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Thunderbringer: Let me answer your question.
90% probability that there won't be linux version.
99% probability that it will work fine with wine + dxvk.
longusnickus: reqs say WIN10. WIN10 could mean DX12. DX12 does not work on linux
lets hope they use VULKAN
Altough you'll be able to play it under "Linux" however it will have to be in Windows with the WSL
hahahaha <- that's a laugh of frustration and the backstabbing nature of Microsoft
So they're providing an interface to Linux but not GNU/LInux but their version of Linux that only runs on the Windows kernel lmao.
There's a jew word for that but I don't remember what it is, when someone is so sassy, was is chuzpe?

I recently had a conflict with github and got to learn that Microsoft hasn't changed one bit.
They're still the old world dominating evil corporation they always were.
Microsoft, Google and Facebook are the big axis of evil. Meh I don't want to preach, you'll see eventually or not.

Linux was the Gaul trying to be free from Roman occupation.
Torvalds got CoC-Blocked, Stallman (the GNU guy) got PC-minused because he dared speak on a topic in a private email. The 2 big figures of freedom and self determination gotten rid of. Github bought by Microsoft. Google spying for governments and shadow governments. Facebook's evil doesn't have to be discussed.
Good stuff. Nice dystopia we live in. While the fools in their teens and 20s party their life away, maybe get a grip at 30 and are unable to do anything, mental powers weakening , degeneration kicking in from ~40 onward, some being busy with midlife crisis.
And the machine continue running, the rich getting richer, the poor poorer, the middle "class" disappearing.
Governments in bed with the rich, anti little people. Slavery but not officially.
In Germany, when you're that poor that you can't afford to pay the rent and food you have to apply for Hartz4 aka ALG2 aka social security. You HAVE to accept every job or the little they give you will be reduced.
They can forbid you to travel outside of the country. You may only be outside of the country for 3 weeks max and only if they allow it. You have to accept 1€/hour jobs.
That is legal slavery. While right wing parties ran by shadow government intelligence services like AfD gain popularity.
The media, an outlet of disinformation and propaganda.
And that's not even made up or paranoid. That's just the world we live in right now.

Anyhow I digress all that 3rd paragraph onward has little to do with a Linux version.

I use Windows for gaming and Linux for work because I don't trust games from a security perspective.
I open source most of my work but the hairy bits are private ;)

I was afraid for the young generation, growing up with smartphones, being taught to be consumers and I was right.
The number of Linux users has decreased if you want to believe ... what's his name again Lundstrom?.. no, Bryan Lunduke, right right... us old or experienced users need to show the young people that Linux is how you create stuff. But their idols are Youtube Influencers, every 16yr old wants to be an influencer. IMHO Linux and at least C should be the basic stuff that's taught in school and not in a boring way. Holy crap, I was in class some 20 years ago and the class was about C and C++. It was so boooooring. Write down types, theory yada yada. Man I taught myself ASM at 11, I had fun learning it but what the teacher did would completely turn me off. If that was my 1st contact with coding I would never had made it my main job.
Anyhow... blah blah
It's a forum right, we can talk about stuff here :D
longusnickus: reqs say WIN10. WIN10 could mean DX12. DX12 does not work on linux
lets hope they use VULKAN
dluketic: There's a yiddish word for that but I don't remember what it is, when someone is so sassy, was is chuzpe?
you are thinking of "Chutzpah"

longusnickus: reqs say WIN10. WIN10 could mean DX12. DX12 does not work on linux
lets hope they use VULKAN
dluketic: Torvalds got CoC-Blocked, he is still the boss though? he just took some time off in 2018.
Post edited June 18, 2020 by lace_gardenia
(double post, sorry)
Post edited June 18, 2020 by lace_gardenia
Post edited July 16, 2020 by ozuchan
high rated
And just like that, any hopes of Linux support were crushed when they made it DX12 exclusive... This is exactly why i refuse to pre-order games, and why I'm glad I didn't. It will be probably a few years before DX12 is able to be functional enough on Linux to play the game using VKD3D. So I went from gladly paying $60 on day 1, to, I will consider GOTY for $10.
filenotfoundx404: And just like that, any hopes of Linux support were crushed when they made it DX12 exclusive... This is exactly why i refuse to pre-order games, and why I'm glad I didn't. It will be probably a few years before DX12 is able to be functional enough on Linux to play the game using VKD3D. So I went from gladly paying $60 on day 1, to, I will consider GOTY for $10.
DXVK was heavily developed and tested on Witcher 3 (among other titles of course), so even if VKD3D won't handle Cyberpunk 2077 correctly, it's a matter of time till the devs will make it work, given the huge interest of community. Proton and Wine development is so fast paced that it's more than likely that we will be able to play in Linux pretty soon.
Still, there is some hope it will work from the start, it depends on how good is VKD3D project at this moment.
Post edited July 03, 2020 by michaldybczak
I am sorry to hear that CDPR are moving further away from providing native Linux support for their games. Cyberpunk looks great, but as a Linux user, I will at least be waiting to see what the Wine compatibility is like before I buy.

No Tux, no bucks!
Post edited July 05, 2020 by Time4Tea
CodAv: To make the game more portable, you'd need to replace the library with a portable one or rewrite it on your own, which might not be an easy task and not worth the effort, as it's always coming down to a ROI/business value decision: if making the game portable costs $500K (which, for a game project like this, is a rather low estimate), will the additionally sold copies cash in more than that cost? Probably not.
The wishlist request for Cyberpunk on Linux has almost 9000 votes as of now. 9000 x $60 is over half a million dollars, so not insignificant. And, those are only the Linux users who have seen and upvoted the request.

CDPR are making a mistake to not support Linux natively. Gaming on Linux has been growing in recent years and its share of the gaming market will only continue to increase.
It would be possible to play the game given that Proton 5.1.0 will include vkd3d (converting DirectX12 APIs to Vulkan). Given how fast it is maturing, I wouldn't be surprised if the game would be playable on Linux as soon as it launches. Though I do hope we would get a native Linux port eventually.
OmegaInfinityX: It would be possible to play the game given that Proton 5.1.0 will include vkd3d (converting DirectX12 APIs to Vulkan). Given how fast it is maturing, I wouldn't be surprised if the game would be playable on Linux as soon as it launches. Though I do hope we would get a native Linux port eventually.
Looks really good. Death Stranding runs great already with Proton-5.9-GE-5-ST and has Silver Status on Protondb. Let's see how Horizon Zero Dawn plays when the biggest bugs that are currently present have been removed. In both games Dx 12 is used.
TheDyingScotsman: Linux isn't a gaming platform, so no.
Damn it, I didn’t know!
We have seen the compelling statements of Microsoft, which claims that Windows is a workstation !
So Linux is made only to make Internet servers work, to allow work on Windows?
We are lucky that some developers are not yet informed:-)
Luckily there’s still Mac!
Thank you for the information. (please don’t tell all the worlds)

Just for fun
To make Cyberpunk work on Linux?
I have already fired Google from my smartphone, with Linux : (Attachments).
adb shell pm uninstall --user 0

Currently, I’m looking to fired DirectX from Cyberpunk !
I think it’s a good start, for make a native version ;-)
Post edited October 04, 2020 by LinuxFire
There's no DX12 on Windows 7 and windows 7 is supported by official requirements
alexanderros: There's no DX12 on Windows 7 and windows 7 is supported by official requirements
Microsoft finally ports DirectX 12 to Windows 7, but only for certain games.
+1 for linux native! At the very least it could have had proton support from launch. In this day and age of Vulkan API there isn't much technical reason to keep using directx. It's all commercial and political.
CodAv: To make the game more portable, you'd need to replace the library with a portable one or rewrite it on your own, which might not be an easy task and not worth the effort, as it's always coming down to a ROI/business value decision: if making the game portable costs $500K (which, for a game project like this, is a rather low estimate), will the additionally sold copies cash in more than that cost? Probably not.
Time4Tea: The wishlist request for Cyberpunk on Linux has almost 9000 votes as of now. 9000 x $60 is over half a million dollars, so not insignificant. And, those are only the Linux users who have seen and upvoted the request.

CDPR are making a mistake to not support Linux natively. Gaming on Linux has been growing in recent years and its share of the gaming market will only continue to increase.
Unfortunately this is a lie. Gaming on Linux has not been growing, gaming on Proton has been growing. As long as so called "Linux Gamers" are perfectly happy to buy a game that doesn't have a true Linux port just because it runs in wine / proton no one will care about making true Linux ports. The problem really is that too many "Linux Gamers" are buying the windows product, which only makes windows sales look better. 500k in profit is pocket change to these corporations, they need to be HURT for not supporting linux on launch.

I do agree there is no good reason to be using DirectX these days, but microsoft has the money to take freedom away from the consumer. They did after all pay for GPU companies to butcher their OpenGL drivers.