silverfire675: 9gbs.
Looks like i'm not playing tonight since it auto updated.
ast486: I've got the connection to easily handle the 9Gig d/l.
the problem is if they are patching the same way they did before, it's going to take 3+ hours on my HDD! :-s
Almost makes me want to go buy an SSD.
Thing is I designed this computer with HDD's in mind... slow initial load, but 32Gig of ram so that nothing needs to be unloaded after first load.
Dude...I just recovered my account (which I never used before here) just to answer you.
That makes totally no sense on a windows machine. Maybe on Linux, not on windows o.O
SSDs are dirt cheap todays. Get one!
I got a super expensive (back then) 128gig ssd for my OS already ~8 years ago.
Went full SSD 4 years ago. Its another world !!!
Currently running:
1TB NVME SSD m.2 (most played games)
3x 1TB SATA SSD (other Games and stuff)
6 TB HDD for Data garbage
I could never go back to HDDs for OS or games :O