Posted February 23, 2012

New User
Registered: Sep 2011
From Germany

New User
Registered: Apr 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted February 23, 2012
There's no hope left for this game because drsigmund is going to pirate it.

Registered: Sep 2010
From Germany

New User
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted February 23, 2012

...or alternatively, Roman is just a wannabe hipster.

Sim Salla Bim
Registered: Nov 2010
From Other
Posted February 23, 2012

seems to me you're stuck in 1999 mode - like many of us were at the beginning of this videogaming generation. but development and distribution models have changed and you just have to come to terms with that. sticking your head in the sand won't get you anywhere.
and of course it's about profit. why do you think Bioware makes games in the first place? every game developer has to balance business interests with artistic ambitions. there isn't anything particularly evil about that.
it's simple: Bioware knows ME3 DLC would sell. they have the manpower and finances to produce the DLC. why wouldn't they do it?
I may be 'stuck' as you say... but at least I still have a handle on what is a healthy direction or not, it would seem that people such as yourself who wholeheartedly accept corporate greed, over any kind of demand for proper quality or a worthwhile experience for their expenditure have chosen to follow the direction of least resistance.. and that's lazy, and ultimately damaging to any rights you may have had before you chose to give thm away.
There are still peope who feel DLC, day 1 or not, is contradictory to getting a worthwhile experienece for the money ALREADY and initially spent.. and as we are usually borne out to be quite correct instead of you trying to convince us that we should 'get with the time' maybe you instead, should slow down and do some real thinking instead of blinkered following.

Registered: Feb 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted February 23, 2012

Not a lake
Registered: Jun 2009
From Sweden
Posted February 23, 2012

Sim Salla Bim
Registered: Nov 2010
From Other

Registered: Feb 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted February 23, 2012

I've seen games go gold (being stopped working on) on the wed and being sent off to the publisher within a few days, with DLC still coming out at the same time.. so there is NO hard and fast rule as to when DLC get's made. And you saying there is, and 'quoting' one just makes your opinion all the less relevent.
I'm sick of this conversation anyway.. I answered the other post because (edited) there was already a to and fro between us.. I'm not in the mood to start gugitation the same shit over again with someone else, especiallly when we're never going convince each other of of repective points of view.
Fact of the matter... if you release two releated products at the same time, without a larger self dedicated set of resources... one of them is going to suffer... and arguing against that FACT is just dumb.
get it now?
As for how I know? I worked in the games industry as a coder (so yes I was a DEV) on the games I worked on Feature lock was a MINIMUM of 3 months before gold we usually asked for it to be 6 months + because well we hate bugs.
Oh and your 'FACT' is bullshit btw once feature lock is on almost all your level devs and artists are out of work DLC lets you put those people to work when otherwise you'd fire them.
Post edited February 23, 2012 by wodmarach

Registered: Oct 2010
From Latvia
Posted February 29, 2012

Registered: Feb 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted February 29, 2012
Except thats bullshit the games complete just cause he doesn't want to get extras doesn't mean its unfinished *rolls eyes*

Moove on over.
Registered: Jan 2009
From United States
Posted February 29, 2012
You never stop your crusade, do you?

Registered: Oct 2010
From Latvia
Posted February 29, 2012

Why would I ever want to stop it against shitty and immoral business practices?
Post edited February 29, 2012 by Roman5

Moove on over.
Registered: Jan 2009
From United States

Registered: Oct 2010
From Latvia
Posted February 29, 2012
Yes, I get such a huge hard-on from all the "Dislikes" I get and people in denial trying to blindly justify Bioware and EA in this thread