bpops: Guys, it's just a list... All this talk about duplicates, games that aren't on PC, games that aren't old, etc. -- that's what the voting is for. Ridiculous games won't get votes, so it doesn't matter.
That's pretty much what I was trying to get at earlier as well, but everybody seems to want to come in and suggest 50 billion new features for the Wishlist.
I think they're all forgetting that this list is simply a
crude tool to use for the Gog team to get a
rough indication of what people want. It's not like we're voting for the presidential elections.
No doubt this post will not stop the silliness to follow: "ZOMG I found a duplicate!!! FIX IT GOG!1111" or "Can you make it so for each game in the list I can leave reviews, write summaries, cross reference with gamerankings.com, and send me an SMS if I try to vote for a game that I already own? I would also like to be able to customize the wording of the SMS, but if I have not specified a custom message the default SMS text should be 'lol. Can has cheezeburger?' Without this functionality, the Wishlist is useless Gog!!! Useless!"
Gog will become known the world over as the site with the best Wishlist in the world! (but no actual games).... I say we stop wasting their time with bs. suggestions and let them get on with the important stuff.