Bookwyrm627: The Dark Elves focused heavily on their war with the much more dangerous (at the time) Orcs and Frostlings in the East, allowing me time to expand through Dark Elf lands in the West.
Mimo: There was a brief period where my five city empire suddenly expanded to fourteen cities and I started having glimmers of hope that I might actually do okay in this war. And then 600 Dark Elves descended upon me and a concealed leader started poaching my rear echelon production.
Made me wish for the AoW:SM bug where invisible heroes still have their casting sphere visible, thus negating their invisibility. :)
I was basically a non-entity until the Goblins died. By that point, everyone else was busy so I had time (and peace) to gobble up the goblin lands. I think I had 7 cities before that, three of which were size 2 while the rest were size 1, and I was completely hemmed in by Frostling and Goblin conquests.