Posted March 25, 2018
Dwarves, Day 55
Following the unlikely (?) triumph of swashbucklers over wounded Spider Queens, our Gargoyle beats a Succubus.
Nothing much happened this turn, except we absentmindedly burned down an Orc village and then restarted because I remembered that I am actually reliant on a lot of Orc troops including several Gluttons. Sorry, but couldn't stand the shitshow that was going to ensue due to that stupidity.
Following the unlikely (?) triumph of swashbucklers over wounded Spider Queens, our Gargoyle beats a Succubus.
Nothing much happened this turn, except we absentmindedly burned down an Orc village and then restarted because I remembered that I am actually reliant on a lot of Orc troops including several Gluttons. Sorry, but couldn't stand the shitshow that was going to ensue due to that stupidity.