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Post edited April 26, 2020 by francksteel
low rated
Dray2k: Nobody cares about this thread anymore, I just have some more news regarding noteable situations in Germany, Israel and France.
Imo you are right...people aren't that interested in the thread.....but that's likely more due to over modding on GOG & the inability to post about much without being modded on the topic at hand(cannot post much opinions on various actions or have a discussion much on such with others without it possibly being edited/deleted/thread locked/etc) & also probably a bit due to some people avoiding threads started by me in general.

But that is going offtopic, I think.....

Btw I THANK YOU for contributing regardless, and adding some useful info to boot from time to time. *tips hat*

Dray2k: What is interesting regarding this short podcast is that they haven't conducted the same test in every household. The real number of infected people (and the mortality rate) may be even lower. This means that the "real number of infected people" compared to the "statiscially verified number of dead people" is pretty close to the number we do in countries such as Island (almost 1800 infected, with 8 people dead) and New Zealand, or in those villages in China where the mortality rate was exceptionally low (and where the whole village was tested). A similar study was also conducted in Israel, and the results almost align greatly if compared the Heinsberg study. The plot thickens.
I heard this....that supposedly(according to some studies by medical experts) the virus mortality rate may actually be under 0.2%, and the hospitalization rate MIGHT be lower as well(percentages of overall cases when put side by side with numbers of likely asymptomatic cases).

If true, then we may be a lot better off than we thought(here's hoping it is true).
what kind of mask should i get?
low rated
Dray2k: Let me repeat myself in different terms to be as clear as I can, restricting human contact to 1.5 meters or about 5 feet and working in spaces with proper ventilation completely makes the virus infection rate alone drop to r(0.9). You potentially can even have a human to human conversation with an infected person who is as close as 1 meter (or about 3 feet) in open space and not get infected for 15 minutes while risking a 15% (or very high) infection rate. With a gap of at least 1.5 meters while being outside its impossible to get infected regardless, at least according to the general R(n) projections.

EDIT: I wanted to write several other important things, such as this but then the post would be three times as long. Huge indication that herd immunity may work regardless of what the WHO said (because they don't conduct studies, they've only listened to 3 countries.) If what they say was the case, then people who survived COVID-19 would die due to sudden reinfection at all times because families relapse worldwide and reinfect each other again and again ad infinitum and such info would spread a whole lot. This has not happened. Its also known that SARS-CoV-2, while mutating, does so slowly for both good and bad reasons.
This(and this entire post of yours) is also very good news/info....will add it to the OP post.

Also it is good to hear that such extreme measures might not be needed(though people in all stations and walks of life will likely still worry not enough is being done due to human nature) and that asymptomatic cases-mild cases seem to be higher(and thus the mortality/hospitalization rates much lower).

Orkhepaj: what kind of mask should i get?
Joke reply: Bane mask, because it looks cool.

Serious reply: Since the masks are more to protect others from us infecting them, any good piece of cloth that covers that nose and mouth & can remain on the face even without being held in place should suffice.
Post edited April 23, 2020 by GameRager
low rated
Hello all, what is everyone doing during all this? I and my family are trying to stay healthy and well, despite all the panic and worry spreading across the world.
Post edited April 23, 2020 by GymHenson
low rated
First off, welcome new user above....that said:

To all: Added more stuff to the quicktopics for the 2 people reading it(as always take it all with a grain of salt and be prepared for some NSFW stuff[mostly swearing] when perusing it).

Also I will be adding any borderline replies/posts to the quicktopics as well to prevent getting future "vacations", so look there if you want to see my full unfiltered take on this(when I add it from time to time) and see which way I lean(if anyone is curious), and also feel free to add anything else that might not be allowed here as well.

Addition: Now disregarding the fact that most test take more time than one has to spend on dental visits(unless they plan on making people come back the next day or so), imo this is not try forcing testing for this on anyone just to be able to frequent such establishments(even dentists).

I DO support them getting proper protective gear(and funding for such if needed), though.

Second addition: (Link is to a chan video, but it is SFW and a direct link, bypassing the threads/other posts)

(Also as per the above: it's not just this one city....other areas across the US are experiencing this as well, such as Vegas and others)
Post edited April 23, 2020 by GameRager
low rated

Please also erase quote of my posts.
Post edited April 26, 2020 by francksteel
Japan chiming in.

More stores are closing, but since it's a voluntary lockdown some stores have stayed open.
Extremely short sighted by those companies opting to stay open.

Also I guess some people still think it doesn't affect under 50s, so people still out n about. Less than usual overall, but with schools closed paired with arrogance/misinformed, youngins seem carefree.

Govt. issued masks apparently suck ass, surprise surprise.

10k yen (~$100?) per person inbound. I think the old 30k per household was going to take way too long logistically to actually help people ASAP. Also Japan is slow as fuck with paperwork anyways.

Worst is yet to come though. Hospitals are beginning to fill up, people being rejected becoming more common, and Golden Week is coming up. I'm assuming some people will travel during Golden Week, spreading this shit.
If that wasn't bad enough the day of/after Golden Week ends, school is supposed to start again. Fucking lol.

At least there's nobody protesting lockdowns and burning phone towers here....yet.
francksteel: Way less people infected in France than hoped (in english) :
Hehe, fascinating choice of word! Since when did people "hope" for higher infection/death rates? I always thought it was better to hope for the best, but prepare for the worst :)
Post edited April 24, 2020 by sanscript
low rated
francksteel: Way less people infected in France than hoped (in english) :
sanscript: Hehe, fascinating choice of word! Since when did people "hope" for higher infection/death rates? I always thought it was better to hope for the best, but prepare for the worst :)
Some people just want to ruin the world. Those hope everything to be shittier.
Am sure Francksteel meant estimated:)
low rated

Please also erase quote of my posts.
Post edited April 26, 2020 by francksteel
My apologies, now understand what you meant.
low rated
As you said there, the study needs to be verified and is atm inconclusive as is....I am holding out hope they will find it(Remdevisir) to be still somewhat effective for some(crosses fingers).

francksteel: HCQ more dangerous than useful (at least when used late, as you know, I also doubt it's useful used early):
Likely anecdotal, but didn't Tom Hanks or his wife use it and recover?

Also MANY drugs and treatments are dangerous if implemented the wrong way.....ever see what chemotherapy patients get?

francksteel: Way less people infected in France than hoped (in english) :
And MANY other experts are saying now that MANY MORE than we think are already infected, and the mortality rates are even lower than we think(I will be posting an expert source on this along with a video in a bit).


pkk234: More stores are closing, but since it's a voluntary lockdown some stores have stayed open.
Extremely short sighted by those companies opting to stay open.
Well businesses need to be open so employees can work and not need to rely on handouts(food/money).

Also some studies(iirc) have shown that such lockdowns very likely only mitigate the amount of deaths by a negligible amount, and than social distancing/masks/etc do enough on their own.

pkk234: Also I guess some people still think it doesn't affect under 50s, so people still out n about. Less than usual overall, but with schools closed paired with arrogance/misinformed, youngins seem carefree.
Well it does affect those under 50, but a very small percentage of them end up needing medical treatment usually due to the illness(I think around 80% or more of all hospitalizations are those over 50).

(This is partially why I think we should isolate the elderly and the vulnerable for a month or more, and not everyone)
Post edited April 25, 2020 by GameRager
low rated
sanscript: Hehe, fascinating choice of word! Since when did people "hope" for higher infection/death rates? I always thought it was better to hope for the best, but prepare for the worst :)
If more people have had this and not gotten sick(or recovered/as the studies are starting to hint at), then the illness might be less deadly overall.

To all...some possibly GOOD NEWS: Doctors in Bakersfield show that(if their testing and research is accurate) the mortality rate for this might be much lower than thought(around 0.03% or so).
Post edited April 25, 2020 by GameRager