It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

We would like to inform you that, due to our storage and CDN provider's outage, we are encountering technical issues that may cause difficulties in downloading and updating your games both through the GOG GALAXY client and GOG Store. Already downloaded files are in no way affected.

We are trying to mitigate this external problem by switching to our secondary storage while our provider is restoring data. We would also like to highlight that those issues do not affect purchasing games. Currently available discounts on selected titles will not be extended due to the above.

It is our team's top priority to resolve those issues and we aim to resolve them as fast as possible. Apologies for any inconveniences caused.
tag+: A context that they are underestimating the current outage/service_disruption
and their highly suspicious move of removing the warning banner
from the store and keep it on
In other words, they know the issue is still there!


And European citizens, one more time:
Please contact your Dispute resolution bodies. Ask for assistance!
Syphon72: Maybe you are just overreacting? GOG never said the issue was fully fixed. I'm positive they know the problem is till ongoing.

Edit: I agree everyone should make support ticket.
CMiq: Looks like relies on the same CDN provider as GOG, at least here in Europe?
Currently completely down, with just "503 Service Unavailable" greeting you when trying to bring it up.
Syphon72: How big is this provider in the EU?
Please read my post again. Where (quoting myself):
A context that they are underestimating the current outage/service_disruption

becomes, (quoting you):
GOG never said the issue was fully fixed

?? IMO, A misunderstanding on your side

Or is about my suspicious qualifier?
I'm providing nothing else than evidence...
Its up to you to forge your own opinion

Good you agree about raising tickets,
this outage/service_disruption is URGENT and nothing else
Syphon72: Maybe you are just overreacting? GOG never said the issue was fully fixed. I'm positive they know the problem is till ongoing.

Edit: I agree everyone should make support ticket.

How big is this provider in the EU?
tag+: Please read my post again. Where (quoting myself):
A context that they are underestimating the current outage/service_disruption

becomes, (quoting you):
GOG never said the issue was fully fixed

?? IMO, A misunderstanding on your side

Or is about my suspicious qualifier?
I'm providing nothing else than evidence...
Its up to you to forge your own opinion

Good you agree about raising tickets,
this outage/service_disruption is URGENT and nothing else
You know exactly what I was talking about. But keep being you.
tag+: Please read my post again. Where (quoting myself):
A context that they are underestimating the current outage/service_disruption

becomes, (quoting you):
GOG never said the issue was fully fixed

?? IMO, A misunderstanding on your side

Or is about my suspicious qualifier?
I'm providing nothing else than evidence...
Its up to you to forge your own opinion

Good you agree about raising tickets,
this outage/service_disruption is URGENT and nothing else
Syphon72: You know exactly what I was talking about. But keep being you.
No, I do-not-know. And I do not:
-read minds
-like riddles

So, in order to conversate with me,
you will need to speak your mind

If it is about overreacting. Do I? Sure, I do!!!
To me, an outage/service_disruption
without a clear recovery plan,
lesser a communication of Estimated Time of Recovery
PERFECTLY FITS as one of the multiple overreaction triggers
in my world

NOW, just to compare how different/similar are yours and my mind
let me ask you: What does make you to overreact?
Does this situation qualifies for you?
Everybody has their reasons for overreacting:
One of our humanity aspects...

If you sincerely want to calm me down,
please provide evidence this outage/service_disruption
is being worked responsibly, timely and as urgent priority
Where is the Community Management Specialist
or any GOG employee sharing any update, by the way?
(Hint: You may help them using the sleeping time excuse)
tag+: Where is the Community Management Specialist
or any GOG employee sharing any update, by the way?
Where is the product director, for that matter?
Its really reassuring to know GOG has no backup plans for this sort of thing.
Syphon72: You know exactly what I was talking about. But keep being you.
tag+: No, I do-not-know. And I do not:
-read minds
-like riddles

So, in order to conversate with me,
you will need to speak your mind

If it is about overreacting. Do I? Sure, I do!!!
To me, an outage/service_disruption
without a clear recovery plan,
lesser a communication of Estimated Time of Recovery
PERFECTLY FITS as one of the multiple overreaction triggers
in my world

NOW, just to compare how different/similar are yours and my mind
let me ask you: What does make you to overreact?
Does this situation qualifies for you?
Everybody has their reasons for overreacting:
One of our humanity aspects...

If you sincerely want to calm me down,
please provide evidence this outage/service_disruption
is being worked responsibly, timely and as urgent priority
Where is the Community Management Specialist
or any GOG employee sharing any update, by the way?
(Hint: You may help them using the sleeping time excuse)
So is this how you handle eveythign that happens? We got update 18 hours ago on what was going on. There still working on the issue. We have news posts about the issue and warming on the support page. I will agree removing the front page message was dumb.

Are you expecting an update every hour? Maybe a live stream to prove they're working on it? Sure, GOG is slow as shit, but the issue will probably be fixed soon, and you will still be overreacting, saying how suspicious GOG is to you. Let's face it no matter what GOG does; you will find a reason to complain.

If this issue was going on for a week or more, I'm all for you complaining and yelling at GOG.

This should be reminded to back up all our games. I do backup monthly.

Anyways have a good night tag+. Maybe get some gaming done tonight.
JaxiiRuff: Its really reassuring to know GOG has no backup plans for this sort of thing.
Maybe this kick in the ass will make sure the have one now, or was the server company supposed to have a backup plan?
Post edited July 23, 2023 by Syphon72
tag+: If you sincerely want to calm me down,
please provide evidence this outage/service_disruption
is being worked responsibly, timely and as urgent priority
Where is the Community Management Specialist
or any GOG employee sharing any update, by the way?
(Hint: You may help them using the sleeping time excuse)
i don't see the point asking to another user to provide evidences.... since we have mostly no informations (weekend and a recurring problem from GOG)

i paid products there like you, yes it's annoying to say the least but any digital service may encounter outage (restoration depends on many things.). Nothing is perfect even the best plan. And yes GOG has many flaws but never encounter this kind of issue in 12 years.

as far i understood : gog got issues with their own infrastructure (storage) and with one or many companies they use for large storage. -> again my english understanding could have fooled me.

if informations in this thread are still valid : one of them is mentioned . No idea if it's the one which got an outage though.

best advice is writing a ticket to the support for information if not already done. Good luck with the bot ...
Post edited July 23, 2023 by DyNaer
Is there some sort of estimated time of resolution for this problem? Been using GOG for many years and this is the first time ive encountered such an issue...
Niggles: Is there some sort of estimated time of resolution for this problem? Been using GOG for many years and this is the first time ive encountered such an issue...
Same. Never seen these problems before.

I hope they give us an ETA for the full fix once they know.
tag+: No, I do-not-know. And I do not:
-read minds
-like riddles

So, in order to conversate with me,
you will need to speak your mind

If it is about overreacting. Do I? Sure, I do!!!
To me, an outage/service_disruption
without a clear recovery plan,
lesser a communication of Estimated Time of Recovery
PERFECTLY FITS as one of the multiple overreaction triggers
in my world

NOW, just to compare how different/similar are yours and my mind
let me ask you: What does make you to overreact?
Does this situation qualifies for you?
Everybody has their reasons for overreacting:
One of our humanity aspects...

If you sincerely want to calm me down,
please provide evidence this outage/service_disruption
is being worked responsibly, timely and as urgent priority
Where is the Community Management Specialist
or any GOG employee sharing any update, by the way?
(Hint: You may help them using the sleeping time excuse)
Syphon72: So is this how you handle eveythign that happens? We got update 18 hours ago on what was going on. There still working on the issue. We have news posts about the issue and warming on the support page. I will agree removing the front page message was dumb.

Are you expecting an update every hour? Maybe a live stream to prove they're working on it? Sure, GOG is slow as shit, but the issue will probably be fixed soon, and you will still be overreacting, saying how suspicious GOG is to you. Let's face it no matter what GOG does; you will find a reason to complain.

If this issue was going on for a week or more, I'm all for you complaining and yelling at GOG.

This should be reminded to back up all our games. I do backup monthly.

Anyways have a good night tag+. Maybe get some gaming done tonight.
JaxiiRuff: Its really reassuring to know GOG has no backup plans for this sort of thing.
Syphon72: Maybe this kick in the ass will make sure the have one now, or was the server company supposed to have a backup plan?
-"So is this how you handle eveythign that happens?"
Can I call you a reductionist in extreme?
You love to jump from A to T in one leap
putting those actions under my name
Evidence: My question on Post552 that you conveniently ignored

-update every hour?
Why not?! I can gladly hear your counter argument
(By the way, How long does it take to write a post like this?:
No update, same status
Estimated Time of Completion remains the same: XXXX)
[15-20 words, 5-7 punctuation marks]

-"Maybe a live stream to prove they're working on it?"
Not a bad idea! However, you are being sarcastic
and I am not looking for a surveillance action,
(nor I am entitled for that under any circumstance)
I am looking for STATUS UPDATE
Both are pretty damn different (Solve it by youself if you cant)

-"GOG is slow as shit, but the issue will probably be fixed soon"
Ohhh #1! Is that a "soon" as in "soon by GOG"??!! wink-wink-handshake-fist_bump-wink
YES, me returning the sarcasm to you

-"and you will still be overreacting, saying how suspicious GOG is to you. Let's face it no matter what GOG does; you will find a reason to complain."
Ohhh #2! A mind reader! Pleased to meet you!!
or the reductionist in extreme in action? (A g a i n)

-"I'm all for you complaining and yelling at GOG."
Wrong, I am doing something else
Go back and read all my posts,
including the conveniently locked thread
A huge curiosity of mine: How do you determine I am yelling??
The occasional uppercase words? Lazyness to use bold instead
and a separate emphasis method,
bold is not enough to me and the italics/underline styles
for some reason break shamefully. Go back to a post of mine above,
italics did not happen correctly
Include the fact I love to not edit my posts

-"This should be reminded to back up all our games. I do backup monthly."
I dont. I know, a very bad habit
Let me tell you:
In my mind I dont buy workload, I buy entertainment
Kudos & all my respect to you & the forum members
that backup timely & consistently
I do not: A significative number of vgames I purchased
disapointed me: For no reason I am worried enough to
invest time-money-&-effort preserving them
While Yes, some of the proven gems are already under my arm
and other gems not yet...
So, I am not fully alone with the hands empty
but not fully covered either

BUT ANYWAY: Backing up vgames or not is not an excuse
by any ways to the current outage/service_disruption
Nowhere on the contract it states the offline installers
can kaput without any prior notification
nor any responsibility to GOG
A final question for your thought:
How many times has GOG borrowed you vgames
under the benefit of "nah... pay it later, when you want"?
Some things are unexcusable in the provider-customer relation. Period

-"good night tag+"
Sure, the same


tag+: If you sincerely want to calm me down,
please provide evidence this outage/service_disruption
is being worked responsibly, timely and as urgent priority
Where is the Community Management Specialist
or any GOG employee sharing any update, by the way?
(Hint: You may help them using the sleeping time excuse)
DyNaer: i don't see the point asking to another user to provide evidences.... since we have mostly no informations (weekend and a recurring problem from GOG)

i paid products there like you, yes it's annoying to say the least but any digital service may encounter outage (restoration depends on many things.). Nothing is perfect even the best plan. And yes GOG has many flaws but never encounter this kind of issue in 12 years.

as far i understood : gog got issues with their own infrastructure (storage) and with one or many companies they use for large storage. -> again my english understanding could have fooled me.

if informations in this thread are still valid : one of them is mentioned . No idea if it's the one which got an outage though.

best advice is writing a ticket to the support for information if not already done. Good luck with the bot ...
Hehe, you are totally right and I agree!
I keep my Machiavellian reasons to myself :)

About the tickets, yes I have raised 4 so far
(Even way before this ,,official,, stunt was created):

20Jul2023 Request #1536265 - Can not download the offline installer
20Jul2023 Request #1536275 - Request #1536265 closed immeditely after creation
22Jul2023 Request #1537182 - Re: Can not download the offline installer
22Jul2023 Request #1537192 - Re: Can not download the offline installer

In summary:
-I am pissed of (aka "overreacting)? YES
-Am I proactively doing something
to have this outage/service_disruption
besides just comfortably posting here my complains?
YES (unless someone points something else I can do or missing)

I do really hope this fcking situation gets solved ASAP
in benefit of ALL OF US, CUSTOMERS

Thanks for your honest opinion and concern. I appreciate it
Peace! :)
matterbandit: I hired a couple of kittens to assist you... ;)
Their assistance is both effective and appreciated.

Hard to resist that much cute and humor combined. The overused-to-the-point-of-meaninglessness Laughing Out Loud actually applies in this case. Thanks.
tag+: Where is the Community Management Specialist
or any GOG employee sharing any update, by the way?
Darvond: Where is the product director, for that matter?
Hey Darvond, sorry to skip your post until the last
but my others replies were lenghy

Good catch!
Now I am affraid all the incompetence
will be charged to the tab of the absent position...

On the other hand, driven by curiosity:
-Gugle says 43000 PLN ~ 10700 USD
-Quora 3yr ago:
"According to polish statistical bureau common salary is 5164 pln brutto per month"
& "10,000 PLN in Poland is roughly similar to being paid 3,000 GBP per month in the UK"

I want to believe the 43K are monthly... not a bad salary

-Any idea about the tax cut axed there? The regular 1/3rd gone like in USA/MX?
-Research life costs
-Research the true war impact there

I got some distraction with your link. Thanks :)
Given the timing of the download issue, reassurance that some sort of hack or attempted intrusion hasn't taken place would be appreciated.

I mean, sometimes, yeah, RAIDs just go down when they choose to go down. But if you want to do something nefarious to a workplace and extend your chances that it doesn't get noticed or acted upon for the greatest length of time, timing it for the weekend seems the obvious way to go.
This sucks. I just bought some of the old Jagged Alliance games and I can't download my game favorite game of the series "Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games"

They need to fix this.
So, let me get this straight... the staff is taking the weekend break while their store burns in an unprecedented way?
How bloody unprofessional is that? Do you like hemorraging money and stain your reputation?