Reever: Well, it does seem much like Minecraft for me, but that comes from being...voxel based? (although there are other games which don't look so cube-y).
Petrell: Like [url= ]Outcast[/url] here at! ;-p So vexels are nothing new. Minecraft just showed that they have potential, at least in indie front. And thanks to that there are dozens now voxel based games in development.
Reever: I don't know if I'll ever play this. Minecraft didn't draw me in and even if this game should have some decent quests/story, I guess the graphics would kill it for me.
Petrell: From youtube videos:
Graphics are not bad, and world generation is way better and varied than in minecraft as are creatures that inhabit it. There are plenty of giant ass bosses (can even wreck terrain) as well as smaller ones.
Only quest availabe, for now, is defeating bosses (rulers of certain areas) but Procedural Quests as well as Background Story are planned among other things (from game homepage).
You should check
Cube World homepage to see all existing and planned features.
shane-o: Even though it's block based, there are no edges [grid] between blocks. The landscape kinda looks like plastic or some sort of plasticine. It's pleasant on the eyes and cute as hell
Petrell: Damn ninja, you ;-p. The look is probably due to Cube World just recoloring the blocks/voxels instead of using textures like in minecraft so there's no seams to show.
Thanks for the reply! Didn't know about Outcast (although I've bought it), but I thought about
I'll certainly keep an eye on this game.