Posted December 02, 2010

I like cake.
Registered: Oct 2010
From Canada

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Registered: Dec 2008
From United States
Posted December 02, 2010
It will basically be a new PC. Clean install to new disk. Old XP disk will still be in machine until all data is migrated off then it will get wiped also.

I like cake.
Registered: Oct 2010
From Canada
Posted December 02, 2010

Here's what I suggest - if you're familiar with the registry editor, search for these terms - 'baldur', 'bioware', and 'bgmain', then export any important-looking keys and import them to your Windows 7 setup. Copy over the game from the one hard drive over to the other, carefully making sure the paths match (if it's in c:\games\bg2\ on your XP machine, it MUST be c:\games\bg2\ in your W7 machine).
If you have no idea what I just said there, it's probably best you reinstall the whole thing. As for the tweaks, I'm not sure if there's an easier way to do it, but what I've always done is just run the tweak pack setup file again from your BG2 directory (setup-bg2_tweaks.exe), select Yes to see all the components, then when it asks you if you'd like to install each individual component, say no, but if it asks you to RE-install a component, still say no, but then jot down the name of that component somewhere - it means you had opted to install it earlier.
Be sure to backup your saved games directory too.
Hope that helped!
Post edited December 02, 2010 by GoJays2025

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Registered: Dec 2008
From United States
Posted December 03, 2010

Will post a follow up.
Thanks again. And also, thanks for your original write up. Not only has it helped me to revisit a series I truly enjoyed, but it has also gotten my two sons, who were toddlers when BG came out, fired up and playing it as well.

I like cake.
Registered: Oct 2010
From Canada
Posted December 03, 2010
Glad it helped! Hope it works, and have fun! Might I also add that you're an awesome father! :D

New User
Registered: Oct 2010
From United States
Posted December 04, 2010
The Big World Setup tells me that i dont have a full install and that files are missing, namely CD5\Movies\25movies.bif, but i found this in the Data Folder... i know a way around this.

Para Bellum
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted December 04, 2010

Will post a follow up.
Thanks again. And also, thanks for your original write up. Not only has it helped me to revisit a series I truly enjoyed, but it has also gotten my two sons, who were toddlers when BG came out, fired up and playing it as well.

I like cake.
Registered: Oct 2010
From Canada

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Registered: Dec 2008
From United States

New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted December 09, 2010
So does anyone have a recommended list of mods. the first post is great, but it is trying to get the best almost vanilla expierence.
How about the BWP mods. Does anyone have a good list?
How about the BWP mods. Does anyone have a good list?

Posted December 12, 2010
The BG2 fixpack download links on the website have been down for AGES!
Would really love to start playing BG2 if only i can download the fixpack :(
Does anyone know of another link? All three on the g3 website aren't working...
Thanks in advance ppl!
Would really love to start playing BG2 if only i can download the fixpack :(
Does anyone know of another link? All three on the g3 website aren't working...
Thanks in advance ppl!

Debt propelled
Registered: Dec 2009
From Australia
Posted December 12, 2010

Would really love to start playing BG2 if only i can download the fixpack :(
Does anyone know of another link? All three on the g3 website aren't working...
Thanks in advance ppl!
Post edited December 12, 2010 by Kezardin

Posted December 12, 2010

Would really love to start playing BG2 if only i can download the fixpack :(
Does anyone know of another link? All three on the g3 website aren't working...
Thanks in advance ppl!
thanks for the quick reply tho!

I like cake.
Registered: Oct 2010
From Canada
Posted December 12, 2010

thanks for the quick reply tho!

Posted December 12, 2010

thanks for the quick reply tho!

thanks mate! i shall name my character after you! uhmm....maybe for the 2nd playthrough :p