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And I'm not asking about "how to apply skill points", no. What actions grant you athletics experience. At the beginning of the game, I climbed a ladder and got some athletics exp, but not much ever since, and trust me, I climbed a lot of ladders since ^^

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JAD2012: Hey,

And I'm not asking about "how to apply skill points", no. What actions grant you athletics experience. At the beginning of the game, I climbed a ladder and got some athletics exp, but not much ever since, and trust me, I climbed a lot of ladders since ^^

Drain stamina, period. People say you have to drain it to the bottom, that's not true. Just run around on foot and do melee attacks.
Drain stamina? That's.... rather simplistic lol Okay, thanks, but I actually sprint and use katanas/massive dildos to fight. I'm confused now.
I've also seen athletics exp popping up occasionally when jumping or dodging by double tapping W, A, S or D.
Just run boy run! Also punch walls, people, cars, vending machines. Anything that drains stamina lol.
REG2012: Just run boy run! Also punch walls, people, cars, vending machines. Anything that drains stamina lol.
Ohhh, I haven't punched a vending machine yet, gotta try that. But I really really really don't get how is that I didn't level up athletics in 50 hours when as I said, use katanas pretty often lol It just doesn't make sense.
Forcing doors open also gives an instant athletics bonus. But they are rare and require certain skill points.
Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge.

Also sliding, carrying bodies, and I think it levels quicker the more perks you invest in the category.
drain stamina didn't work for me, also knife walls doesn't. climbing seemed to work for me don't know if theres a bug or something....
olithejunglist: Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge.

Also sliding, carrying bodies, and I think it levels quicker the more perks you invest in the category.
I pretty much do that all the time, since I play stealth when I can, so hiding bodies is something I do regurarly.

I'm starting to believe this is bugged, since it's literally impossible that my athletics stats hasn't leveled up in 50 hours of game time if all of those actions give you experience.

I kicked some punks asses on purpose only using my fists and I only got 20 athletics exp.... and they were like 6 or 7 guys, something is wrong here.
Post edited December 20, 2020 by JAD2012
What are your Body and Athletics levels?
olithejunglist: What are your Body and Athletics levels?
Body is level 6. Athletics remains level 1, that's the whole reason why I'm asking, because after 50 hours it's ridiculous it's still in level 1.
Post edited December 20, 2020 by JAD2012
Try to swimming UNDERWATER. Super fast way, as for me.
Post edited December 20, 2020 by fedstim
I've been running around a lot.
I've used ladders, melee combat and even doing all sorts of climbing to get into good sniper/hacking spots.... still got less then 1 level of athletics xp since launch.

I think it's broken.
Even Oblivions athletics skill didn't go this slow!
for the 30-40 hours ive been playing the game i have been running pretty much everywhere except like 3km journeys
it levels up quite quickly doing that

yes its slower but to get around but im able to react more quickly to events or things im passing by on my way to my destination.

i do that in all my open world games. even in tw3

i like it. skilling up through use reminds me of games like oblivion