Posted May 26, 2011

my silver sword does like 2000 base damage or so, on the moon blade. That's too excessive.
maybe if it was simply mutagen enhancements, like add 20% to mutagen stats...
Ok I had some time and did the following:
Reduced runes stats,
Modded the mutagen stats more,
Finished modding all armor mods,
Added freezing to moon and earth runes,
Mutagen drop rate up
Materials gained on looting up.
Food shops sell DLC items and other stuff on a fast refill rate if you use the def_shops file, (doesn't look like DLC items show I could be wrong, it's not so important since we can mod existing weapons)
Modified the mod to allow mutagens on all abilities and changed the boosts of the abilities when you buy them, this one might be too overpowered end game because I haven't added up all the values overtime. After testing it the mutagens are overpowered so I'll have to reduce them but you're welcome to try this new one and tell me what you think.
Post edited May 26, 2011 by ericneo