTA. I mean why even include genital customisation? That function serves no purpose to the realism of the game if it’s confined to a menu screen.
Yep, just as OP said - nude in inventory screen, but in actual game some filthy auto applied underwear. I am getting tired of this game..
midrand: well if CDPR does not sort this out, rest assured the modding community will. Together with improved models and textures :)
Yup there is always the modding community.
beggsy81: What is the point of advertising this game as having nudity? The only nudity is on the character creation screen and in FPS sex scenes, or in the menu when you unequip clothes. As soon as you leave the menu purple underwear appears. I had a scene where V wakes up in the shower. Wearing underwear. I have the nudity filter off. So I can either assume it’s a bug. Or aggressive unannounced censorship. The “xxx” districts and clubs have fully clothed models dancing on tables etc. Considering the game was lauded as “adult” it’s seems really tame even in comparison to GTA. I mean why even include genital customisation? That function serves no purpose to the realism of the game if it’s confined to a menu screen.
gungrave1337: Yep, just as OP said - nude in inventory screen, but in actual game some filthy auto applied underwear. I am getting tired of this game..
I was talking to a buddy and he mentioned if having full blown nudity would have pushed the game to AO rating, and a game getting an AO rating is death note for a game.
Post edited December 13, 2020 by thepayne78
This makes no sense because the game has full-blown nudity by design, with a filter.

The only rational conclusion is that the filter is activating when not intended.
thepayne78: Considering the state of modern gaming I would say it's unannounced censorship.
Because despite the median age of gamers being in their late 20's to mid 30's gamers are still not treated like adults.
CDPR has yet to respond to the issues with nudity filter being set to allowed nudity but characters still being fully clothed as far as I am aware. I am sure they will have some excuse for it and so will the hardcore cdpr fans making excuses for Cdpr not delivering on their promises.
dgnfly: If this is true it'll hurt their credibility a lot in the future. Nobody wants to be told what they are or aren't allowed to see. Guess the game did go "Woke" behind the scenes. Kinda curious if I could get a refund cause I don't support censorship for the sake of the feeble-minded. I could survive the bugs and all the patching problem but censorship is in my eyes going too far.
I hope it's not true and thankfully I didn't buy the game, because I had a feeling it was going to be a mess when it launched.
CDPR started off billing the game as an open world rpg, where there would be non-fighting classes like businessman or hacker. How your apartment would be fully customizable also how you could pick other jobs besides merc, now a merc is the only thing you can be and so many other things they said it would have that they removed which they justified with various excuses. Also over the past few months every time I saw an article about the game it was referred to as an open world action adventure story.

Personally I preferred the look of that first teaser trailer years ago, with the dark and gritty feel to it. Also back then the premise of the game was, there was the special ops police unit that dealt with people whose cybernetics caused them to go berserk they faked your death and forced you to work for them.

There is no excuse to release a game so buggy regardless if it's an open world game or not. I get it some games will have bugs when they come out, but it use to be studios would try to find and iron out as many bugs as they could and playtest the game over and over again before releasing said game, that way it came out with hardly any bugs.

It kind of feels like CDPR let the success of Witcher franchise and let the hype and the love people have for them a studio go to their heads.

It's clear that Cyberpunk 2077 is going to be a major success despite all the bugs and I try to limit my criticism of cdpr to constructive criticism because I want them to be better.

I will eventually get the game but probably in 6 months to 1 year from now if not longer, when it has been updated several times over and there are plenty of mods for it and all of the DLC has come out and I can get it for $30 or less.
I just went through a scav compound with lots of dead women and they all had bras on which tells me there is a bug or CDPR censored the game. I think it's the latter because there are only two hookers in the entire game you can sleep with and only one is female. Seems it was true they were catering to certain groups and abandoning gamers.
scrubking: I just went through a scav compound with lots of dead women and they all had bras on which tells me there is a bug or CDPR censored the game. I think it's the latter because there are only two hookers in the entire game you can sleep with and only one is female. Seems it was true they were catering to certain groups and abandoning gamers.
How many of the 2 hookers did you want to be female?
scrubking: I just went through a scav compound with lots of dead women and they all had bras on which tells me there is a bug or CDPR censored the game. I think it's the latter because there are only two hookers in the entire game you can sleep with and only one is female. Seems it was true they were catering to certain groups and abandoning gamers.
Pure_Mind_Games: How many of the 2 hookers did you want to be female?
I think you are missing the 2 hookers part rather than how many are females.
Pure_Mind_Games: How many of the 2 hookers did you want to be female?
midrand: I think you are missing the 2 hookers part rather than how many are females.
but why even put 'and only one is female.' if the point is the '2 hookers'