Played this game years ago, probably in the early 2000s with my cousin. This game was unique then and to this day I have never seen a game like it. It was an RTS yet it allowed you to take control of any of your units first person. The unit would gain slight bonuses in health, damage, speed etc. and most of all your increased intelligence, superior to the AI. The action was constant, with a resource system based on map control, the like of which I have only ever witnessed with the first Dawn of War. It kept the game super fast paced and engaging as you switched from command center to manufacture more units as fast as possible, to defensive turrets in your HQ to stamp out another deep foray by the enemy, to your units to lead the attack in the first person. I can see no reason as to why a game so ahead of its time did not gain a greater following, save for perhaps the need for a joystick to really enjoy it. I so hope they bring this back, it was a true joy to play.