This was among the first Genesis games released. Still among the best among the debut year. The Revenge of Shinobi technically a sequel to Shinobi. As in the classic Sega Arcade game of the same name. I strongly felt this was way better. Sure it's on the more hard side. Some bosses can be rather frustrating. Some mechanics may not work as well. There's still a good variety within the stages. You do get power ups that helps to a degree. This quickly tests how skilled you are at the game. The Revenge of Shinobi has an fantastic soundtrack with amazing sound effects. Due to a copy right issue, finding this game can be difficult. Which now includes Steam delisted Sega Genesis Classics. This is also why there's several versions of the same game. Only Spider-Man was licensed due to Sega making an Spider-Man game. Depending on your copy or if you're using emulators. You either have the version with Spider-Man or altered not to be him anymore. This by itself with GOG allowing you to pick which version you wanna play from updates. I felt people can get to enjoy every version of the game. The Revenge of Shinobi is a true master piece. It's possible for people not played this before. I felt those people especially Shinobi fans among em would enjoy this a lot.