Posted September 29, 2022
I see it this way:
Larian tries to add RTWP and still pushes the game out in a reasonable amount of time: People will complain because the AI in RTWP does stupid stuff (AI tuning is *hard*) and the game is buggy as hell because they changed the core combat system late in the development cycle.
Larian tries to add RTWP and takes the time to get the AI right: People complain because the game takes forever to complete (if it completes at all; money isn't infinite and the devs need to make a living), and everyone is grumpy about that. I'm pretty sure I already read someone on these forums say they *might die before they get to see the full release of the game*.
Larian doesn't add RTWP, and spends their resources polishing the game as originally designed, and releases on time: The RTWP people complain because they want RTWP, but the game itself comes off as polished because they did what they originally intended to do to completion, and the game is released on a reasonable timeline.
If you're Larian, which option do you take?