This is one of if not my favorite game of all time. Its story is so well-written and interesting, and the artstyle still holds up, imo. Thr soundtrack is gorgeous. The gameplay may be clunky at time, but honestly not as bad as some try to make it be. It has that classic backtracking as you open more areas, which I personally enjoy being able to rethread the same area and get to know the map so well. It's a real shame that it ever got banned based on false information, and that all current physical copies are sold at exhorbitant prices. It's one of the best, most well-crafted stories of all survivor horror, if not all games, dealing with delicate subjects without feeling exploitative or anything like that, as all the topic are handled with care, and you can really see how trauma have impacted all those girls differently, and how it informs their behavior. It doesn't outright villainize any of them, being able to sympathize with them while still condoning some of their actions. Few medias have been able to capture and execute all the themes this game does. Truly a game that deserve to be preserved and easily available to be played so anyone can experience this amazing story.