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Gvaz: It's really annoying that people are adding games that you could either get off Amazon for cheap, or steam for cheap, and have them run perfectly fine on xp/vista.
KnifeySpooney: and what if some people don't want to or cannot get it from steam or amazon? you probably don't know that, but amazon does not ship games to my country (and even if it would ship, i'd pay more for the international shipping costs than for the game). some people might prefer the DRM-free version from, don't rule that out.
Gvaz: Or brand new games. It's pointless really.

well, these will get older someday ;). but really, don't forget that all the ideas go through the democratic mechanism of voting. you can be pretty sure that ridiculous games won't get many votes.

Completely DRM free is absolutely essential to me. I would have no interest in GOG if it used DRM on its site or its products.
Jagji56: The thing is that STEAM's DRM is probably the least intrusive DRM at the moment. The only problem with it, is that if you get VAC banded, you loses all the games that you have with your account. I only get games off STEAM that Valve have made, as they own STEAM, and all there games, whether or not you get them retail, will get locked in to STEAM anyway.
Weclock: And you're wrong, I've been banned from VAC before, and the only thing I lost was the ability to play multiplayer for a couple of months.

That would be a temp Ban. I am talking a full VAC ban, which stops you from uesing your STEAM account.
Weclock: And you're wrong, I've been banned from VAC before, and the only thing I lost was the ability to play multiplayer for a couple of months.
Jagji56: That would be a temp Ban. I am talking a full VAC ban, which stops you from uesing your STEAM account.

Actually all a full VAC ban does is prevent you from playing multiplayer (and its actually decided by game engine and not account wide, for example you get VAC banned in CS: Source you can't play TF2, but you can play the original CS). You can still play all your single player games without any problems when VAC banned, they don't disable the entire account.
high rated
bpops: Guys, it's just a list... All this talk about duplicates, games that aren't on PC, games that aren't old, etc. -- that's what the voting is for. Ridiculous games won't get votes, so it doesn't matter.
eZainny: That's pretty much what I was trying to get at earlier as well, but everybody seems to want to come in and suggest 50 billion new features for the Wishlist.
I think they're all forgetting that this list is simply a crude tool to use for the Gog team to get a rough indication of what people want. It's not like we're voting for the presidential elections.
No doubt this post will not stop the silliness to follow: "ZOMG I found a duplicate!!! FIX IT GOG!1111" or "Can you make it so for each game in the list I can leave reviews, write summaries, cross reference with, and send me an SMS if I try to vote for a game that I already own? I would also like to be able to customize the wording of the SMS, but if I have not specified a custom message the default SMS text should be 'lol. Can has cheezeburger?' Without this functionality, the Wishlist is useless Gog!!! Useless!"
Gog will become known the world over as the site with the best Wishlist in the world! (but no actual games).... I say we stop wasting their time with bs. suggestions and let them get on with the important stuff.

I don't work for so I don't know if the Wishlist is a "Crude" tool or a planned, fully implemented, feature so that accurate assessment of games desired can be counted.
I also found the paragraph about "silliness" a tad unnecessary. If there a duplicates on the list, so be it. As it's been mentioned previously this has been improved so that less duplicates should appears. However the comment "Can you make it so for each game in the list I can leave reviews, write summaries, cross reference with, and send me an SMS if I try to vote for a game that I already own? I would also like to be able to customize the wording of the SMS, but if I have not specified a custom message the default SMS text should be 'lol. Can has cheezeburger?" is a deliberate attack at my comment that having some information regarding a game so that you can read through and vote on games that you think are good and worthwhile rather than just the games you've played. This site is a perfect oppurtunity to increase awareness of some classic games to a newer generation. Sure you could google every game but having some information there will fit in with the streamlined aethestic that has.
Oh and just because this site as a minimalistic visual does not mean that new features can't be added or improved or even the functionality changed completely. This post is so that people can discuss the new Wishlist - offer feedback, suggestions, compliments. The Site is in beta... That's what we're here for.
Gonna chime in here, that as I went through all 50+ pages of the wishlist, I *did* find myself going "Hmm, is that the game where etc" and instinctively clicked on the title thinking I'd get a brief description. When you've been gaming since the 80s like I have, you can't remember the name of every game you'd have liked to have tried but didn't ave the horsepower at the time.
Ok, the ideas:
- other sorting options (alphabetical at least, by votes would also be good)
- browse by genre
- if a game gets added to / is already in the store, rather than a vote link, it should have a store link to it!
-maybe an option to list more (like: 50?) games per page strictly on a personal preference?
Jagji56: So, with a few free games on the list, maybe GOG should have a Free Games section??

That would be nice.. sometimes it's hard to find a mirror with decent bandwidth, even it the game has been released for free. And then you have to hunt for manuals and patches. Maybe they could have a "free" games section where you pay $0.99 as a bandwidth tax to use their servers. They could waive the fee for people who have bought # games.
Just added a shed load of turn-based goodies for all you strategy grognards. Check them out you may have forgotten a few.
bpops: Guys, it's just a list... All this talk about duplicates, games that aren't on PC, games that aren't old, etc. -- that's what the voting is for. Ridiculous games won't get votes, so it doesn't matter.
eZainny: That's pretty much what I was trying to get at earlier as well, but everybody seems to want to come in and suggest 50 billion new features for the Wishlist.
I think they're all forgetting that this list is simply a crude tool to use for the Gog team to get a rough indication of what people want. It's not like we're voting for the presidential elections.
No doubt this post will not stop the silliness to follow: "ZOMG I found a duplicate!!! FIX IT GOG!1111" or "Can you make it so for each game in the list I can leave reviews, write summaries, cross reference with, and send me an SMS if I try to vote for a game that I already own? I would also like to be able to customize the wording of the SMS, but if I have not specified a custom message the default SMS text should be 'lol. Can has cheezeburger?' Without this functionality, the Wishlist is useless Gog!!! Useless!"
Gog will become known the world over as the site with the best Wishlist in the world! (but no actual games).... I say we stop wasting their time with bs. suggestions and let them get on with the important stuff.

This site is in beta: suggesting new features to be added or imporved is what we're here for. Whether they're silly or unneccessary is for the GOG people to judge, i think.
And while i'll admit that having the possibility to remove duplicates or games that clearly shouldn't be on the list, like very recent games, is not very important, being able to add more information to games is necessary in my opinion.
Considering how many games have already been added to the list in just a few days, it's quite likely that the list will be very long and include lots of games most people will never have heard of. That's why there should be options to sort the list in different ways and add other information to games, so that users can make an educated decision about which games to vote for.
Edit: to illustrate my point, i'll show you what i did when i first saw the wish list.
I first voted for those games in the top 10 i wanted to have available at GOG the most quickly.
Then i dug around in my collection of old game CDs, and voted for those i'd like to play again. I searched for most of them and found them, added a few.
But when i tried to read the whole list, there were many games i'd never heard of (either because they had different titles in the country where i live, or because they're obscure). What was i supposed to do about those games? Vote for them anyway? I'd really have liked to have more information about those.
And since i think that, however great the people at GOG may be, they aren't omniscient, more information about those obscure games might help them to get the right to sell them and thus to make a few more people really happy.
Post edited October 03, 2008 by mystral
Jagji56: That would be a temp Ban. I am talking a full VAC ban, which stops you from uesing your STEAM account.
Cabal: Actually all a full VAC ban does is prevent you from playing multiplayer (and its actually decided by game engine and not account wide, for example you get VAC banned in CS: Source you can't play TF2, but you can play the original CS). You can still play all your single player games without any problems when VAC banned, they don't disable the entire account.

Woops. My mistake. But, you get my point.
Ok, this is going to far. Duke Nukem Forever is on the list. IT HASTEN EVEN BEEN RELEASED YET!
mystral: But when i tried to read the whole list, there were many games i'd never heard of (either because they had different titles in the country where i live, or because they're obscure). What was i supposed to do about those games? Vote for them anyway? I'd really have liked to have more information about those.

You know, Google can give you most of that information.
Jagji56: Ok, this is going to far. Duke Nukem Forever is on the list. IT HASTEN EVEN BEEN RELEASED YET!

don't vote then, ignore it. that's what the wishlist is all about. you can demand any game you want and others vote on that if they find that game worth it. maybe someone suggested that for fun and others voted because they recalled the "duke nukem" name, without knowing it's a not released title...
really, there's nothing to be worried about. wont start selling spore tomorrow morning. duke nukem forever either :)
Post edited October 04, 2008 by KnifeySpooney
Jagji56: That would be a temp Ban. I am talking a full VAC ban, which stops you from uesing your STEAM account.
Cabal: Actually all a full VAC ban does is prevent you from playing multiplayer (and its actually decided by game engine and not account wide, for example you get VAC banned in CS: Source you can't play TF2, but you can play the original CS). You can still play all your single player games without any problems when VAC banned, they don't disable the entire account.

Sorry.. VAC bans (with the use of VAC2) are permanant. Even then, the original VAC bans were one year, or five years.
The ban only stops you from playing on "VAC Secured Servers", so you are more than welcome to still play Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike: Source, or Deathmatch. The only thing is that you'll be forced to play on "unsecured" servers, opening you up to a whole new variety of people. Other cheaters.
this is brill!