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high rated
Changelog for v0. (added 24 September 2019):

- A bug impeding restoring health of crew members has been solved.
- The compression of some textures has been improved to increase performance. The game will now occupy less disk space (3.2 GB).

Standalone installer updated ( ⇒ 25 September 2019.
high rated
Changelog for v0. (09 November 2019/ added 12 November 2019):

- The compression of some textures has been improved to increase performance. The game will now occupy less disk space (2.70 GB).
- We have modified the code to make it render better during battles. During Early Access we will continue making this aspect even better.
- We have modified the loot system. Now you get more material types as well as salvageable objects. We have also incremented the possibility of gaining weapons. In future updates we will adjust the earnings to balance the game.
- We have added “junk” items. These items serve to sell them or salvage them.
- Now the inventory is split into three sections: Weapons, Inventory (items) and Passengers. By doing this we have tripled inventory space.
- We have re-designed the Departments tab. With this redesign we have tried to: lessen the number of clicks needed to do any task, speed up actions and semi-automate the departments themselves.
- Now departments have a 4-slot queue space. This way the player doesn’t have to be as on top of them as they used to.
- We have added a window to select the language where it shows the translation status of each language.
- Now when you launch the game for the first time it shows the language select screen.
- We have added the following languages: Russian, Chinese (simplified), Dutch, German, French and Italian. These languages depend on community translations there are still numerous texts without translation. During Early Access the languages will continue to be translated. Thank you so much to the volunteers that are helping us!
- A bug in the damage in the upgraded IL55 Laser Interceptor has been solved.
- We have solved a bug in saves that duplicated one of the discovered cures.
- A bug that repeatedly triggered the last of the Ancient Tablet events when the player doesn't have the tablet has been fixed.

Standalone installer updated ( ⇒ 12 November 2019.
high rated
Changelog for v0. (added 13 November 2019):

- A bug that softlocked the game in the event "Artemis Hub" if the player had previously destroyed the station has been fixed.
- A bug that impeded docking in some stations has been fixed.
- A bug that softlocked the game when the missions list was full has been fixed.
- A bug that repeatedly triggered some ship events has been fixed.
- Many text mistakes have been fixed.

Standalone installer updated ( ⇒ 14 November 2019.
high rated
Changelog for v0. From the Inside (19 May 2020):

- 60 new main story events have been added.
- We've added a new bounty hunter mission.
- We've added 4 new secondary events.
- Three new playable ships of the Children of the Sun are available.
- We've added two new ships that are available as AI ships and as playable ships.
- We've added a new playable ship.
- Three new weapons have been added:
--> 15-PAC Plasma Artillery Cannon
--> 22-PAC Plasma Artillery Cannon
--> 34-PAC Plasma Artillery Cannon
- The wingman system has been added. This system allows ships to accompany the player.
- Added the option to play without dice-based crew battles. Players who prefer to play without these bouts can disable them from the "Game" panel in options.
- Added option to play dice rolls. Players who prefer to play without dice rolls can disable them from the "Game" panel in options.
- Added an option to disable effects of captain's negative attributes. Players who prefer to play without negative attributes can disable them from the "Game" panel in options.
- We have added an outline to the enemy ships. You can enable or disable this in options.
- The textures of the ships of the Children of the Sun have been improved to increase their visibility.
- The event window has been increased in size to make it easier to read.
- Added the option “ships detail” in options. This option shows or hides side-powered engines and their effects on AI-controlled ships.
- We've added 21 new achievements.
- We've added a new song.
- We've replaced the voice clips for Patrick Jackson.
- More than 1,350 voice clips have been added.
- The color of the marker for allied and enemy ships has been changed, which now becomes blue and orange-red. This has been done to make it easier for people who are color blind to see.
- Loot marker color changed to orange.
- The number of artillery cannons that can be equipped on enemy ships has been limited.
- Much of the damage to shields caused by conventional artillery guns has been reduced.
- The accuracy of artillery guns has been reduced.
- The energy cost of artillery cannons has been reduced
- We've resolved an error in weapon balance:
--> 200-ALC Argonic Laser Cannon
--> 2-200-ALC Dual Argonic Laser Cannon
- We've resolved an error in balance in the final upgrade level of the R120 Launch Rocket System.
- We've readjusted the balance of some weapons.
- The bug report tool has been fixed and improved.
- A bug that gave wrong statistics to weapon upgrades has been solved.
- We’ve corrected an error in the information about crew member bonuses.
- Fixed a bug which did not show the captain's name when an attribute was gained.
- Fixed a bug that caused some enemy ships to appear scanned from the start.
- A bug in the language selection has been fixed.
- A minor bug that affected the facial animation of some characters has been fixed.
- A graphic bug that activated lasers when they did not have a shooting angle has been fixed.
- A graphic bug that caused lasers to go through ships and objects has been fixed.
- We've fixed a graphical glitch in the projectiles of flak weapons.
- We've resolved a bug that caused a station to be created without docks, impeding the player to be able to dock on it.
- A bug that showed duplicated information of the researched blueprints has been fixed.
- We’ve fixed a bug that took health off of the player ship when loading a game or changing ships.
- A bug that generated an error in the price of scrapping some weapons has been fixed.
- A bug that made the crew member bonuses not apply from the start on the player's ship has been resolved.
- We've fixed a bug in the recruit list buttons.
- An error that wouldn't update the name of your ship in the shipyard has been solved.
- A bug that allowed you to go to the internal view of the ship while docking has been solved.
- We’ve fixed a bug that was keeping points of interest active when leaving a station
- An error that didn't make the player chosen emblem show up on the crew member's uniforms has been solved.
- A bug that caused some events to duplicate a crew member's name has been solved.
- Fixed a bug in the earning of the Crew member sandwich achievement.
- A bug in the achievement Defective Delivery has been fixed.
- Fixed a bug that caused the information of the reward and the item delivered to not be shown in the delivery missions.
- Event (#38) now gives credits as a reward.
- Freighter Without a Response contract (#54) now gives credits as a reward.
- Looter Trouble contract (#58) now gives reward credits correctly.
- Fixed a bug in the event "A new beginning" (#114) that kept the Hallowey family on the ship despite having left them.
- Fixed a bug in the event "Choosing a Future" (# 120) where a wrong contract was given avoiding continuing the story.
- We've re-designed buttons for the event "The Jewelry" (#156).
- Fixed a bug in the event "The Council" (#168) regarding the status of Dr. Banner.
- We've resolved an error in event 191, which made it so that by mistake it wouldn't kill a crew member.
- A bug that softlocked the game in the event Dinner Invitation (#208) has been fixed.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

Changelog for v0. (20 May 2020):

- A save game error that happened when you purchased a ship has been resolved.
- A softlock in the mission Chain of Command (#140) has been fixed.
- A loading error caused by loading a mission with the mission Call on Hold (#268) active has been resolved.
- An error in the mission Covering our Tracks (#226), which wouldn’t let you advance in the story has been solved.

Standalone installer updated 19 & 20 May 2020: ⇒ ⇒
high rated
Changelog for v0. (21 May 2020):

- A softlock in the mission Chain of Command (#140) has been fixed.
- We've reduced Flynn's hull resistance.
- We've resolved an error that caused some events to give 0 crew members as a reward.
- We've solved an error in the captain's uniform textures.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

Changelog for v0. (22 May 2020):

- Now when a new crew member is generated the system discards all last names that are in use in order to avoid confusion.
- We've fixed multiple grammar errors.
- We've fixed a bug in a button during the Event: Problem in the Reactor (#191).
- We've modified the code to try and solve an error that happened in the event where pirates attack a station.

Standalone installer updated 21 & 22 May 2020: ⇒ ⇒
high rated
Changelog for v0. (22 May 2020 / added 25 May 2020):

- We've fixed a bug in the mission New Password (#280) that made it so you couldn't have another opportunity at inputting another password.
- This version restores the game so that the mission New Password (#280) shows up for those who've lost it.
- We've fixed a bug in the attack on the pirate station.
- We've fixed a text bug that happened when you lost an attribute.
- We've fixed a bug in the description of the missions.
- We've fixed numerous grammatical errors.

~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~

Changelog for v0. (22 May 2020 / added 25 May 2020):

- We've corrected a build that said there was no more story after you finished Towards the Dome (#174). Whoever had this issue can reload their save file and the next mission will show up.
- We've fixed numerous grammatical errors.

~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~

Changelog for v0. (25 May 2020):

- We have fixed a bug that placed the mission The White Family (#211) in the same sector as the player.
- Due to player request, you can now turn on and off the ship headlight with the L key.
- A bug that caused some interception battles to never end has been resolved.
- Many gender errors in various events have been corrected.
- A bug in the prologue related to weapon manufacturing has been resolved.

Standalone installer updated 25 & 26 May 2020: ⇒ ⇒
high rated
Changelog for v0. (27 May 2020):

- The message sounds from MAI that appear when trying to go to the Children of the Sun's sectors with a Republic ship have been fixed.
- We've fixed a bug in the missions Retinal Persistence (#279) and New Password (#280) that made appear a different password than the one introduced.
- We've added logs in various scripts to detect an error in the finalization of battle states.

~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~

Changelog for v0. (28 May 2020):

- We have fixed an error in the buttons of the mission Betrayed Betrayer (#258).
- We have fixed an error in the buttons of the mission Captain Astra (#261).
- Some texts of the mission The City of Ethos (#204) have been corrected.
- Many grammatical errors have been corrected.
- Many gender related errors in text have been fixed..

~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~

Changelog for v0. (29 May 2020):

- We've fixed a bug that was blocking the warp to Sooma II.

Standalone installer updated 28 & 29 May 2020: ⇒ ⇒
Post edited June 01, 2020 by HypersomniacLive
high rated
Changelog for v0. (01 June 2020):

- We've fixed an error in the slaver ship event (#22).
- An error that made it so that you couldn't access the inventory after some random events should be resolved.
- We've increased the amount of ships that show up in the shipyard by 1.
- We've changed the way that the shipyard's ships are selected. Now the level of the ships depends on the sector and not the point in the story you find yourself in.
- We have modified the way that some ships appear during events so that their initial position doesn't coincide with any objects.
- We have resolved a bug that blocked the ability Mine Launcher.

Standalone installer updated: ⇒
Post edited June 01, 2020 by HypersomniacLive
high rated
Changelog for v0. (03 June 2020 / added 05 June 2020):

- We have fixed an error in the events Presentations (#224) and Covering our Tracks (#226) in which the points of interest would appear on a station when the player is on a planet.
- An error that sometimes caused contracts to be shown in a wrong sector has been solved.
- We have reduced the amount of allied ships in the mission Maiden Abyss.
- We have modified some elements that detect the end of a battle in order to solve a bug that made it so that battle never ended. If this bug persists, please send a bug report.

~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~

Changelog for v0. (04 June 2020 / added 05 June 2020):

- It fixes some bugs introduced in the last version.

Standalone installer updated ( ⇒ 05 June 2020.
high rated
Changelog for v0. (05 June 2020 / added 10 June 2020):

- We have modified the ship pathfinding code to avoid a bug that would make them be blocked and unable to move.
- We have fixed a save error in the beginning of the mission The White Family (#211).
- We've fixed a graphical glitch in the projectiles of flak weapons.
- The performance of all Flak Cannons and Laser Interceptors against missiles has been increased. Now they aim quicker, have more ammunition, and reload faster.
- Now Flak Cannons and Laser Interceptors only open fire to missiles.
- We’ve fixed a bug that didn’t allow you to access the star map after the mission Artemis Hub (#171).
- Many grammatical errors have been corrected.
- Many gender related errors in text have been fixed.

~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~

Changelog for v0. (08 June 2020 / added 10 June 2020):

- We've fixed a bug that allowed you to have only sick crew members on your ship, which would cause errors on some events.
- We've fixed a softlock in the mission Anna Banner (#139).
- We've fixed a bug in an event about Barry Collins (#105).

Standalone installer updated ( ⇒ 10 June 2020.
high rated
Changelog for v0. (12 June 2020 / added 15 June 2020):

- We've fixed a softlock in the event #106 when you leave the station.
- We've fixed a bug that ocurred if an event appeared while exiting a station that still had an active event in the same zone.

Standalone installer updated ( ⇒ 15 June 2020.
high rated
Changelog for v0. (10 August 2020 / added 17 August 2020):

- The engine has been updated to Unity 2018.4.
- The game now uses multithreading on some functions to improve CPU performance.
- The ships shader has been improved to increase performance and improve graphic quality.
- The use of materials has been optimized to increase performance.
- Particle systems have been optimized.
- The code of various systems has been rewritten to increase performance.
- We've fixed a bug that always activated motion blur when starting the game.
- Shotgun weapon operation has been fixed.
- Fixed a bug in laser weapons that caused the laser to turn on and off constantly.
- New illustrations have been added.
- Numerous texts have been corrected.

~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~

Changelog for v0. (13 August 2020 / added 17 August 2020):

- We have increased the brightness of some explosions.
- We have modified the transmissions in the mission Returning the Favor (#217) to let you understand more clearly that you have to destroy the station.
- An error that kept laser beams active on already destroyed ships has been fixed.
- We have fixed the material of multiple game objects.
- An error that caused stations not fire has been fixed.
- We have fixed an error in the UI that didn't allow the player to have access to all their blueprints.

Standalone installer updated ( ⇒ 17 August 2020.
high rated
As many of you will have noticed, there is now an update to 0.4. It has been about two weeks since it was released and no change log has been posted here. Here is the developer's info on this release from elsewhere. (Note that this changelog is for 0.4. There was a 0.4.4 and a 0.4.5 released here. What changes were in those updates I don't know)


Greetings, Spacefarers!

Today we're glad to announce a major update for Between the Stars and a 33% off discount.

This new update adds four new playable ships and a lot of quality of life changes. The main changes are the following:

Main Features;
- Four new playable ships (photo 1)
- A new camera closer to the bridge of the ship (photo 2, the animated gif)
- Weapon comparison system for weapons and ships.(photo 3)
- Detailed statistics for ships on the hangar and in the inventory..

Change Log Version 0.4

- 4 new ships have been added for NPCs and player.
- We’ve added global ship to the inventory screen.
- The statistics that are displayed in the hangar have been improved.
- We’ve added a comparison of statistics between the current ship and the ship that is being displayed in the hangar.
- The statistics of the ships that are displayed in the main menu have been improved.
- We’ve added a new camera closer to the ship.
- Now camera angles can be switched with the F1, F2 and F3 keys.
- Certain aspects of the inventory menu have been redesigned to increase the available screen space.
- A weapon comparison system has been added. Now when a weapon is dragged on top of another, a comparison between the two weapons is displayed.
- The statistics of some ships have been modified to balance the game.
- Children of the Sun ships are now less likely to equip missile-based weapons.
- Pirate ships are now less likely to equip beam weapons.
- Republic ships are now more likely to equip projectile-based weapons.
- The repair price of ships has been reduced.
- The bonuses of enemy captains at higher levels has been raised.
- We’ve fixed various bugs in the event False License (# 86).
- We’ve fixed a bug in the event The Bite (# 145).
- We’ve fixed several calculation errors in the bonus percentages shown in the crew screen.
- Several bugs in the Mine Launcher weapon have been fixed.
- We’ve fixed a bug in the nuclear missile upgrades.
- We’ve fixed a bug that caused weapons to fire when collecting loot from a destroyed ship with the Auto Aim System activated.
- We’ve fixed a bug in the mission Chain of Command (# 140) that caused the player's weapons to fire at allies when the Auto Aim System activated.
- We’ve fixed a bug that caused some missiles to change direction suddenly.
- We’ve fixed a bug that opened the inventory when pressing ESC for the first time.
- We’ve fixed a bug that kept some UI damage particles enabled when the ship was in perfect condition.
- Now the options to invert the mouse axes works.

Next Updates
Currently we're writting the end of the Chapter V and testing the Chinese localization. The next major update will be focused on bringing new weapons to the game and improving features relAated with them, after that we will expand the main story line of the game with the Chapter V.

To the devs when you finally get around to this:
- The patch from to 0.4.x is missing
- Waiting two weeks or more for you to copy and paste a change log you already spent the time to post elsewhere is not a way to make the early-access paying customers who are funding your development feel very appreciated. Nuff said?
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high rated
There have been two updates since I last posted. The developers, Isolated Games, appears to have abandoned those of us who fund their development here. I would encourage everyone here to contact them to voice your disapproval that they can't be bothered to make a post here.

The two updates are 0.4.6 and 0.4.7. Here is 0.4.6, 0.4.7 is a separate post.

Greetings, Spacefarers!

Today we're glad to announce a major update for Between the Stars.

These are the main features of this new update:

Chinese Localization
The new update adds the official Chinese translation made by WhysperGames. Chinese players will be able to play the whole game in their own language.

New Ability Systems
This update also adds the 12 systems with new abilities listed bellow (see attached photo for this list)

New Weapon Groups
There is now a new way to group weapons in order to be more effective in battle. Now you'll be able to group weapons and enable or disable them during a battle.

You can take a look at the complete change log below:

Change Log Version 0.4.6

Official Simplified Chinese translation has been added.
12 new systems have been added, each granting a new skill.
A new system has been added that allows you to create groups of weapons.
Now, by pressing the TAB key, the player can activate and deactivate groups of weapons in the middle of battle to save energy and be more effective.
Weapons now have an internal rarity index, some weapons will be harder to get than others.
Enemies will now equip the most common weapons and it will be less frequent to find enemies with rare weapons.
Weapon prices are now automatically calculated based on their material cost, rarity, and quality.
Now weapons that appear when looting ships can only be weapons that the destroyed ship had equipped.
Until now the Quantum Core material was not used, from this update it will be used. Quantum Cores can only be obtained by scrapping weapons, from each weapon you get a Quantum Core.
Now the nuclear missile and the hacking drone are launched by pressing only the key of the ability. You no longer have to press the fire button.
We fixed a bug that prevented the hacking drone from staying anchored to the target after hitting it.
The color of the hacking drone and electromagnetic pulse effects have been adjusted.
The appearance of the nuclear missile has been modified so that it can be seen more easily on the screen.
Circular weapon menu style has been modified to match weapon groups.
Now pressing TAB no longer stops time, but it slows it down.
A bug that made the NPC ship's engines not make any sound has been corrected.
Multiple glitches that caused flashing in the lasers have been corrected.

What is coming
We are working on Chapter V. Now we are testing its missions and working on the voice-overs that you'll find in this new Chapter. We plan to release it at the end of December. After that we'll work on new secondary events and story lines, new weapons, fixing bugs, etc. to get the game ready for the 1.0 release next year.

Also, the 0.4.7 change log:

Damage Sampling and New Events - v0.4.7
Greetings, Spacefarers!

Today we're releasing a new update for Between the Stars!

These are the main features you'll find:

New Secondary Storylines
The new update adds twenty new events and four secondary storylines. They will add more variety and fun outside the main storyline.

Damage Sampling
In order to give the game a more "RPG" feel, we have added a system in place that will show damage numbers. If you don't like it, you can always disable and configure it in Settings > Game.

New Hard Mode
If Between the Stars is too easy for you, now you can start a new campaign in Hard Mode. In this mode, ships have 50% more health and shields, dice rolls are more difficult, enemies in dice battles are more dangerous, there is less loot, and interceptions are more frequent.

Repair Kits and three new weapons
In this version we're adding Repair Kits. They allow you to repair the ship without returning to the stations. Kits can be purchased from system shops or found as a reward on enemies. Also we're introducing Repeating Cannons, they will allow you to overwhelm the objective with a lethal shower of projectiles. (See attached photo)

New Save System
We've updated the save system of Between the Stars to solve the issues some players found in the past. With this update, the corruption data issues will be resolved. Now the game is saved in a single file instead of using a large number of files. Due this change, the Bug Reports are now sent much faster.

You can take a look at the complete change log below:

Change Log Version 0.4.7

20 new secondary events have been added. These events set up 4 new secondary storylines.
3 new weapons have been added.
4 new secondary event items have been added.
RG-210 Repeating Cannon
RG-420 Repeating Cannon
RG-840 Repeating Cannon

Repair kits have been added that allow the ship to be repaired without returning to the stations. Kits can be purchased from system shops or found as a reward on enemies.
A system has been added to show the damage done. This system can be disabled and configured in Settings > Game.
Hard difficulty mode has been added. In this mode, ships have 50% more health and shields, dice rolls are more difficult, enemies in dice battles are more dangerous, there is less loot, and interceptions are more frequent.
An additional step has been added at the start of the campaign, where you can select the basic settings of the game.
Illustrations have been added to the events in Xeah, The Living Bay and Sharp Hill.
Now you can abandon the contracts that are obtained in the stations.
Now weapon groups can be activated or deactivated using keys 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in the weapon group activation menu.
Now when a weapon is dragged from the store, the inventory will automatically show the weapon section.
Now when an object is dragged from the store, the inventory will automatically show the object section.

A system has been created to adjust the difficulty of dice rolls in side missions.
A system has been created to adjust the difficulty of dice battles in side missions.
The amount of credits that are obtained in loot has been increased.
Now you get more credits when selling weapons.
The projectile speed of Plasma cannons has been increased to have the same projectile speed of the Cannons of the Republic.

A large update has been made to the save system.
Now all game data is saved in a single file.
When the new version is run for the first time, it will back up the game and go through the process to transfer all data to the new save system.
The new save system avoids the corruption errors that occasionally occurred to some players.
The bug reporting system has been improved, now they are sent much faster.
A bug that did not allow to deactivate the VI weapon group has been fixed.
The lighting in the reverse engines of the Genesis has been fixed.
A bug in the systems ability WS-100 Energy Converter that bugged the shields when used at when they were full has been resolved.

What is coming
As you know, in the latest update we mention that Chapter V would be ready by the end of December. Unfortunately this won't be possible. We need more time to do a good job so the Chapter V update has been delayed. We plan to release it in February. We are doing our best to have a great update, so please be patient. :)

Merry Christmas and happy new year to everyone!
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Post edited January 04, 2021 by VA1DER
VA1DER: There have been two updates since I last posted. The developers, Isolated Games, appears to have abandoned those of us who fund their development here. I would encourage everyone here to contact them to voice your disapproval that they can't be bothered to make a post here.

The two updates are 0.4.6 and 0.4.7. Here is 0.4.6, 0.4.7 is a separate post.
Hello VA1DER,

HypersomniacLive is not a developer of Between the Stars, he's just an user that started pasting the change logs.

For some reason we cannot edit the op, so it's hard for us to update the thread in the same way we do in the Steam thread (

Anyways in GOG you don't need a thread to know the changes we made in every update. You can take a look at the whole change log using GOG Galaxy 2. In order to do so, go to Between the Stars, click in the options button that is located at the right of the play button and select "View patch notes". There you will see every changes we made in each update.