It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

We would like to inform you that, due to our storage and CDN provider's outage, we are encountering technical issues that may cause difficulties in downloading and updating your games both through the GOG GALAXY client and GOG Store. Already downloaded files are in no way affected.

We are trying to mitigate this external problem by switching to our secondary storage while our provider is restoring data. We would also like to highlight that those issues do not affect purchasing games. Currently available discounts on selected titles will not be extended due to the above.

It is our team's top priority to resolve those issues and we aim to resolve them as fast as possible. Apologies for any inconveniences caused.
I was finally able to finish the download of Divinity: OS 2.

Thank you GOG employees for your work on the weekend!

Edit: Now I only need access to my cloud saves again. Then I'll be happy.
Post edited July 23, 2023 by DankRafft
I am still unable to download any of the games I bought on Friday, and I've gone through my library and found at least one other game that I had acquired in the past that I am unable to download.
Tzelanit: Not being able to access the DRM-free games that I paid for due to a third party feels an awful lot like not being able to access the games that I paid for due to DRM.
Until the files are in your hands, they're not yours. But frankly this is no different from buying DVD at a store and coming home to find that it's empty. It's not a DRM issue, it's a merchant issue. To be fair, they're aware of the problem and promise to fix it, so we'll see. I believe they'll fix it. If they don't, I'll have to refund the games I just bought, though, because there's no point in me buying games that I cannot access.
Post edited July 23, 2023 by Mailanka
may I ask?
Batman Arkham Knight is not a priority downloadable game like, let's say Cyberpunk, right?
To get all beloved games for PS5 is also an option, I do understand that.
Having hoped for to get some chillout time this weekend with some Batass Batman gameplay; turns out I'm still hoping to play this game maybe before Xmas this year?

So I get it for PS4. And a GOG refund?
Decisions, decisions …

It's not that I don't have any games here or just giveaway games.And sure there are some that may have the entire GOG portfolio. I started getting GOG as prefered gaming platform, because it is DRM free. Finally no more Steam/Epic DRM prison. To be honest, my interest playing Batman Arkham Knight is dropping by the hour.
Enebias: So, let me get this straight... the staff is taking the weekend break while their store burns in an unprecedented way?
How bloody unprofessional is that? Do you like hemorraging money and stain your reputation?
That's professional and even legally required - the government and mental health services don't want bad employers affecting their employees' health.

However, removing the warning banner from the checkout page and then going on a break isn't professional at all.
Some of you are blowing this out of proportion, seriously. Weekends are for relaxation, people aren't robots, you can't work 24/7. Give tech next week to fix this.

But I agree with octalot regarding the removal of the info banner.
Thanks a lot for hard work.

Please use the "verify/repair" on stuck games .
I have some issue with Witcher 3 it was failing, after verify/repair it works.

I can confirm new game installation works !

Happy Sunday Team !
NuffCatnip: Some of you are blowing this out of proportion, seriously. Weekends are for relaxation, people aren't robots, you can't work 24/7. Give tech next week to fix this.
Hah, the thipical moralist comment.
Syphon72: GOG should have staff working on the weekend to solve this issue. At least, that's what any normal company would do.
Enebias: So, let me get this straight... the staff is taking the weekend break while their store burns in an unprecedented way?
How bloody unprofessional is that? Do you like hemorraging money and stain your reputation?
Its an area where I'm a bit more sympathetic to their situation.

One of the projects I'm working on is a very important service (precision medicine for doctors in hospitals) and if that is ever down, I'll have to work whenever I have to work to fix it, though the 2 other projects (for research, but not clinical) I operate on aren't and I wouldn't work weekends over them (I might in some cases anyways because of sheer pride if I feel an outage is my fault, but I don't consider it an obligation).

Selling games is not an essential service (though I'm sure some shops like Steam are treating it as such, way more than GOG which is why I think the only hope GOG has is if they go for something Steam doesn't have) and I'm of the personal opinion that people shouldn't have to work weekends for it. Some people have families to attend to and that matters more than games.

However, just because you're not working on an essential service and you shouldn't have to work weekends over it doesn't mean you shouldn't take pride in doing your work well.

Massive outages needing manual interventions should be rare and for the most part, I believe they are so not really much complain here.

However, the following common situations reek of neglect and are downright unprofessional for me:
- Links to some installers in the browser that are perpetually broken (they don't auto-fix and GOG staff doesn't proactively fixes them, they have to be reported by GOG's user-base)
- A support bot that is so obstuse that legitimate support requests in the case above become a royal pain in the neck to make
- Offline installers that are obviously faulty, if the intent is to play the game offline, in ways that even an hour of playing the game would have made it obvious (either they didn't do that or they did, but chose not to disclose anything about it to their userbase)
- That in order to reliably backup a sizeable (several hundreds, possibly thousands) collection of offline installer on GOG's store (something that is obviously desirable for everyone given what GOG's users tend to want and given that GOG hopefully wants to sell a lot of games to each of its user), you have to depend on third-party tools which in turn have to depend on unofficial api documentation and let's not even talk about how god awful the api is for the purpose of backing up your installers (generating a manifest for all your games with all the files and checkums takes over an hour... why????).

GOG needs to take more pride in its original mission statement (to provide a drm-free games sales service to its users), because right now, I feel like they really don't and what's left if they forgo their original mission statement is impending doom in the face of competition with far more resources than they have.
Post edited July 23, 2023 by Magnitus
… let's hope GOG gets their act together.

And Steam should stop laughing about it, otherwise we could think it was sabotage.
just laughing …
DVDL2019: … let's hope GOG gets their act together.

And Steam should stop laughing about it, otherwise we could think it was sabotage.
just laughing …
Steam is laughing about it? Where I can see that?
NuffCatnip: Some of you are blowing this out of proportion, seriously. Weekends are for relaxation, people aren't robots, you can't work 24/7. Give tech next week to fix this.

But I agree with octalot regarding the removal of the info banner.
In normal conditions, I'd 100% agree... but this situation is of a getting-out-of-business-tier gravity. You can't get any worse than not being able to access your products, this will alienate the cutomer base and leave them with massive losses and a huge stain to an already tarnished reputation.
Combined with contant spamming every weekend for the last 5 years, not fixed.
Combined with a broken website, not fixed since 2008 (it actually got progressively worse).
Combined with a non-existent customer service that at best offers refunds rather than any kind of constructive solution (this was definitely NOT the case up to 2015).
Combined with a sneaky "don't tell and let's hope they don't notice" attiude, treating cutomers like idiots in way too many instances.

Maybe they don't understand that if they don't get their shit together and start working to fix and improve this wreck of a store, they won't have a job to return to after one of these weekends.
I 100% blame the administration, btw, workers do what they're told to... in this instance, I think it's time to make some overtime and retribute it decently, maybe with significant bonuses if they finally manage to give this place a standard of decency.
Post edited July 23, 2023 by Enebias
paladin181: Good! There's nothing shady about the store, but the spam and advertising is against the rules, and should definitely be removed!.
Actually it's bad. The problem are the rules itself. There were times GOG was the best DRM-free game store, no doubt. And they did not need such rules. I don't mind removing plain advertising, but restricting free information flow and transparency instead of solving problems is the wrong way to go. It might help you in the short term to look better in your own bubble, but in the long term it's recipe to die, not only in the gaming industry.
Post edited July 23, 2023 by eiii
P.S. I have about 1000 games here (although many are duplicates, bonus goodies, demos and such, still I think I'd get to 800), so allow me to worry about the state of the store.
Download offline installers is all fine and good, but I'd rather have the business run so I get updates and online multiplayer funcionalities when present.
I'm sorry if I'm getting it wrong but GOG is a game providing company.
Earns money by selling games. Earns money by us playing, buying, downloading.
They are based, among others, upon the idea to provide us with the chance to let off steam.
User's happyness is GOG's financial growth.
Sadness is the opposit as we could read in a lot of posts.
A lot of gamers are working people. Only weekends do we have time to let off that steam.
Do we love GOG?
Wouldn't be here.

So I personally think, in a sudden trouble like this, GOG should have stuff working on this weekend.
They are as much interested in this as we are.
They are not a shop selling clothes and if they are closed for the weekend then I just say: "Okay! I can come back monday!"

Or do they depend on our addiction?
"Oh, there might be a little rebellion but they eventually will come back."

And discount times will not be extended? I cannot play with the thing I just bought and it is beacauseof the provider's technical issues. What else would be a good reason to extend the discounts?

No offence ment. Just my thoughts.
paladin181: Good! There's nothing shady about the store, but the spam and advertising is against the rules, and should definitely be removed!.
eiii: Actually it's bad. The problem are the rules itself. There were times GOG was the best DRM-free game store, no doubt. And they did not need such rules. I don't mind removing plain advertising, but restricting free information flow and transparency instead of solving problems is the wrong way to go. It might help you in the short term to look better in your own bubble, but in the long term it's recipe to die, not only in the gaming industry.
I agree. The "pretend there are no other game stores out there" rule has always stuck me as both idiotic and desperate. And something unimaginable years ago. I'm not even sure how that rule works. Am I going to be banned only for "advertising" a store (so, saying anything good about it), or even for just mentioning a name? Or just for implying its existence?

Any way, it's just sad.