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AfricanWishbone: I’ll be updating the language files within the launcher for the new scenarios, I can also add other language files to the game as a seperate project, not sure which ones are missing and where though.

Here is what I found about the language files. You probably already know it but they are named according to the following basis and located in \data\missions subdirectories : <type of message><mission number><playing nation>.<language>.

- type of message is either INT or MIS depending on whether it is an intro message or not.
- playing nation is either BLU, RED, ORA or YEL depending on whether the player chose France, England, Holland or Spain for the corsair's nation.
- language is either DUT, ENG, FRA, GER, ITA, POL, POR or SPA depending on whether the player chose the Dutch, English, French, German, Polish, Portuguese or Spanish language for the game.

A missing language file crashes the game. This is why lots of Dutch or Polish players are having problems. Please note that there is also another issue with the Polish language files that don't seem to be rendered correcty.

- Mission 01 : Dutch language files for Orange/Holland and Yellow/Spain nations are wrong (INT01ORA.DUT=INT01YEL.DUT=INT01BLU.ENG and MIS01ORA.DUT=MIS01YEL.DUT=MIS01BLU.ENG). Polish language files are also missing for these nations (INT01ORA.POL, MIS01ORA.POL, INT01YEL.POL and MIS01YEL.POL)

- Mission 02 : Dutch language files for Orange/Holland and Yellow/Spain nations are wrong (INT02ORA.DUT=INT02YEL.DUT=INT02BLU.ENG and MIS02ORA.DUT=MIS02YEL.DUT=MIS02BLU.ENG). Polish language files are also missing for these nations (INT02ORA.POL, MIS02ORA.POL, INT02YEL.POL and MIS02YEL.POL)

- Mission 03 : Dutch language files for Orange/Holland nation are wrong (INT03ORA.DUT=INT03BLU.ENG and MIS03ORA.DUT=MIS03BLU.ENG) and are missing for Yellow/Spain nation (INT03YEL.DUT and MIS03YEL.DUT). Polish language files are also missing for these nations (INT03ORA.POL, MIS03ORA.POL, INT03YEL.POL and MIS03YEL.POL).

- Mission 04 : Dutch and Polish language files are missing for Orange/Holland and Yellow/Spain nations (INT04ORA.DUT, INT04ORA.POL, INT04YEL.DUT, INT04YEL.POL, MIS04ORA.DUT, MIS04ORA.POL, MIS04YEL.DUT and MIS04YEL.POL).

- Mission 05 : Dutch and Polish language files are missing for Orange/Holland and Yellow/Spain nations (INT05ORA.DUT, INT05ORA.POL, INT05YEL.DUT, INT05YEL.POL, MIS05ORA.DUT, MIS05ORA.POL, MIS05YEL.DUT and MIS05YEL.POL).

- Mission 06 : Dutch and Polish language files are missing for Orange/Holland and Yellow/Spain nations (INT06ORA.DUT, INT06ORA.POL, INT06YEL.DUT, INT06YEL.POL, MIS06ORA.DUT, MIS06ORA.POL, MIS06YEL.DUT and MIS06YEL.POL).

- Mission 07 : Dutch and Polish language files are missing for Orange/Holland and Yellow/Spain nations (INT07ORA.DUT, INT07ORA.POL, INT07YEL.DUT, INT07YEL.POL, MIS07ORA.DUT, MIS07ORA.POL, MIS07YEL.DUT and MIS07YEL.POL).

- Mission 08 : Dutch and Polish language files are missing for Orange/Holland and Yellow/Spain nations (INT08ORA.DUT, INT08ORA.POL, INT08YEL.DUT, INT08YEL.POL, MIS08ORA.DUT, MIS08ORA.POL, MIS08YEL.DUT and MIS08YEL.POL).

- Missions 09 to 12 : Orange/Holland and Yellow/Spain nations are missing with their language files.

- Missions 21 to 24 : Orange/Holland and Yellow/Spain nations are missing with their language files.

- Mission 31 : Dutch language files for Blue/France nation are wrong (INT31BLU.DUT=INT31BLU.ENG and MIS31BLU.DUT=MIS31BLU.ENG). Polish language files are also missing for this nation (INT31BLU.POL and MIS31BLU.POL). Red/England, Orange/Holland and Yellow/Spain nations are missing with their language files.

- Mission 32 : Dutch and Polish language files are missing for Orange/Holland nation (INT32ORA.DUT, INT32ORA.POL, MIS32ORA.DUT and MIS32ORA.POL). Blue/France, Red/England and Yellow/Spain nations are missing with their language files.

- Mission 33 : Dutch and Polish language files are missing for Red/England nation (INT33RED.DUT, INT33RED.POL, MIS33RED.DUT and MIS33RED.POL). Blue/France, Orange/Holland and Yellow/Spain nations are missing with their language files.

- Mission 34 : Dutch and Polish language files are missing for Yellow/Spain nation (INT34YEL.DUT, INT34YEL.POL, MIS34YEL.DUT and MIS34YEL.POL). Blue/France, Red/England and Orange/Holland nations are missing with their language files.

- Mission 35 : Dutch and Polish language files are missing for Yellow/Spain nation (INT35YEL.DUT, INT35YEL.POL, MIS35YEL.DUT and MIS35YEL.POL). Blue/France, Red/England and Orange/Holland nations are missing with their language files.

AfricanWishbone: Just read your previous project post, also noticed the fifth Portuguese faction I see. Also mission 35 has a BLK file so the devs also considered playable pirates as far as I can tell.
It seems the BLA folder in mission 35 is for mission 12 according to the way the files are named.

AfricanWishbone: Wow I hadn’t even looked as MIS00, that’s pretty cool. Look like I’ll be adding another map to my project!
Good to know :)

I will update your topic with ideas I had before.
Post edited April 05, 2023 by rsst
OK, I see you lost the Corsairs Gold CD. So do I. I only found the CD of the non-Gold version : Only missions 01 to 12 and 21 to 24 with Blue/France and Red/England as the only playable nations.

May be you could add an option to your launcher to add the cheat mode that is almost working :

1) You have to launch corsairs.exe with /6/7 as arguments. Example : "C:\Corsairs Gold\corsairs.exe" /6/7
2) During the game you have to press CTRL, SHIT and F7 simultaneously. This will freeze the game. A blue box should appears but most of the time it doesn't.
3) Whether or not you see the blue box, type one of the known cheat code (case is insensitive). Some cheat codes are working, some don't (ex : BB or I AM RICH).
4) To make it work, I have to press Enter and to clic on a mouse button but I don't know why.

Use sparingly as it bugs the saving files which are vital when running the game on modern systems. Known cheat codes are (in bold those that I tested and works) :

Post edited April 05, 2023 by rsst
Wow, thanks rsst for all the detailed replies! I noticed the list of cheats listed in the .exe and was looking to get some working, if I can get the position of the current ship on the grid (x, y) it will make updating pathing so much easier! Not all scenarios have all nations and therefore are missing pathing, which needs to be manually put in.
I will definitely add all language files for my launcher, one complete I can go back and update missions too, but that will need to be a manual update for people to do.
Also got England (MIS00) playable with all four factions, the pathing is a little off, but it works as any other mission too which is cool.
Five more scenarios to make playable, then I'll go back and update objectives, add Portugal in (AI), update pathing, add additional ships and update/add missing language files.
Once that is all done and tested, I'll update the launcher, I'd like to show an image of the map and ship plus scenario specific information and make it look a little nicer.
Then I'm planning to make some videos and getting it out there for everyone game to enjoy.
Very good job guys, this stuff sounds super cool, especially the Portuguese faction.

"I am watching your career with great interest".
AfricanWishbone: Wow, thanks rsst for all the detailed replies! I noticed the list of cheats listed in the .exe and was looking to get some working, if I can get the position of the current ship on the grid (x, y) it will make updating pathing so much easier! Not all scenarios have all nations and therefore are missing pathing, which needs to be manually put in.
I will definitely add all language files for my launcher, one complete I can go back and update missions too, but that will need to be a manual update for people to do.
Also got England (MIS00) playable with all four factions, the pathing is a little off, but it works as any other mission too which is cool.
Five more scenarios to make playable, then I'll go back and update objectives, add Portugal in (AI), update pathing, add additional ships and update/add missing language files.
Once that is all done and tested, I'll update the launcher, I'd like to show an image of the map and ship plus scenario specific information and make it look a little nicer.
Then I'm planning to make some videos and getting it out there for everyone game to enjoy.
I can't remember but I believe one of the *INFO cheat codes displays the ship position.
It's good to see that you're very involved in your project. I noticed in the topic regarding your launcher that you have a "starting gold" option. You're dealing with the SNO files, right ?
There are also 2 known hacks about the savings files to get lot's of gold :

- Replace the 3 bytes starting at offset 0001EA52 by FFFFFF. and your corsairs will be a millionaire (This one is easier to implement but I don't know what happens if you lost your first ship) .

- Search the name of one of your ship and count 82 bytes starting with the first letter of the name. Replace the next 3 bytes by 090D03. You'll make the captian a millionaire too.
AfricanWishbone: Wow, thanks rsst for all the detailed replies! I noticed the list of cheats listed in the .exe and was looking to get some working, if I can get the position of the current ship on the grid (x, y) it will make updating pathing so much easier! Not all scenarios have all nations and therefore are missing pathing, which needs to be manually put in.
I will definitely add all language files for my launcher, one complete I can go back and update missions too, but that will need to be a manual update for people to do.
Also got England (MIS00) playable with all four factions, the pathing is a little off, but it works as any other mission too which is cool.
Five more scenarios to make playable, then I'll go back and update objectives, add Portugal in (AI), update pathing, add additional ships and update/add missing language files.
Once that is all done and tested, I'll update the launcher, I'd like to show an image of the map and ship plus scenario specific information and make it look a little nicer.
Then I'm planning to make some videos and getting it out there for everyone game to enjoy.
rsst: Hello,
I can't remember but I believe one of the *INFO cheat codes displays the ship position.
It's good to see that you're very involved in your project. I noticed in the topic regarding your launcher that you have a "starting gold" option. You're dealing with the SNO files, right ?
There are also 2 known hacks about the savings files to get lot's of gold :

- Replace the 3 bytes starting at offset 0001EA52 by FFFFFF. and your corsairs will be a millionaire (This one is easier to implement but I don't know what happens if you lost your first ship) .

- Search the name of one of your ship and count 82 bytes starting with the first letter of the name. Replace the next 3 bytes by 090D03. You'll make the captian a millionaire too.
Scenaric info gives the grid position which has been super helpful so thanks for that.
Yes I’m modifying the .sno files, replacing the gold on boat_00 with the set gold, as players will always start with one ship, this works well. This is also how I’m choosing the starting ship. Boat_00 is always at the same line, for all scenarios so a simple replace in file does the trick.
I have also been trying to make Portugal playable, I had two thoughts, either modifying a .sav file to swap player nation (don’t think this is possible?) or enabling them in menu, which I haven’t had much luck with either. I can enable 5 factions, but when I scroll past Holland the game crashes.
They are fully functional as an AI though so I’ve added them into my scenarios.
The Adventure Mode Launcher mod is finally available for download!
Please read the mod description for installation and launch instructions.
I have shared the link to the download below, let me know what you think or if you run into any issues.
AfricanWishbone: The Adventure Mode Launcher mod is finally available for download!
Please read the mod description for installation and launch instructions.
I have shared the link to the download below, let me know what you think or if you run into any issues.
Wow that was so fast, Testing now and great job . Everything seems to be working, I´ll post some feedback onde I test it more.

Really thank you.
AfricanWishbone: The Adventure Mode Launcher mod is finally available for download!
Please read the mod description for installation and launch instructions.
I have shared the link to the download below, let me know what you think or if you run into any issues.
punkamisto: Wow that was so fast, Testing now and great job . Everything seems to be working, I´ll post some feedback onde I test it more.

Really thank you.
Thank you, glad it's all working so far. Took me 30+ hours to put it all together, especially the England map, since it's not included in the base game (a testing map for the devs), I had to manually put in all the ships and pathing from scratch, which was painful. Would have liked the launcher to automatically launch the Launcher.exe when a scenario is loaded, but I couldn't get it to work. I could get the game launcher to open, but it just bugged out. It's a bit of a non-issue though, as long as the scenarios all work.
If you do find any bugs or issues let me know and I can look into it.
punkamisto: Wow that was so fast, Testing now and great job . Everything seems to be working, I´ll post some feedback onde I test it more.

Really thank you.
AfricanWishbone: Thank you, glad it's all working so far. Took me 30+ hours to put it all together, especially the England map, since it's not included in the base game (a testing map for the devs), I had to manually put in all the ships and pathing from scratch, which was painful. Would have liked the launcher to automatically launch the Launcher.exe when a scenario is loaded, but I couldn't get it to work. I could get the game launcher to open, but it just bugged out. It's a bit of a non-issue though, as long as the scenarios all work.
If you do find any bugs or issues let me know and I can look into it.
After some games the mod is working great just some minor issues, not sure if it happens with every nation, but playing with England I coulnd´t finish the Africa Map, maybe some enemy boat was missing but the game didn´t end. On the America Map Spain didnt play or at least never saw any boat. Those were just the issues I´ve encountered but all is working great :D
AfricanWishbone: Thank you, glad it's all working so far. Took me 30+ hours to put it all together, especially the England map, since it's not included in the base game (a testing map for the devs), I had to manually put in all the ships and pathing from scratch, which was painful. Would have liked the launcher to automatically launch the Launcher.exe when a scenario is loaded, but I couldn't get it to work. I could get the game launcher to open, but it just bugged out. It's a bit of a non-issue though, as long as the scenarios all work.
If you do find any bugs or issues let me know and I can look into it.
punkamisto: After some games the mod is working great just some minor issues, not sure if it happens with every nation, but playing with England I coulnd´t finish the Africa Map, maybe some enemy boat was missing but the game didn´t end. On the America Map Spain didnt play or at least never saw any boat. Those were just the issues I´ve encountered but all is working great :D
Thanks for the feedback, I had a look and at both issues, please see bleow.
Mission objectives are to destroy all fleets, so best bet is a boat hiding somewhere or is yet to be found. I could update the objective to instead capture all towns but that could be too straight forward.
I also checked America as Spain, and am getting other boats, the Spain player spawns a little way from other boats,also there are slightly less boats initially spawned in that scenario and the map is quite large, if I add too many boats at the start the game can crash, difficult to find a sweet spot.
Good to hear you are enjoying the mod though, cool to play on all these new maps.
Post edited May 01, 2023 by AfricanWishbone
punkamisto: After some games the mod is working great just some minor issues, not sure if it happens with every nation, but playing with England I coulnd´t finish the Africa Map, maybe some enemy boat was missing but the game didn´t end. On the America Map Spain didnt play or at least never saw any boat. Those were just the issues I´ve encountered but all is working great :D
AfricanWishbone: Thanks for the feedback, I had a look and at both issues, please see bleow.
Mission objectives are to destroy all fleets, so best bet is a boat hiding somewhere or is yet to be found. I could update the objective to instead capture all towns but that could be too straight forward.
I also checked America as Spain, and am getting other boats, the Spain player spawns a little way from other boats,also there are slightly less boats initially spawned in that scenario and the map is quite large, if I add too many boats at the start the game can crash, difficult to find a sweet spot.
Good to hear you are enjoying the mod though, cool to play on all these new maps.
I have yet to end a game in any map I play. I think I´m destroying all fleets, at least I dont find anyone else and the game just not ends normally. I tried the first 4 maps and really don´t know why the game doesn´t end. Anyway it´s not very problematic, once i don´t find anyone else I proclaim myself winner lol. Thanks again for the great mod :D
AfricanWishbone: Thanks for the feedback, I had a look and at both issues, please see bleow.
Mission objectives are to destroy all fleets, so best bet is a boat hiding somewhere or is yet to be found. I could update the objective to instead capture all towns but that could be too straight forward.
I also checked America as Spain, and am getting other boats, the Spain player spawns a little way from other boats,also there are slightly less boats initially spawned in that scenario and the map is quite large, if I add too many boats at the start the game can crash, difficult to find a sweet spot.
Good to hear you are enjoying the mod though, cool to play on all these new maps.
punkamisto: I have yet to end a game in any map I play. I think I´m destroying all fleets, at least I dont find anyone else and the game just not ends normally. I tried the first 4 maps and really don´t know why the game doesn´t end. Anyway it´s not very problematic, once i don´t find anyone else I proclaim myself winner lol. Thanks again for the great mod :D
Thank you, and I have found the bug, uploading an updated version to moddb soon, let me know if that fixes the issue.
Post edited May 03, 2023 by AfricanWishbone
New version 1.1 uploaded, just replace your launcher folder with the new one and the bug preventing missions from ending should be fixed.
AfricanWishbone: New version 1.1 uploaded, just replace your launcher folder with the new one and the bug preventing missions from ending should be fixed.
Hey that´s great, thank you. There also seems to exist an issue with some Nations like Spain and the Netherlands barely making any fleets in some maps, I ll try to see in which maps that happens and if its normal.