True story this so happened to be the only Dead Rising game I preordered. I actually preordered an physical Wii copy of this game. I was a huge fan of the original Dead Rising. Capcom was happy how well Resident Evil 4 done on Wii. They attempted to do it again with Dead Rising. But it was a challenge resulting in a vastly different game. Yes a lot of stuff gotten removed. Locations of the mall were notably shortened down in scale. There's a lot fewer zombies with both Dead Rising 2's smaller companion games having more zombies. The real kicker is the other stuff changed or added no one talks about. Such as majority of the guns were pulled straight from RE4. If you save Cletus, he becomes the merchant. You get more unlockables for your save house as well. Instead of Infinity Mode, you get two different mini games. Second Amendment is a shooting mini game. Odd Jobs is an challenge mode that will test your skills as well as how well you adapt to situations. Unfortunately most endings are removed. You no longer have one big time limit for your runs. Instead each mission has their own timers. You actually get some cool stuff from rescuing people in this version. There's a more in depth inventory system as well. The controls are kinda interesting. When you go to throw something it actually feels like you're doing it. The controls are mostly similar to RE4 on the same system. The in game texts is much larger that also pauses the game play. Which also makes answering Otis' calls less annoying too. This is more of a gem than a bad Dead Rising game. Currently the only Nintendo release for the franchise.