SubBassman: Shadowrun and Wasteland are legendary names.
The Banner Saga was nearly finished before kickstarter kicked in.
One of those lines is right.
Shadowrun and Wasteland are legendary, sure.
But The Banner Saga... They have a "working prototype" right now for the game mechanics side, and they've got some good art and video clips so far too. However, they're just now starting on animation work, hiring their sounds group, and hiring the music group. It is a large quantity from nearly finished.
It's actually probably very close to where you are in terms of total production work done as a percentage. The difference is that they worked on different segments first, so they had a story to talk about and some game visuals to show, not just 500k lines of dialog waiting to be converted between formats. What you've done first and what you have to show off is as important as how much you've done out of the total.
And man, no one really likes half-orcs. It's just squicky to think about where they came from, and there's basically never a reason to not just use orcs as a player race instead. Anyone who'd want to be a half-orc would want to be a full orc too, so there's no reason to keep putting them into new products and settings.