It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
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wayke: That bothered me so much when an issue happened and Techs would reinstall windows on a bunch of machines just to make their day ever so predictable, claiming they fixed the problem only for it to repeat again because of a driver.

Try this version of windows 10
novumZ: Thank you for trying to help but at this point thanks to greedy/unethical micro$oft; I even find "10" repulsive :\
That's the reason I suggested this the spyware and rubbish running on Windows 10 is so excessive now to the point that running a game in Linux under Proton yields a better frame rate.
PatBateman: To anybody with an AMD Card I recommend using the Radeon drivers from october. I've had frequent crashes with the new driver and the november driver and haven't had a single crash since I have used the older driver.

Someone recommended that on another forum and I am happy I stumbled upon this.

I use Win 7 with a Radeon R9 390.

btw I love this game (even with 30 fps and most settings on medium/low)
You handsome devil, it actually stopped the crashes for me!
Would any Techie help me to start playing Cyberpunk on an offline windows 7 computer?
I have gathered two reports:
Error reason: Unhandled exception
Message: The thread attempted to read inaccessible data at 0x0.
File: <Unknown>(0)

Registered crash info file...
InternalVersion: 3.0.3233390 P4CL: 4173226 Stream: //R6.Root/R6.Patch0Hotfix2
Error Reason: Unhandled exception
Message: The thread attempted to read inaccessible data at 0x0.
File: <Unknown>
Line: 0


Thanks So Much in advance.
Post edited January 05, 2021 by novumZ
novumZ: Would any Techie help me to start playing Cyberpunk on an offline windows 7 computer?
I have gathered two reports:
Error reason: Unhandled exception
Message: The thread attempted to read inaccessible data at 0x0.
File: <Unknown>(0)

Registered crash info file...
InternalVersion: 3.0.3233390 P4CL: 4173226 Stream: //R6.Root/R6.Patch0Hotfix2
Error Reason: Unhandled exception
Message: The thread attempted to read inaccessible data at 0x0.
File: <Unknown>
Line: 0


Thanks So Much in advance.
For some reason, Cyberpunk 2077 is trying to read or write memory starting at address number 0. Actually reading or writing to memory address 0 will crash any OS, so OSes with memory protection (every non-experimental OS released since the early 90s has some form of memory protection) will instead kill the process, to protect the system as a whole.

This is a programming error, and is called null pointer dereferencing, a null pointer exception, or a similar term. Good programming practice is to always check any pointer that could possibly be 0x0 to see if it is actually 0x0 before using it, but 2077 has not garnered a reputation for high code quality.

This error is not truly fixable by the end-user, but it might be worked around by installing or removing certain Windows updates, changing driver versions, or maybe even plugging/unplugging input devices like keyboards or gamepads. Since 2077 works for some people, that means that it doesn't like something about your configuration, and there's probably some flaw in the system configuration code path that your particular setup exposes.
novumZ: Would any Techie help me to start playing Cyberpunk on an offline windows 7 computer?
I have gathered two reports:
Error reason: Unhandled exception
Message: The thread attempted to read inaccessible data at 0x0.
File: <Unknown>(0)

Registered crash info file...
InternalVersion: 3.0.3233390 P4CL: 4173226 Stream: //R6.Root/R6.Patch0Hotfix2
Error Reason: Unhandled exception
Message: The thread attempted to read inaccessible data at 0x0.
File: <Unknown>
Line: 0


Thanks So Much in advance.
Ragmand: For some reason, Cyberpunk 2077 is trying to read or write memory starting at address number 0. Actually reading or writing to memory address 0 will crash any OS, so OSes with memory protection (every non-experimental OS released since the early 90s has some form of memory protection) will instead kill the process, to protect the system as a whole.

This is a programming error, and is called null pointer dereferencing, a null pointer exception, or a similar term. Good programming practice is to always check any pointer that could possibly be 0x0 to see if it is actually 0x0 before using it, but 2077 has not garnered a reputation for high code quality.

This error is not truly fixable by the end-user, but it might be worked around by installing or removing certain Windows updates, changing driver versions, or maybe even plugging/unplugging input devices like keyboards or gamepads. Since 2077 works for some people, that means that it doesn't like something about your configuration, and there's probably some flaw in the system configuration code path that your particular setup exposes.
Thank you for the insight a lot!
I will download last two patches I didn't even bothered with before. If it will boot the game it will be nice, if not I will ask for a refund.

At least I can play witcher 3; 90-165 fps with all settings set to the highest on a 12 yo pc except for 1080ti and gsync monitor.
novumZ: I have same exact issue. Something tells me that this game was intended to move more users towards win10.
Ragmand: I don't think that the game being non-functional is an intentional move on CDPR's part to force users to Windows 10. They could have just said they're not supporting it. This honestly just looks like typical games industry technical incompetence.

Game companies have a few major reasons for being terrible at actually making a working, bug-free game Here are a few.

1) Their programmers tend to be low-skilled. Good people cost money, and even if they didn't, good people are hard to keep around in the games industry because the executives aren't shy about making salaried workers work overtime and not paying them extra.

2) Many of their programmers are actually game designers that have been taught how to use a scripting language. There's a big difference between someone who can read the code like a computer would and someone who's taken a class or two on a particular language.

3) Hiring managers at tech companies are infamous for incompetence. You don't have to go far in the software industry to find someone mad at being rejected for not having 5 years of experience in a technology that's only 3 years old. The stereotype of a hiring manager is someone with weak or nonexistent technical skills who hires technically incompetent people who interview well and rejects the actual nerds who have weak people skills but very strong technical skills, and the stereotype is well deserved.

4) Beginner programmers are often giving scripting languages to play with because static languages like C++ or Java won't even run a program if it contains certain fundamental errors in design or implementation. Dynamic languages will start, but all errors are runtime errors and runtime errors are taken less seriously than compilation errors. It "works", in the sense that it creates a program that will start, even if it's unbelievably buggy and often crashes.

5) The tools themselves are often flawed. For a mature compiler like g++, most of the bugs are related to newer language features or really specific combinations of features. For a game engine, important bugs are constantly being discovered and squashed, because so much has to be redone so often that by the time the tool is mature enough to be largely bug-free it's so outdated as to be irrelevant. Example: Godot engine, like many other engines, contains a bunch of premade asset templates to be defined and glued together with a scripting language. You have to deal with the limitations of GDScript, the flaws in the implementation of GDScript, the flaws and quirks in the asset templates, and the flaws and quirks of the engine itself. Now you're still not done, because quirks, bugs, and flaws exist within the host operating system and you have to check those out too and provide mitigation if you can. For example, Windows is infamous for having a strange and buggy API that Microsoft has to keep bug-compatible with older versions. Linux Mint 20 has some issue in the graphics stack (probably inherited from Ubuntu 20.04) where removing a heavy GPU load will lock the system so hard that the only functional button is the power button.

6) The people hired by the HR people from 3), the newbies from 1), and the game designers with weak to moderate scripting skills from 2) and 4) do not have the skillset to quickly and accurately identify the problems arising from 5) and quickly and effectively create a workaround or fix. Large companies will probably have someone who can solve the problem(/s), if only by accident. Small companies just die.

Don't attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence. There's more than enough incompetence to go around in the software industry. I wish I could claim to have never contributed to that incompetence, but nobody is 100% blameless and eventually we all write a piece of code we wish we'd spent a little more time considering. We all also eventually write a piece of code that's so messed up that even with comments, we have no idea what we were trying to accomplish or how the statements we typed are supposed to accomplish our goal.
I'll keep all this in mind when I start a new game development studio. Thanks!