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Looking at other games, where many gamers asked about different combat models (and developers fulfilling their wishes), when the real time combat will be added to BG3?
cielaqu: Looking at other games, where many gamers asked about different combat models (and developers fulfilling their wishes), when the real time combat will be added to BG3?
I do not like to be the bearer of bad news, but it likely will never come at this point. From what Larian has said, they are nearing the completion of the game and will soon be heading into polishing the game's features/fixing bugs.

Given it is so late in the development into the game, I don't think you will see a Real-Time-with-Pause style combat be implemented on launch of the full game.

Hopefully that doesn't deter you, but it cannot be helped if it does.
What @Doc45 said, me too. Also, in any case, you should tell Larian how you feel about it rather than informing the GOG gamers in this forum.
Being near completion doesn't mean it couldn't be added later. I understand that meeting deadlines is important and all non essential game features are postponed, but looking at Pillars of Eternity the turn based combat system was added much later, when the game was already published.

Without real time battles it just would feel like good old Baldur's Gate anymore ...
cielaqu: Being near completion doesn't mean it couldn't be added later. I understand that meeting deadlines is important and all non essential game features are postponed, but looking at Pillars of Eternity the turn based combat system was added much later, when the game was already published.

Without real time battles it just would feel like good old Baldur's Gate anymore ...
"Being near completion doesn't mean it couldn't be added later"

It means it's highly unlikely. Don't hold your breath, but stranger things have happened, so don't get discouraged.
no in this case it does mean not happening... the game engine is basically the same as Ds1 and Ds2 which is not designed for what you are calling 'real time with pause' so what you want would need a much bigger rewright than a simple patch job

multiplayer over the internet doesn't like pause systems and Larian is not making a single player [offline only] game because Wizards of the coast don't want that... WoC are backing this project i.e, paying the bills so its not happening mate
Pillars engine was designed for real time comabat, yet developers encouraged by modders, added that later. But yes, it does show the attitude of developers toward the gamers.
cielaqu: Pillars engine was designed for real time comabat, yet developers encouraged by modders, added that later. But yes, it does show the attitude of developers toward the gamers.
When you have a realtime system it's so simple to add pauses to come up with an approximation of turn-based that even modders could do it. Taking a turn-based system and changing it to realtime is a big effin deal.
alcaray: When you have a realtime system it's so simple to add pauses to come up with an approximation of turn-based that even modders could do it. Taking a turn-based system and changing it to realtime is a big effin deal.
It's a fully functional, clasical turn based combat system, not limited time intervals.It's just willingness or unwillingness to move forward to players.
alcaray: When you have a realtime system it's so simple to add pauses to come up with an approximation of turn-based that even modders could do it. Taking a turn-based system and changing it to realtime is a big effin deal.
cielaqu: It's a fully functional, clasical turn based combat system, not limited time intervals.It's just willingness or unwillingness to move forward to players.
If you think it's that simple you can send the devs an e-mail and explain it to them. I doubt anyone in this sub-forum has the power to make RTWP happen. You should keep an eye out for mods over at Nexus. That would be your best bet, I think. I checked the site just now and couldn't find anything that changes the game to RTWP. You can also commission a programmer to give it a whirl, if you have the funds to do so.
The pillars engine is just the old infinity engine that bg1&2 was made from so adding 'pause' doesn't really apply to your example because it's already there

It's pretty clear you aren't in the mood anyway
ussnorway: no in this case it does mean not happening... the game engine is basically the same as Ds1 and Ds2 which is not designed for what you are calling 'real time with pause' so what you want would need a much bigger rewright than a simple patch job

multiplayer over the internet doesn't like pause systems and Larian is not making a single player [offline only] game because Wizards of the coast don't want that... WoC are backing this project i.e, paying the bills so its not happening mate
Multiplayer is not representative of the majority of players who will play the game (Steam charts 93,350
all-time peak for DoS 2... the game sold millions of copies)... so unless Larian state that pause and play cannot be implemented, it is still a possibility albeit small (hell even PoE 2 was able to retro fit turn based).

edit the Pillars engine was not an old Infinity Engine, where on earth did you read that? it was built with the Unity engine.
Post edited September 18, 2022 by Wompoo
Yes and no, Unity and [Unreal] are both very old engines that have been heavily modified into teaching tools and marketed at schools to get their students a basic understanding of code like making a model out of lego blocks, however in this case its more like using tracing paper to copy a Picasso because they hired ex-staff to get inside knowledge of the code and just remade it

Unity is a topdown, lots of mouse click engine that runs on older systems + the talent they hired = never had any intention of making a different kind of game so customer feedback doesn't apply

Dos2 does sell a lot of copies now yes but they are heavily discounted 50% or more copies and when you dig a little deeper you see its widely regarded as a shit role playing experience by players. Larian does not want to repeat that mistake; they don't need real time with pause, day night cycles, carbon copies of the paper rules or any of the other bullshit threads being posted in the forums

The bottom line is Larian needs this game to work [thats it] when a kid spends $100+ to buy it, brings it home and loads it into Windows 11, iMac 2 , Standia [Playstation, Xbox etc] it needs to not crash an hour into the game because you talked to Shadowheart in camp after casting the wrong spell... If players can get to the finish line without hitting a major crash the game will be a hit

Larian needs skilled staff & strong leadership [which they have] + testers [which they struggle to get right] so they are still around in 5 years and not standing next to Beamdog or Bioware staff in unemployment lines wondering wtf went wrong
@ ussnorway Sorry but you really need to read the Unity engine wicki... as for Larian, DoS 2 sold over a million copies in the first 2 months and continued sell well at full price way before discounting kicked in. Multi play has always been the smallest layer of the player base with that game. Multiplayer is important to those who enjoy that type of gaming, however, it would be unfortunate to tie this games development to that player niche (in CRPGs). More likely the only reason the game will not be expanded to embrase pause and play will be because of Larian's vision for the game (and I can respect that), but I doubt very very much that game's engine is the reason. As for it being considered a poor role playing experience, I have no idea where you dug this up (Redit and Steam forums are not reliable)... if anything did impact upon the role playing experience it would be the way the single player game was designed to integrate multiplayer (myself I enjoyed both, but single player more so). Beamdog Bioware? Really :) come on... BioWare you have dramatically over simplified... as for Beamdog no idea and I have no inclination to dig deeper.
Just an aside here, but it's fun to read these posts and see who has a software development background and who doesn't.

I see it this way:
Larian tries to add RTWP and still pushes the game out in a reasonable amount of time: People will complain because the AI in RTWP does stupid stuff (AI tuning is *hard*) and the game is buggy as hell because they changed the core combat system late in the development cycle.

Larian tries to add RTWP and takes the time to get the AI right: People complain because the game takes forever to complete (if it completes at all; money isn't infinite and the devs need to make a living), and everyone is grumpy about that. I'm pretty sure I already read someone on these forums say they *might die before they get to see the full release of the game*.

Larian doesn't add RTWP, and spends their resources polishing the game as originally designed, and releases on time: The RTWP people complain because they want RTWP, but the game itself comes off as polished because they did what they originally intended to do to completion, and the game is released on a reasonable timeline.

If you're Larian, which option do you take?