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high rated
Would it be possible to get more specific details regarding CPU minimum requirements?
While it's clear that the minimum listed requirement is an i5-3570K and CPUs older than that would not receive official support in case of issues, it'd be great to know if older CPUs could potentially even boot up the game.
Using another game as an example: Control by Remedy lists an i5-4690 as their minimum CPU but it works just fine on an i7 990x. On the other hand there's games like Metal Wolf Chaos XD which listed an Athlon II as the minimum requirement but didn't actually run on those CPUs at launch due to the developers compiling it with the wrong flags and requiring instructions not available on that CPU.
TL;DR Will Cyberpunk 2077 require AVX? And which versions of SSE will it require?
the specs are just what are required to run the game well. its like on a bag of chips: guaranteed fresh by date xx.
that dosnt they will be stale on that day, just that you know they are good before that.

unless the cpu is so old that it runs on a different architecture, it will still run the program, but the more out of spec it is, the less likely it is to run smoothly.
I think that this question is important and must be answered by developers. I have the same problem with some games. My Intel Q9450 is a 12 years old CPU with enough power for 80% games but... there are some games that needs SSE4.2 that I cannot play it.
Ok, currently we can only "work" with the information we have:

minimum: i5-3570K (Intel® SSE4.1, Intel® SSE4.2, Intel® AVX)
recommend: i7-4790 (Intel® SSE4.1, Intel® SSE4.2, Intel® AVX2)

The oldest Intel CPU who meet the minimum of Instruction Set Extensions (Intel® SSE4.1, Intel® SSE4.2, Intel® AVX) is an i5-2500K (release was 2011)

So, i think there are chances the i5-2500k can also handle this game. And finally he can handle tons of other modern games:

Zaz, good question reg. the Q9450.. i have heard about SSE4.2 emulator for old cpu's in modern games.
unluckygoldstar: TL;DR Will Cyberpunk 2077 require AVX? And which versions of SSE will it require?
I need to know this too. If they compile the game with AVX required, the game will refuse to run on my PC.
An answer from the devs about this would be nice. Someone ask them on twitter. I deleted my account to free myself.

I'm running a Xeon x5675 (x58 chipset, ancient(ish)) and no game requiring AVX will boot. No Horizon Zero Dawn, Saints Row 3 Remastered or anything newer.

Makes it difficult to purchase new games and get excited when you don't know if a game will even boot because of one thing despite the fact that 99% of all games run on the same machine. A vague requirement for a CPU isn't enough any more and never really was. Tomb Raider ran fine on a 486DX33 with patience. Would be nice if they could be specific.

I'm looking to upgrade to a new Ryzen 5900 and 3080, but we all know why that's not happening any time soon and possibly for a few months after Cyberpunk releases.
Post edited November 16, 2020 by 21603
I'm in the same boat as well.

Some confirmation would be great. At least if my rig can't run it, I can do something about it before the release date.
I have an Athlon Xii Phenom II X6 1100t (yes I'm poor), and I need to know the complete CPU specs aswell.

I can't waste my money like I did for one of the last Assassin creed (Odissey), no more EA games for me.

Devs and editors never thinks about the people who can't keep with the pace of the technology war running.

I don't say that they must devellop their new games with old technologies but at least tell us the CPU instructions set needed. It will only take one line of text with few words in-it!

Please, CD Project Red, tell us if whe can launch your games with SSE 4.0 or not.


Aelx: I have an Athlon Xii Phenom II X6 1100t (yes I'm poor), and I need to know the complete CPU specs aswell.

I can't waste my money like I did for one of the last Assassin creed (Odissey), no more EA games for me.

Devs and editors never thinks about the people who can't keep with the pace of the technology war running.

I don't say that they must devellop their new games with old technologies but at least tell us the CPU instructions set needed. It will only take one line of text with few words in-it!

Please, CD Project Red, tell us if whe can launch your games with SSE 4.0 or not.


AVX is used only at the moment of entering a cutscene, loads of people are having this issue..
I'm running an X5650, it runs the game perfectly smooth, on High settings at 1080P, but crashes at the exact moment of sitting in the chair on the Corpo path..
A few people in the CDProjektRed forum have been editing save files to skip cutscenes, then they play until it crashes, then edit the save file past the cutscene, and continue playing until it happens again.
I'm still trying to learn how to edit the save files to get past the prologue.. But, as of right now, I'm stuck there.
The fix we figured out on December 10th, and I had a video up about it..
And on the 1.04 update, it gave me an opportunity to do a full fresh install, launch the game to show it not working, then which program to use, how to do the mod step by step, then launching the game and it working perfectly.
Post edited December 17, 2020 by LukeHimself
Aelx: I have an Athlon Xii Phenom II X6 1100t (yes I'm poor), and I need to know the complete CPU specs aswell.

I can't waste my money like I did for one of the last Assassin creed (Odissey), no more EA games for me.

Devs and editors never thinks about the people who can't keep with the pace of the technology war running.

I don't say that they must devellop their new games with old technologies but at least tell us the CPU instructions set needed. It will only take one line of text with few words in-it!

Please, CD Project Red, tell us if whe can launch your games with SSE 4.0 or not.


LukeHimself: AVX is used only at the moment of entering a cutscene, loads of people are having this issue..
I'm running an X5650, it runs the game perfectly smooth, on High settings at 1080P, but crashes at the exact moment of sitting in the chair on the Corpo path..
A few people in the CDProjektRed forum have been editing save files to skip cutscenes, then they play until it crashes, then edit the save file past the cutscene, and continue playing until it happens again.
I'm still trying to learn how to edit the save files to get past the prologue.. But, as of right now, I'm stuck there.
the only path that most PC players can play at the moment is the nomad because the only one where you can exploit the autosave to by pass the Avx requirements. you basically have to load up the autosave where you pick up Jackie and then load up the autosave involving the cutscene showing the V a name for themselves at night City. how long for the player to start the mission where they rescue that woman and hand her off to the trauma team. but once you get into V car with Jackie there's an autosave in the game crashes but thankfully since there's an autosave once that's trauma team leave you can use that to perform the same exploit in order to be able to continue playing. currently I'm just messing around in the area of nice city I have access to until hopefully a patch is released that removes the avx instruction set requerments
Post edited December 11, 2020 by Robomerc
I have a Xeon 3690, and was not able to play the game -- it crashed every time I tried to leave the bar as the street kid. It seems this is an AVX support issue.

I found the following post on Steam, and can confirm it works:

[i]At the beginning playing corpo when you sit it crashes. A possible temporal solution while they fix this issue is to remove this part of code...

Edit Cyberpunk2077.exe with a hexadecimal editor and search for


Change the first byte to C3 (return from the function):


Please note this fix is extremely simplistic and naïve. Moreover, it could crash the game later. This change seems to fix this crash and you can continue playing the game. I have only tested a few minutes more.[/i]

You, of course, edit the file at your own risk, but I can confirm that this seemingly disables the AVX flag and allows you to continue playing the game -- I was subsequently able to leave the bar, talk with Padre, and watch an intro movie. Again -- no guarantee that this won't screw something up later in the game, but it does successfully disable the AVX requirement and allow those of us with CPUs that are otherwise sufficient to play the game to do so.

It also puts paid to the idea that somehow a Xeon 3690 or whatever is "too old" to play this game, since the problem goes away when AVX support is disabled.

Good luck.k
Many thanks for you answers. I'll wait and see if a compatibility (or a downgrade :p) patch will be released someday.
TL;DR Will Cyberpunk 2077 require AVX? And which versions of SSE will it require?
This was written _months_ ahead of the release, how foreseeing now that we know there are AVX issues.

I own a i7-980X from ~10 years ago and it's still very potent to play all games; yet it doesn't have AVX and this is actually the first time I discovered this requirement in all the years.

After making myself familiar with this problem, I learned that other games like AC: Odyssey had this problem too at the beginning but were patched later on (I've that game but bought it only recently in a sale, so I guess I never experienced this one).

Note that _it seems_ a current workaround is also to:
- load an older autosave
- load the most recent once (which crashes)

That seems to somehow circumvent this until the next crash occurs. I could successfully play past the prologue until into the apartment (and had to use this trick 2 times so far).

Still, pretty awesome to be so considerate to ask this months ahead of the release. Kudos.
You can also do this:

Edit Cyberpunk2077.exe with a hexadecimal editor and search for 554881ECA00000000F2970E8

Change the first byte to C3, so it looks like this: C34881ECA00000000F2970E8

Then save the file. This essentially turns off AVX.

Alternately, you can download the pre-edited .exe file from nexusmods.

I've played for several hours after doing that, and had no problems whatsoever on a Xeon 3690, which does not have AVX support.

TL;DR Will Cyberpunk 2077 require AVX? And which versions of SSE will it require?
rfc: This was written _months_ ahead of the release, how foreseeing now that we know there are AVX issues.

I own a i7-980X from ~10 years ago and it's still very potent to play all games; yet it doesn't have AVX and this is actually the first time I discovered this requirement in all the years.

After making myself familiar with this problem, I learned that other games like AC: Odyssey had this problem too at the beginning but were patched later on (I've that game but bought it only recently in a sale, so I guess I never experienced this one).

Note that _it seems_ a current workaround is also to:
- load an older autosave
- load the most recent once (which crashes)

That seems to somehow circumvent this until the next crash occurs. I could successfully play past the prologue until into the apartment (and had to use this trick 2 times so far).

Still, pretty awesome to be so considerate to ask this months ahead of the release. Kudos.
OK ARE THE DEVS DRUNK OR ON SOME GOOD STUFF? because the hotfix they just released doesn,t even fix the AVX issue people fix under 5 minutes like WTF