Wraith: Look at Deus Ex: IW and the in development Deus Ex 3 for a good example of "When good IP's go bad and piss off a dedicated fan base". Also look at Project Snowblind.
RafaelLopez: I will rebute anyone who thinks Deus Ex Invisible War is a bad game or otherwise underachieves in comparison to the original Deus Ex. Both are the best (and pretty much the only) truly cyberpunk modern RPGs.
Playing them side by side is the only comparison I accept. Don't come with "Invisible War is dated", picking the graphics as proof of quality is the first mistake people make these days.
I have played both games, in fact, I played IW before I played Deus Ex and I have to say
in my opinion, IW is not a worthy successor. It is a good game in its own right and had it not been the sequel to one of the greatest games ever, it might hold a loftier place in the history of video games, however, about the only things that were better about IW were the graphics and to a slight degree, the voice acting (sorry, but JC was voiced by one of the most wooden actors I have ever heard). The story was severely lacking in comparison to the complexity and depth of the original game, the gameplay itself was somewhat uninspired and linear and it just didn't make me want to sit at my computer all night and keep playing like Deus Ex did. I am hopeful that the third game will redeem the series for IW, but, game developers and publishers have made a nasty habit of crushing my hopes lately.
BTW - The best cyberpunk RPGs are the System Shock games, not the Deus Ex games, they are really second best.