It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
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motorbit: its strange though... when my display driver crashes, it takes a few seconds untill windows restarts it, because there is a watchdog running that is monitoring in background if the display driver is responsive and restarts it if not.

here is an idea: one sometimes reads the bad advise to disable the watchdog with a registry tweak. its supposed to be a performance tweak thogh it really does not improve anything.

did you by chance disable it? this could very well result in the problem described.

I don't even own any of the watch dogs games.

If you truly wish to help please stop spamming.
SGTDViper: If you truly wish to help please stop spamming.
i dont anymore. good day to you sir.
SGTDViper: Well I do remember getting tired yesterday when this happened And i slept for like 1-2 hours my computer still didn't load sadly.
BlackSun: Hmh. Tried unplugging a display yet? Like... try to either
1) Unplug all but one display before playing.
2) When it's frozen for more than 1min, try unplugging your display, count to 10, then plug it back in?

That's the only thing I did, trying to get my system unstuck in the beginning. I think I didn't have to, since it just took a while torcover on it's own, but maybe, unplugging a display may also poke at your system to get it to unfreeze?

Also, to see if your system is actually frozen, try hitting the capslock or numlock key, and see if the LED on the keyboard changes state. If it doesn't, yup that's a system freeze. If it does, that's your system working, but having "lost" its displays. Re-plugging (or manually powering on / off, depending on model of display) may help detection in that case.

But that's all I can think of for you to try until they patch it.
Thanks mate I tried it.
And yes my system was truly frozen no caps lock or any of the other locks.
BTW this is also seemingly happening to me. my GPU and CPU have passed stress tests, run other applications no problems and it freezes my ENTIRE PC only during Cyberpunk so far. I'm honestly at a loss.

This is brand new build by NZXT BLD, all of my drivers and windows are completely up to date.
I have had the same problem, but I have older hardware. Intel i7-3770k, 32 Gigs, nvidia 1070, and Win 7-64. Nothing is overclocked. No game I have run has this issue. It will crash the graphics driver and disable the monitor the game was on, I have a dual monitor setup. I have had the system hang where even the keyboard lights are not responsive (cap lock, num lock). The only way around that is to do a hard reboot. Looking at the comments there is a percentage of players with this issue. For some it runs fine, for some it just hangs.

Out of the perhaps 40 times I have tried to run the game, it has worked 3 times.

Try deleting the following directory. Doing so seems to increase my chances of actually running the game.
C:\users\<win account>\AppData\Local\CD Projekt Red\Cyberpunk 2077

You will likely have to turn on hidden files to see that as the <win account> directory is normally hidden.

Oh the joys of PC software development.
Post edited December 14, 2020 by scrubjay09
Freezing my entire pc as well now. I played about 48 hours on my first game as a nomad and it never froze or crashed once. I started a new game as a corpo and now it freezes the whole computer after 5 to 10 minutes. Not going to bother with specs temps ect as ive already played almost 50 hours with no issues untill now. so its not my pc nothing has changed. After the patches my game went to shit.
SGTDViper: If you truly wish to help please stop spamming.
motorbit: i dont anymore. good day to you sir.
You never did. Take your broken game that apparently can do no wrong and leave.

My solution to Cyberpunk 2077 killing my system?
I uninstalled and refunded. Never had any more trouble since then.
Post edited December 25, 2020 by TencentInvestor
I was getting fairly regular hard crashes until I disabled my GPU overclock and monitoring apps.

Don't know why- but they were causing conflicts with Cyberpunk and Win10's internal watchdog monitor system that tries to prevent seriouos system issues.
SGTDViper: Forgive me if this topic has been discussed and resolved before.
But I have searched everywhere for a fix and couldn't find one.

Here's the problem the game freezes and when it does it freezes my entire computer as well.
No command or key shortcut works after that.I can only reboot or shutdown my PC via the power buttons.
but even after pressing them it takes 5-10 sec for my computer to respond.
the problem was there back in patch 1.03 and it still persists even in patch 1.04 and there's no fix which I've found.

I've upgraded my GPU drivers,reinstalled Windows on my computer, installed all of the currently available windows updates.even limiting the CPU core use by cyberpunk,underclocking my GPU(no I haven't overclocked my GPU) and many more things I have probably forgotten to list.

Is there a fix for this or do I just have to wait and hope for CDPR to find and troubleshoot the problem?

Thanks for sparing the time to help me.


Here are my specs sorry

CPU I9 9900K
GPU 960GTX 4gb ram(soon to be replaced)
OS Windows 10 v20h2

Cyberpunk is on my SSD.


CPU is not overclocked.
I have disabled the boost in the BIOS/UEFI


And no my ram hasn't been overclocked either

my PC has not been overclocked at all
Had the same problem and found temporary solution, went to bios and disabled Intel turbo boost/turbo mode. Never had any chrashes/freezes after that (just the "regular" bugs that everyone has). Maybe you could try that.
Post edited December 25, 2020 by Oroku85
Ok I have a tentative solution, at least, it hasn't locked for me in the past 2 hours when it had been locking up everything every 15-30 min.

I signed into the Cyberpunk launcher (creating a new account rather than playing without logging in). Once in the game I also enabled Analytics in Settings>Gameplay>Miscellaneous.

scrubja09's post about "Try deleting the following directory. Doing so seems to increase my chances of actually running the game.
C:\users\<win account>\AppData\Local\CD Projekt Red\Cyberpunk 2077" got me thinking. It sounded like the kind of bug that occurs when the software tries to write to a file that doesn't exist. Which made me think maybe it was an analytics bug.

When I first started playing I was like, meh, Cdprojekt doesn’t need my info and said no to both the account and the analytics. However, I suspect whatever logic is responsible for logging the analytics is doing something like:
Analytics: Game, stop everything while I log this stat!
Game: Ok, but analytics is dissabled so you are going to be waiting a long time…

Mind you… while I was writing this message I got another total lock up but that was while starting the game while alt tabbed and typing in another window, so that might be a separate issue with the same symptom. I’ll post again if I keep getting lockups while Cyberpunk is still focused.

Oh, I also updated to the latest Nvidia drivers as of today (12/25/2020), before turning on the analytics, but that did not appear to have any effect, I still got lock ups. I also dropped the graphics settings to low but I am 65% sure that was unrelated.
Post edited December 26, 2020 by CiberX15
SGTDViper: Forgive me if this topic has been discussed and resolved before.
But I have searched everywhere for a fix and couldn't find one.

Here's the problem the game freezes and when it does it freezes my entire computer as well.
No command or key shortcut works after that.I can only reboot or shutdown my PC via the power buttons.
but even after pressing them it takes 5-10 sec for my computer to respond.
the problem was there back in patch 1.03 and it still persists even in patch 1.04 and there's no fix which I've found.

I've upgraded my GPU drivers,reinstalled Windows on my computer, installed all of the currently available windows updates.even limiting the CPU core use by cyberpunk,underclocking my GPU(no I haven't overclocked my GPU) and many more things I have probably forgotten to list.

Is there a fix for this or do I just have to wait and hope for CDPR to find and troubleshoot the problem?

Thanks for sparing the time to help me.


Here are my specs sorry

CPU I9 9900K
GPU 960GTX 4gb ram(soon to be replaced)
OS Windows 10 v20h2

Cyberpunk is on my SSD.


CPU is not overclocked.
I have disabled the boost in the BIOS/UEFI


And no my ram hasn't been overclocked either

my PC has not been overclocked at all
You've got deeper problems, hard locks etc are so detached from the layer of operation for near all general use programs, Seriously Check your Ram voltage and PSU for issues, The auto detection of SPD settings might be spiking your ram try going with a fixed setting.
@wayke I really think its the game on this one. I know hard locks are usually not software but they can be. And unless I am mistaken, no one who is hitting this with Cyberpunk is hitting lockups on any other game.

Especially with Cyberpunk's reputation as a buggy mess right now I think its safer to assume the game is doing something very very wrong, rather then assuming multiple people with on different machines and hardware are having the same hardware failure with only this one game.
Ok confirmed turning on analytics does not solve the problem, got it again today while it was turned on. Weird that I managed to go nearly 10 hours of contiguous play without hitting it.

My only other guess is maybe its got a memory leak and is eating all the ram? I normally have a ton of chrome tabs open and that uses a chunk of my memory most of the time. Didn't bother re-opening all the tabs after the last reboot though so maybe that reduced the memory pressure?

Min spec says it needs 8gb, I have 16gb, and I know a few other posters had 32gb so its not like we are operating under the intended limit.
Post edited December 27, 2020 by CiberX15
CiberX15: Ok confirmed turning on analytics does not solve the problem, got it again today while it was turned on. Weird that I managed to go nearly 10 hours of contiguous play without hitting it.

My only other guess is maybe its got a memory leak and is eating all the ram? I normally have a ton of chrome tabs open and that uses a chunk of my memory most of the time. Didn't bother re-opening all the tabs after the last reboot though so maybe that reduced the memory pressure?

Min spec says it needs 8gb, I have 16gb, and I know a few other posters had 32gb so its not like we are operating under the intended limit.
Why would analytics change anything, there's so much BS going around about this people who have no idea flicking switches and claiming this works, placebo effects.

There's a separation layer, Next time it happens

Windows Key + CRTL + SHIFT + B..

This restarts the GPU driver if nothing happens use different Graphics drivers.
My day job is software quality assurance. I have seen weirder things than an analytics switch causing lock ups. In fact, I have even seen analytics cause lock ups and crashes in other games before. App tried to send an analytics message but got caught in a while loop that never escaped. Suspected something like that could have been happening here.

I actually tried to be scientific about it, tried with it off and got the lock up, tried with it on and got several hours of game-play with no issues. Turned it back off and got a lock up while trying to load into the game. It seemed pretty cut and dry. So that's how I reached the conclusion that it was the analytics switch.

Then today with the switch on it randomly locked up again. So its just super random and can take anywhere from 15min to 10 hours to repro. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I'll try the Windows Key + CRTL + SHIFT + B thing next time I hit the lock up. See if that does anything. I'm on latest drivers though so I don't hold out much hope.
Post edited December 27, 2020 by CiberX15