brockmaier: Well according to the PostMortem, Monolith is planning on doing something with the series. I recall someone comparing it to Zdaemon, not sure how that'll work, but I personally think THEY SHOULD FINISH THE STORY TO BLLOD 2!!!!
HenitoKisou: It's not the Monolith, it's the Jace Hall himself for his personal community effort in getting source code for first Blood released, as well as possible official modern source-port for it. That support is not actually a sequel to Blood 2: The Chosen, as these efforts are oriented on original first game.
I know this means pretty much nothing because I have no proof. but I was actually in a video chat with Jace Hall on About every weekend he puts up this video chat and everybody is free to join and he will talk about anything. Long story short, I kept mentioning Blood by how great it was, asking miscellaneous questions about it, how the source-port would be great, I want to verse him in Bloodbath like the readme said, etc. He said that this remake WILL happen FOR SURE. He just doesn't have a specific time for it but he promised this. He literally said he promised. Again, sorry I have no proof, but if you guys have facebook, you can send him a friend request on facebook and everytime he has these chats he posts the link on his timeline or news feed or whatever it's called. I know most of you will not believe me, so do yourself a favor and make a facebook and add him, and look out for the chat!