Korell: Well, whilst Blood was originally a Build Engine game, Fresh Supply isn't, it uses NightDive's KEX Engine instead. So a better comparison would be to the remasters of Turok: Dinosaur Hunter, Turok 2: Seeds of Evil and System Shock: Enhanced Edition.
It is a shame that they couldn't use an updated Build engine, though, like Ion Maiden has, rather than remaking the game within a completely new engine.
And of course, that is exactly the point. It's not that they couldn't use an updated BUILD engine, as Ion Maiden and the remaster of every other BUILD game shows it can be done. It's that they chose not to.
Can anyone honestly say Nightdive's remaster of Blood is superior to Ion Maiden, Duke Nukem - Megaton, Duke Nukem 20th Anniversary or Shadow Warrior Redux? All of which run just fine on the same system that has issues with Blood - Fresh Supply,