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low rated
Where is my Steam key? I was told by the creator of the game that we'd be getting Steam keys or did I miss something?
unexpectedgreg: Where is my Steam key? I was told by the creator of the game that we'd be getting Steam keys or did I miss something?
We don't sell Steam keys and we never have :)

You can try asking the developer for one, though :)
unexpectedgreg: Where is my Steam key? I was told by the creator of the game that we'd be getting Steam keys or did I miss something?
You only get a STEAM key if you buy off of Humble (aka the dev) GoG will never and has never sold steam keys.
I am always trying to figure out what the best option is: GoG or Humble

I like Humble because I believe that contribution to devs is greater (I don't care about Steam keys)
But with GoG you have access to a forum, which is an advantage when it comes to support.

I know you don't have to have the game to ask a question on the forum. And I know that it is a recent indie there should not be a lot of technical issues.
low rated
Really is that so? Do you guys have a feud with Valve or something?

That was a huge disappointment to me, I've already sent a mail to support but upon reading this post I guess I should not hold my breath. I thought you got a Steam key no matter where you bought the game, it was clearly stated by dev. that you would receive a Steam key on purchase.

I also want to mail the developer for a steam key, but how do I prove that I own the game?

It's really silly not to generate Steam keys. It is drm, but it's also voluntary. Don't have to use Steam only because you got a key.
Post edited February 18, 2014 by Snaddre
Where can Banished be purchased?

You can buy Banished here on the Shining Rock Software website through use of the Humble Widget. You’ll get a DRM-Free version, as well as an optional Steam key. You can also buy it from Steam, the Humble Store, or

it clearly says you get a steam key when buying thought there website only the other sites like GoG are only mentioned as alternative places to buy it which is common practice if you really want a steam keys then buy it from steam.
Snaddre: Really is that so? Do you guys have a feud with Valve or something?

That was a huge disappointment to me, I've already sent a mail to support but upon reading this post I guess I should not hold my breath. I thought you got a Steam key no matter where you bought the game, it was clearly stated by dev. that you would receive a Steam key on purchase.

I also want to mail the developer for a steam key, but how do I prove that I own the game?

It's really silly not to generate Steam keys. It is drm, but it's also voluntary. Don't have to use Steam only because you got a key.
Simple: take a picture of the game on your shelf or email him a receipt of purchase or just ask :)
Snaddre: Really is that so? Do you guys have a feud with Valve or something?

You do realise that gog and Steam are competitors right? Why would one give away the product of another? It makes no sense.
Gilou: I am always trying to figure out what the best option is: GoG or Humble

I like Humble because I believe that contribution to devs is greater (I don't care about Steam keys)
But with GoG you have access to a forum, which is an advantage when it comes to support.

I know you don't have to have the game to ask a question on the forum. And I know that it is a recent indie there should not be a lot of technical issues.
GOG is better at patching. Note that I said better, not good (e.g. The Sword of the Stars fiasco).
Snaddre: Really is that so? Do you guys have a feud with Valve or something?
GOG is not Steams lapdog key seller. If you want GOG version buy from GOG, if you want any other version, buy from somewhere else. GOG has never and will never offer Steam keys, period.
All I can say after reading a few of the posts here:

People, learn to read.

It clearly says you get the Steam keys only when buying though the website.
This is a 100% DRM free site and you expect a key for a (competing) DRM-site?

low rated
Snaddre: Really is that so? Do you guys have a feud with Valve or something?

Ravenvolf: You do realise that gog and Steam are competitors right? Why would one give away the product of another? It makes no sense.
Do you mean no sense for steam or for gog? Gog has already made the money on the sale of the game. Generating a Steam key through steamworks is free for the developers and online stores who have an agreement with Valve, such as humble. Then users are free to use the Steam platform for patching, community, and so on. Why would Steam do this for free? Because the Steam store is also a part of the platform. This means that when I want to play Banished on Steam to use the community, achievements etc, I also got simple access to their store.

So it makes total sense, from a business perspective. Gog is the first store I've encountered that does not generate keys. Another example is Amazon.

Again, products are not given away. You pay for it once, and unlock it on two separate platforms. Same IP, different platforms.
Steam why someone needs Steams Key´s. GOG thanks a lot that i didn´t need ot buy this game on steam.

You can compare it with Consoles i buy it for Console B so i can´t use it on Console A.
Post edited February 19, 2014 by Bulletproof_Van
Ravenvolf: You do realise that gog and Steam are competitors right? Why would one give away the product of another? It makes no sense.
Snaddre: Do you mean no sense for steam or for gog? Gog has already made the money on the sale of the game. Generating a Steam key through steamworks is free for the developers and online stores who have an agreement with Valve, such as humble. Then users are free to use the Steam platform for patching, community, and so on. Why would Steam do this for free? Because the Steam store is also a part of the platform. This means that when I want to play Banished on Steam to use the community, achievements etc, I also got simple access to their store.

So it makes total sense, from a business perspective. Gog is the first store I've encountered that does not generate keys. Another example is Amazon.

Again, products are not given away. You pay for it once, and unlock it on two separate platforms. Same IP, different platforms.
It makes sense for the developer to give away keys. But It makes no sense for either gog or Steam, they are competing stores. The developer giving away keys is a separate matter. Gog or Steam is not the developer.

You also don't get a DRM free copy if you buy it from Steam.

If the developer wan't to give away a steam key for everyone who bought in on gog, good on them.

I got a Steam key for Inquisitor, which I bought here on gog, because the developer gave away the key if you email them proof that you own it on gog (they accepted a receipt or screenshot of the game on your shelf). Under no circumstances did I expect gog to give away the keys because it has nothing to do with them.

If you have a problem with not having a Steam key, contact the developer, it has nothing to do with Gog or Steam. Hopefully the developer will help you out, but I wouldn't expect it, it would be very nice of them. I suggest contacting him very politely and not demanding a key. Good luck.
Post edited February 19, 2014 by Ravenvolf
Snaddre: So it makes total sense, from a business perspective.
No it does not make sense, from a buisness perspective. Because one of the key business elements here on gog is, that you don't need Steam in _any_ way.
And, you seem to neglect the fact that every platform wants their share of the profit.
So why share that when you have enough customers on your own.

If you have the need to get a Steam key with every game you buy, you should consider going elsewhere.