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Narwhal: Don't. Fable is more a "traditionnal" RPG with some stuff added like you getting fatter is you eat too much or the possibility to marry. Not the same type of game at all.
I disagree entirely, Fable is more of an action game with a thin layer of rpg mechanics and a kinda text book rpg world with British humour.
It's very much like Beyond Good and Evil. The Lost Chapters on pc is the best of all the games imo (sequels were disappointing.) Fable's very easy, has a lot you can do and the dialogue is amusing, granted it works on a kind of quest basis but it's more of a world to explore and experiment in, as opposed to a stat heavy rpg. You seldom die in the game as the combat is for the most part easy.

FYI Beyond Good & Evil HD (1st game with some graphical upgrades) is supposed to be scheduled to come on the xbox live arcade marketplace in February and will subsequently arrive on PS3 at a later date; I believe it's also coming to pc. (Will be interesting to see if the differences make it worth a re-purchase on pc for me.)
yogibeer: If you like BG&E you have to play FABLE!!!
Haven't you played?
yogibeer: Haven't you played?
In my opinion Fable is a totally different game concept.
Of course it's totally different but for me it has a similar type of magic.
yogibeer: Of course it's totally different but for me it has a similar type of magic.
I do not know this is what you mean, Fable et BG&E are similar in the way that these games have a simple gameplay, set in a universe which is captivating. It is very easy to immerse into these games.

They also depart in the same way from the strict realism of nowadays productions; a sort of reality-but-not-completely.
Personally I think the best hide and sneak game is still `Thief 2.'

Of course if you really like the genre you should play Thief, Thief 2 and Thief Deadly Shadows in order.

Once done buy a copy of Doom 3 and try out `The Dark Mod'.

Thief has less focus on the RPG elements; you can almost assume `if it moves it is an enemy'. But gets the hide and sneak part much better; on the other hand BG&E gets better the idea of an alien world with living NPC.

The last Thief (Deadly Shadows) tries to add BG&E-like RPG elements, but it fails miserably.
`The City' is more violent than a normal level. In fact in a normal level usually you knock down people silently and NPCs do not fight each other and so no-one dies.; instead in the City people of different factions kill each other continually.
Beside The City hardly ever changes; just think you can steal the same loot every time you change level.
While in BG&E I like to explore the world and see that there is around the next corner in Thief 3 I got only the feeling to run to the next mission.

So; if it is the sneak-hide part you are looking for Thief is a great choice. Otherwise, it is not.
Post edited February 11, 2011 by etb
Not quite similar in art design, but another great in other world Open World Fantasy Is called Outcast. Outcast combines stealth and combat elements in similar way and has the same type of freedom in an open world, but the varied gameplay isn't there. No Photography. No mini games. Some mounted travel but no racing that I can recall. Similar feel in some way. At least closer than Fable LOL. Just messing around to whoever posted that.

On the other hand. If its mini games, racing, and combat you wanted Blended then there is always Rage. Rage is heavily FPS but it does have nice blend of those three element, but it does suffer from a lot of short comings and doesn't have any relationship to BOE other wise. Emotion wise I'd still go with OUTCAST.

Hope this helps is some regard.

Have Fun