Posted August 16, 2021

New User
Registered: Sep 2012
From Czech Republic

New User
Registered: Jan 2015
From Romania
Posted August 17, 2021
so far of what they have shown is extremely disappointing, the videos released are minor things that solve nothing of the games major problems, i hope that there is more, a whole lot more.

Registered: Apr 2016
From Germany
Posted August 17, 2021 Well, it looks like they're looking for a lot of devs for Cyberpunk 2077, so I see no end of development.
The only thing I'm afraid of is that a lot of work goes into making the game work on consoles (whatever gen) instead of focusing on the game's content.
I played the game without any knowledge of what exactly they promised and I liked it a lot (story, quests), but the world is extremely lifeless, you cannot enter buildings, the items look copy-pasted and differ only stats-wise, pedestrians talk one-liners. Then I looked at what CDPR actually promised and I can see why so many people feel ripped off.
So why is it marketing-wise a good decision to release a DLC? In my understanding adding stuff in a DLC (even if it's free) that should've been there in the first place, feels like a patch just labeled differently.
I don't know the code base (I'm sure it's totally convoluted as all code bases get, when there is time pressure and tired devs), but I hope they don't drop the game once it came out for next/current-gen consoles. There is still too much potential in it.
The only thing I'm afraid of is that a lot of work goes into making the game work on consoles (whatever gen) instead of focusing on the game's content.
I played the game without any knowledge of what exactly they promised and I liked it a lot (story, quests), but the world is extremely lifeless, you cannot enter buildings, the items look copy-pasted and differ only stats-wise, pedestrians talk one-liners. Then I looked at what CDPR actually promised and I can see why so many people feel ripped off.
So why is it marketing-wise a good decision to release a DLC? In my understanding adding stuff in a DLC (even if it's free) that should've been there in the first place, feels like a patch just labeled differently.
I don't know the code base (I'm sure it's totally convoluted as all code bases get, when there is time pressure and tired devs), but I hope they don't drop the game once it came out for next/current-gen consoles. There is still too much potential in it.

Look behind you, a three headed monkey!
Registered: Apr 2018
From Germany
Posted August 18, 2021
Patch notes:
Looks like it fixes a lot of stuff.
Which hopefully means we get DLCs soon. NCPD AI overhaul would be nice.
Looks like it fixes a lot of stuff.
Which hopefully means we get DLCs soon. NCPD AI overhaul would be nice.

Look behind you, a three headed monkey!
Registered: Apr 2018
From Germany
Posted August 18, 2021
Patch 1.3 is live on both GOG Galaxy 2.0 and offline installers.

New User
Registered: Feb 2020
From Mexico
Posted August 20, 2021

The only thing I'm afraid of is that a lot of work goes into making the game work on consoles (whatever gen) instead of focusing on the game's content.
I played the game without any knowledge of what exactly they promised and I liked it a lot (story, quests), but the world is extremely lifeless, you cannot enter buildings, the items look copy-pasted and differ only stats-wise, pedestrians talk one-liners. Then I looked at what CDPR actually promised and I can see why so many people feel ripped off.
So why is it marketing-wise a good decision to release a DLC? In my understanding adding stuff in a DLC (even if it's free) that should've been there in the first place, feels like a patch just labeled differently.
I don't know the code base (I'm sure it's totally convoluted as all code bases get, when there is time pressure and tired devs), but I hope they don't drop the game once it came out for next/current-gen consoles. There is still too much potential in it.